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India overtaking Pakistan in Iran ties: Journalist

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You guys making new enemies instead of friends !!!

Congratulations ! :coffee:

We have no intentions of Making NEW enemies but sure if you like that status for Iran in regards to Pakistan then sure we can do that but we'll deal with you guys later right now we have to deal other MAJOR concerns you are very low in list.

Man this Nuclear deal sure raised you standards. You guys are always insecure of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia relations. Only a few I mean very few countries stood with Pakistan and SA is one of em. So take a deep breath and suck up
Unsubstantiated claims.

By contrast, the military partnership between India and Israel is a matter of record. Indians even boast about it. You might want to look up how many billions India is putting into the Israeli war machine...

Even on this forum, Indians are BY FAR the biggest cheerleaders of Israel and its treatment of Muslims.

Just india !?

what about china & russia ?

all of them are non muslim countries & they don't care about muslims !

china & pakistan are partners because of india ... nothing else !

Did you know 'who' arrested Regi?

& do you really think it was pakistan !?

bin laden was in your hands ... what was your action !?
Overtaking would be a wrong term to use. India always had strong ties with Iran.. & maintained the same ever since. On the other hand... Pakistan's relationship with Iran was hot & cold. At times it might look stronger than India's & on occasions it might look lagging behind to India. Relationship based on convenience never lasts long...
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Just india !?

what about china & russia ?

all of them are non muslim countries & they don't care about muslims !

Neither Russia, nor China, are pumping billions of dollars directly into the Israeli military machine. Of course, you can chose to overlook that minor detail.

There's nothing wrong with being pragmatic, and we hope Iran will eventually apply the same maturity and pragmatism to its Pakistan relations that it applies to its other relationships.

china & pakistan are partners because of india ... nothing else !

No time to educate you guys on the vast array of shared Pak-China interests that have nothing to do with India. If you guys chose to believe Indian propaganda, that's fine.

India's relationship with Iran too is based on 'convenience'. It pulled out of IPI, voted against Iran at a crucial time at the UN and also refused to buy Iranian oil at a critical time.

Pakistan supported Iran all the way through, withstanding the pressure from our bully ally.
You guys making new enemies instead of friends !!!

Congratulations ! :coffee:

Talking About Friends,I guess this word is Alien to iranians...One reason why you are internationally Isolated...We provided you with nuclear Technology and your Mullah's in a Press conference stated right in front of the World that Pakistan provided us this tech and thus intended to create Tonnes of troubles for us...You People Back stabbed us in 1994 on kashmir Issue...Despite these,we supported and still support you in your Nuclear matter...

India backed off IPI Gas project and voted against you in UN but still you refuse to see what they did you and despite our support and Love for Iran,your Usual Bitchiness continues against us...
We all know about India-Iran relationship being fairly stable throughout time. Whats the reason for dip in Pak-Iran relations?
We provided you with nuclear Technology and your Mullah's in a Press conference stated right in front of the World that Pakistan provided us this tech and thus intended to create Tonnes of troubles for us

it was a stab at our back ..... but it is us who are not considered as trustworthy by Irani people .....
India's relationship with Iran too is based on 'convenience'.

Middle Eastern people in general -- both Arabs and Iranians -- are still mired in their old racial prejudices.

If the Iranians were smart, they would have formed a solid alliance with China. Nothing would give a bigger heartburn to the Arabs and their American protectors than a major Chinese navy base in the Persian Gulf.
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