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In Memory of Sqn Ldr Ajay Ahuja & Flt Lt K. Nachiketa

Twenty Years before the Indian Air Force Pilot, Abhinandan dropped in for a cup of nourishing Pakistani Tea, on this day aka 27th May 1999, Two other IAF pilots, namely S/L Ajay Ahuja and F/L Nachiketa also tried to intrude into Pakistani airspace during the Kargil conflict. Suffice to say, both were shot down by ANZA II MANPADS resulting in S/L Ajay Ahuja being killed while F/L Nachiketa taken as a POW. Interestingly for repatriation, unlike Abhinandan, Indian authorities weren't keen to take back their pilot in front of the media thus no one from Indian Embassy was present to receive F/L Nachiketa, thus he was handed over to the Red Cross.

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Flight Lieutenant K Nachiketa and Abhinandan Varthaman.

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Fugly basturds
A year later and China is in ladakh...

says who? They pulled back out of galwan and all the places.
I must comment... You must've done a pretty crap job of CAS if you werent able to win that war, despite us not having air cover

You just put up thousands on soldiers....then cut off their supplies when the enemy decided to bomb them....and that's something to be proud of?
Kashmir was already occupied by india
What changed is that modern kashmiris just found out what "modern" means ...
Even the like mufti mehboob are looking towards china now lol

Thanks for uniting the kashmiris ..
Best think to happen in new Delhi is modi and rss bjp
says who? They pulled back out of galwan and all the places.

You just put up thousands on soldiers....then cut off their supplies when the enemy decided to bomb them....and that's something to be proud of?

Yes China withdrew just like you shot down our f16

Also we put up 5000 soldiers to take and occupy some 8-9 peaks, of which we currently hold 4 today which ultimately renders your op vijay incomplete. Which results in your defeat in that war.

Supplies were cut off due to nawazs orders. He is a traitor.

But the result of the war remained unchanged. You did not win.
If it's d!ck measuring contest for starting the thread ,the fact of the matter was PAF was no where to be found when IAF was bombing Pakistani posts on top of the hills and the man responsible for kargil is running from his own country and is not coming back. That's more poetic I guess.
It’s not a d!ck measuring contest because in this case the Indians don’t have a d!ck. Give an example of a Pakistani armed combat plane being shot down or surrendered during peace time. India has a long history of losing planes to Pakistan. BTW so did the Soviets. Both the Gnat and Ouragan surrendered. Lucky the Gnat had an airfield to land on, the Ouragan did not. The only thing they keep talking about is shooting down an unarmed prop aircraft.
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That was the stated policy of India not to cross the loc and bomb the Pakistanis on the peaks,and the PAF policy has been to watch their men bombed and say it was on their side .
If IAF was bad , PAF was far worse .

PAF policy was not to allow IAF cross LOC

they did it successfully
If it's d!ck measuring contest for starting the thread ,the fact of the matter was PAF was no where to be found when IAF was bombing Pakistani posts on top of the hills and the man responsible for kargil is running from his own country and is not coming back. That's more poetic I guess.
Now let's see......PA intruded into Indian side of LOC and in due course killed several hundred Indian soldiers.
The IAF carried out missions over it's own territory , what stopped IAF or the Indian Army carrying out strikes on Pakistani positions inside Pakistan. Do recall how PAF paid back with dividends within 36 hours of IAF misadventure in Balakot.....and the man responsible for Kargil was also brave enough to spend a night 11 km inside India....he was both dropped off and later picked up by a PA Helicopter with IAF proving to be as credible as an ashtray on a motorcycle.
Come back when you manage to fly your Tiranga liberally in down town Srinagar... all the battles were fought on the Indian side of LOC.

Kashmir is settled
Yes China withdrew just like you shot down our f16

Also we put up 5000 soldiers to take and occupy some 8-9 peaks, of which we currently hold 4 today which ultimately renders your op vijay incomplete. Which results in your defeat in that war.

Supplies were cut off due to nawazs orders. He is a traitor.

But the result of the war remained unchanged. You did not win.

you hold 18000 peaks bro.
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