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India overtaking Pakistan in Iran ties: Journalist

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of course the consequence of creating such thread will be this and indo-pak fights !!! no real discussion here
Do not worry Bro, India and pakistan are fighting for last 66 years. every time they start and war we end it. :dance3::dance3::drag:
@haman10, commenting is different from telling someone you are being made to pay for selecting someone as your prime minister, this is plain insult. Would Iranians like if some Pakistani commented in similar fashion? Tell me one insult that I hurled that was not in an answer to an Insult hurled at us. Let's have mutual respect and don't throw insults at others or they might be incited to do the same...

and ISI being involved is a joke, probably the same baloch separatists that are fighting and killing Pakistanis maybe supporting the Iranian baloch separatists. Are we crazy that we would help people who are trying to break our country?
Sunni states? You mean the states who've persecuted Shia muslims for more than 1300 years, and states in which terrorist attacks against Shias is a daily occurrence? Which Sunni state did Iran backstab? Pakistan? What has Pakistan ever done for us in the past 30 years? You guys have harbored a Baluchi terrorist leader (Rigi), and when you guys had a interest in handing him over to Iran for political objectives, you turned him in. And now the same is happening again; terrorist organizations are freely roaming around in your country.

Nuclear technology? You mean the corrupted nuclear scientist Khan who stole Dutch nuclear technology and knowledge, only to sell it to Iran for millions of dollars? Nothing to do with Pakistan as a state.

Why stop at Rigi, What about Mujhaid e Khalq, your own people selling their soul to Mosaad? The same mossad who hired Rigi. And there are plenty of stories how Mossad helped Rigi and it's minions, Where come ISI in all this? who is already battling Afghan/Indian/Mossad and CIA nexus in it's own back yard. The problem with you Iranians is you put all blame on ISI because your ineptness in controlling Mossad and Mujhalid e khaliq elements whereas ISI has no interest to harm Iran whereas Iran is financing Shia terror elements in Pakistan.

Are you able to secure complete border???? Do tell us, If not then how can Pakistan secure it's complete border? But that logic escapes Farsi minds so conveniently. Due to two insurgencies in form of Baluchi and Tribals, Pakistani Intel and security resources are tied up their. That's why whenever Pakistan acted, acted upon iranian intel and successfully apprehended all those and turned them to you. But that fact and logic also escapes Farsi intelligent minds so convenintly

And the rant about Sunni persecuting Shia, aren't shias doing the same to sunnis in Iraq and Syria, given the chance they would have done the same thing, so come out of your high horse. From 1000 years if you had stopped cursing Ayesha (R.A), Abu Bakr (R.A), Umar(R.A), Usman (R.A), not much blood would had spilled.
Middle Eastern people in general -- both Arabs and Iranians -- are still mired in their old racial prejudices.

If the Iranians were smart, they would have formed a solid alliance with China. Nothing would give a bigger heartburn to the Arabs and their American protectors than a major Chinese navy base in the Persian Gulf.

So you mistaken Iranians.Iran will not allow another countries military base in their area.Even if they are not that strong ,they stand against a mightiest country like US.Thats the spirit .We appreciate that.That the also a reason we Indians maintained a good relation with Iran .No one can influence Iran foreign policy
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@haman10, commenting is different from telling someone you are being made to pay for selecting someone as your prime minister, this is plain insult. Would Iranians like if some Pakistani commented in similar fashion? Tell me one insult that I hurled that was not in an answer to an Insult hurled at us. Let's have mutual respect and don't throw insults at others or they might be incited to do the same...

agree :tup:

and ISI being involved is a joke

disagree :angel:

baloch separatists that are fighting and killing Pakistanis maybe supporting the Iranian baloch separatists. Are we crazy that we would help people who are trying to break our country?

well the attack was very sophisticated , if it wasnt for the fast response (our soldiers were on alert) a disaster would come out .


see we can discuss like two civilized people in two civilized nations ? this how all the posts should be .

thanks for logical discussions my friend .
Neither Russia, nor China, are pumping billions of dollars directly into the Israeli military machine. Of course, you can chose to overlook that minor detail.

There's nothing wrong with being pragmatic, and we hope Iran will eventually apply the same maturity and pragmatism to its Pakistan relations that it applies to its other relationships.

No time to educate you guys on the vast array of shared Pak-China interests that have nothing to do with India. If you guys chose to believe Indian propaganda, that's fine.

India support palestine for 66 years.We need high tech systems for our security.Israel can provide that.India considered only its own national interest.
agree :tup:

disagree :angel:

well the attack was very sophisticated , if it wasnt for the fast response (our soldiers were on alert) a disaster would come out .


see we can discuss like two civilized people in two civilized nations ? this how all the posts should be .

thanks for logical discussions my friend .

Honestly, you should check the baloch separatist and how sophisticated they are and also maybe TTP are also behind helping them but the buttomline is we are also fighting all these elements and have lost much more. The last thing we can do is to strengthen elements that are hurting us.


Bro it's all about mutual respect, since, the beginning I am saying Iran has full right to peruse it's policies but just don't insult us. Now just see, you started discussing logically and with respect to my country, did you see us hurling insults at you?
From helping Iranian "sensitive" program, to not voting against Iran in UN which your new found friends did, to keeping the IP pipeline project alive, whilor your new found friends pulled out of due to US pressure, yes we have been trying to make enemies out of you. The thing is, it's your country, do whatever you want...

It's all made up story to justify their realpolitik. Yeah Sure, we will support baloch separatists, so that they can screw us up...

It not US pressure.It is pipeline passage through pakistan area.Once established that pipeline become lifeline of India.We cant trust pakistan .Pakistan may blackmail us with that pipeline.and it become a permanent liability.
For your knowledge.We are going to sign an agreement with Iran over underwater II pipeline.
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indian friends...really....we should learn that we are not supposed to put comments every post where is not needed..Come on guys...take a a break...
It not US pressure.It is pipeline passage through pakistan area.Once established that pipeline become lifeline of India.We cant trust pakistan .Pakistan may blackmail us with that pipeline.and it become a permanent liability.
For your knowledge.We are going to sign an agreement with Iran over underwater II pipeline.

You are planning to sign it when things have cooled down with US, why did you wait for so many years to sign it?
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