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India overtaking Pakistan in Iran ties: Journalist

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India's relationship with Iran top is based on 'convenience'. It pulled out of IPI, voted against Iran at a crucial time at the UN and also refused to buy Iranian oil at a critical time.

Pakistan supported Iran all the way through, withstanding the pressure from our bully ally.

If you are an ally.. it doesn't mean you are bound to mutually agree with each other on anything & everything. There will be cases where India might not agree with Iran & vice versa. I'm sure..even Iran may not agree with part of Indian foreign policy with respect to Arab countries & Israel. But Iran being a responsible & mature nation understands the fact that one's own national interest is paramount.
I am not gonna talk about this anymore ...

From helping Iranian "sensitive" program, to not voting against Iran in UN which your new found friends did, to keeping the IP pipeline project alive, whilor your new found friends pulled out of due to US pressure, yes we have been trying to make enemies out of you. The thing is, it's your country, do whatever you want...

Iranians say ISI is supporting Baloch separatists. But I don't understand as Pakistan would have much more to lose in that case, as majority of Balochistan is in Pakistan...

It's all made up story to justify their realpolitik. Yeah Sure, we will support baloch separatists, so that they can screw us up...
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This is what Pakistanis get by electing Saudi puppets as their leaders.

We will elect whoever we want, we don't give a flying crap what you think. As I said it's your country do whatever you want but don't ever dare to interfere in our internal matters...
* Jaish al Adl is an Iran based group, that infiltrates into Pakistan. There can be a mutual border security agreement to beat the terrorists.
I am not sure how you are made a moderator, you lack any depth or knowledge.
Nr. 1 As long you Pakistanis keep lying about the movement of armed terrorists within your borders and give yourself false sense of security and strength you will continue seeing the suicide and bomb attacks in your country.

Nr.2 Iran has a strong central government that excercises utmost influence through all of its territories. For example, PJAK (offshoot of PKK) which is more stronger,financed and bigger then Jaish Adl was forced to retreat from Iranian territory and suffered massive military defeats at the hands of superiour firepower of IRGC and army forces.

2011 Iran–Iraq cross-border raids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Result Iranian Victory
  • All areas inside Iran cleared of PJAK fighters[3]
  • PJAK operational commander Majid Kavian killed.[1]

Nr.3 If such a more powerful group then Jaish Adl is being smacked on the head and forced to retreat then how on earth is it possible for a more tiny and less powerful terrorist group to freely move around Iranian territories ? i give you the answer : Jaish Adl sneaks into Iranian border crossings at nights or at times where these terrorists are the best in. When they commit their terrorist acts they quickly race into the Pakistani territory where the Iranian forces cant chase them due to International border treaties.

Nr.4 Advice to you and your brothers : Man up and accept your faults otherwise you will be in this mess for a long long time.
Iranians say ISI is supporting Baloch separatists. But I don't understand as Pakistan would have much more to lose in that case, as majority of Balochistan is in Pakistan...

Greedy Pakistanis wanting Iranian land :disagree:

J/K :partay:
Iran-Pakistan relations are inherently unstable and built on a pack of cards seeing that one is a Shia dominated country and the other Sunni. The relationship is artificial and can never stand the test of time. They are at opposite poles.
Neither Russia, nor China, are pumping billions of dollars directly into the Israeli military machine.

why would they??? both of them already have well established military industry back home which India as of now seriously lacks and in order to catch with other big ones fast in terms of both military capability and to establish reliable military industry in India we need high technology military products as well as technical know how which only two or three countries are capable and have been willing to provide which includes Israel.
New found friends, who do you mean by that ? if you mean India then you are dead wrong. Iran-India relations were existant 3000 years before Pakistan got created.

Kiddo, your country is a mess, thousands of terrorists swarming within your territories, and a failed state that is unable to secure its borders. No one is making fun of your country but stating the obvious.
Fix your country first before barking.

New friend old friend we dont care...

We will fix our "failed state" or do whatever the hell we want but we don't need your advice... Now go play... As for barking that seems to be your favourite pass time... We don't care about your internal matters but you seem to be overly concerned about ours...
New friend old friend we dont care...

We will fix our "failed state" or do whatever the hell we want but we don't need your advice... Now go play... As for barking that seems to be your favourite pass time... We don't care about your internal matters but you seem to be overly concerned about ours...
We wouldnt give a f#ck if you were thousands of miles apart from us(which we prefer) but unfortunately you are our neighbours and we are forced to live next door to you, and any developments inside your country can affect us aswel so that is why we pay close attention.
We wouldnt give a f#ck if you were thousands of miles apart from us(which we prefer) but unfortunately you are our neighbours and we are forced to live next door to you, and any developments inside your country can affect us aswel so that is why we pay close attention.

**yawn** whatever...
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