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India overtaking Pakistan in Iran ties: Journalist

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IPI pipeline is rejected because we dont trust pakistan.,otherwise it will get momentum like II pipeline.

Then what stopped you to start work on it for all these years? Why didn't you start progress in this direction before improvement in US Iran relationship?

As I said you are going in circles, now you will admit that US is a superpower, so on and so forth... And that is exactly the point I am making, i.e., you succumbed to US pressure.
I will be obliged if you can prove 'Republic of India' have 5000 years of history .....

lolzz... Indian civilisation is more than 5000 years old and India-Iran are friends for thousands of years. Ofcourse they did not need visa for travelling at that time :)
Then what stopped you to start work on it for all these years? Why didn't you start progress in this direction before improvement in US Iran relationship?

As I said you are going in circles, now you will admit that US is a superpower, so on and so forth... And that is exactly the point I am making, i.e., you succumbed to US pressure.

US is involved in this region .So we must considered that factor.We pushed chabahar port development,even if US pressure is there .We nullify US pressue by good diplomacy. This II project is already in discussion between Iran and India.we select good time for that and it is now.
US pressure is same on IPI and II - pipeline .But in the case of IPI ,if we avoid US pressure,still we cant trust Pakistan.But II -pipeline will go forward because only obstacle in that is US pressure .We can avoid that.US will pressure any country in this world ,that their nature.
lolzz... Indian civilisation is more than 5000 years old and India-Iran are friends for thousands of years. Ofcourse they did not need visa for travelling at that time :)

You are living on Sind/Sindhu/Indus civilization & claiming it yours. Dance around your gangues or ganges civilization if it have some thing. Now don't make me get started on this & stay on topic.
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US is involved in this region .So we must considered that factor.We pushed chabahar port development,even if US pressure is there .We nullify US pressue by good diplomacy. This II project is already in discussion between Iran and India.we select good time for that and it is now.
US pressure is same on IPI and II - pipeline .But in the case of IPI ,if we avoid US pressure,still we cant trust Pakistan.But II -pipeline will go forward because only obstacle in that is US pressure .We can avoid that.US will pressure any country in this world ,that their nature.

You didnt answer my question, what stopped you all these years to make progress on II pipeline?
Have some dignity... Pakistan has the largest shia population after Iran... over a quarter of Paks population is shia..

@Topic... full of nonsense...
arreh yaar mene kahi read kiya tha so i just posted

Shia Muslims are a large minority among India's Muslims. However, there has been no particular census conducted in India with regards to sects, but Indian sources like Times of India and Daily News and Analysis reported Indian Shia population in mid 2005–2006 between 25% and 31% of entire Muslim population of India which accounts them in numbers between 40,000,000[1][2] to 50,000,000[3] of 157,000,000 Indian Muslim population.[4]However, as per an estimation of one reputed Shia NGO Alimaan Trust, India's Shia population in early 2000 was around 30 million with Sayyidscomprising just a tenth of the Shia population.[5] According to some national and international sources Indian Shia population is the world's second-largest after Iran.[6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]
i think this was it...... ;)

arreh yaar mene kahi read kiya tha so i just posted


i think this was it...... ;)


Wiki tiki shiki micky mouse!

google about Pakistan... we have over 45 million people of shia faith (id say much more)... half of my family is also shia... and im also a believer .. (although not a blind one)..

Your own wiki:

Shia Islam in Pakistan
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to the Library of Congress, Pew Research Center, Oxford University, CIA World Factbook, U.S. State Department and many others, Shi'asmake up a little over 20 percent of Pakistan's population of 180 million.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] of the total Muslim population of Pakistan. The total number of Pakistani Shia Muslims is approximately 45 million according to Vali Nasr
Wiki tiki shiki micky mouse!

google about Pakistan... we have over 45 million people of shia faith (id say much more)... half of my family is also shia... and im also a believer .. (although not a blind one)..

Your own wiki:

Shia Islam in Pakistan
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to the Library of Congress, Pew Research Center, Oxford University, CIA World Factbook, U.S. State Department and many others, Shi'asmake up a little over 20 percent of Pakistan's population of 180 million.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] of the total Muslim population of Pakistan. The total number of Pakistani Shia Muslims is approximately 45 million according to Vali Nasr

Thanks for telling :)


edit: my wiki link also said between 40 to 50.... so still iam not convinced though ;)
Pakistan can never imagine doing anything against Iran. It might decide against doing a favor under severe pressure from Saudi or US nexus ruling our country but it cant dare doing anything against it.

The reason are too obvious. Pakistan has the largest shia population after Iran. Pakistan has deep cultural & historic relations that predate creation of Pakistan.

As for attacks from across border into Iran, its quite easy to imitate the methods of a certain intel agency to mask it as an attack from that agency. Remember Rigi? He was arrested by Pakistan and he was known to be working for CIA obviously under a certain Islamic name, attacking Muslims.
and about india , well our relations with india dates back to times when most of todays countries in region didnt exist !! so cut the crap guys !!

Would love to know Persian realtions with India historically, i mean what relations did you guys had with Chamars, Biharis, Tamils, Bengalis, marathis and other half dozen Indian people? Most of the times the only people of Pakistan regions had any relations with Persian empires before modern countries were created.
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You are living on Sind/Sindhu/Indus civilization & claiming it yours. Dance around your gangues or ganges civilization if it have some thing. Now don't make me get started on this & stay on topic.

Hahaha ... Sind/Sindhu/Indus/ganges civilization all are Indian.
Iranians say ISI is supporting Baloch separatists. But I don't understand as Pakistan would have much more to lose in that case, as majority of Balochistan is in Pakistan...

Its rubbish. Pakistan never had a territorial beef with Iran, nor will we create one. And no ISI is not as 'almighty' as people make them out to be. Its a small but potent apparatus, largely owing to its cream of the crop human resource, operational experience and contacts.

We want no beef with Iran, nor should they. Nawaz Sharif is headed to Tehran, i hope we can work out their concerns in an orderly way and they work out ours.
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