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Today in History Pakistan Made Anza Draws First Blood

If war breaks out tomorrow, most of these easy chair experts, armchair Generals and internet warriors will be hiding under their desks and the same uniformed personal we are blabbering against while sitting in some Western cities, will be defending the borders and facing the music.

Well, something did attract you.

Like in 1947 and 1965 when we were close to victory and were gaining traction our forces agreed for a ceasefire on behest of USA.

Like in 1971 they showed splendid performance.

Like in 1999 Mushy attacked without having an objective in mind, he had no exit strategy, air force refused to participate in it. India ultimately conduction air strikes bombed and killed our men.

Like in WOT they got 80,000 personnel killed, destroyed 100Billion $ + of our economy, gave diplomatic visas to blackwater and let USA build one of the world's largest embassies in heart of our capital. Like Raymond Davis was exported out of the country, given an NRO. Like we are hibernating on Kalbhoshan Yadav.

Like at 9th march a "projectile" was fired at Pakistan whose investigation was to be made public by DG ISPR. But instead he choose to comment on stock market and forex rates.

If a war starts tomorrow, these generals would be using all available resources under military to transport their own families to safer places. There would be no arrangement for publics. Publics would be on their own. Its good to show mirror at some times. A reality check helps meet expectations.
Like in 1947 and 1965 when we were close to victory and were gaining traction our forces agreed for a ceasefire on behest of USA.

Like in 1971 they showed splendid performance.

Like in 1999 Mushy attacked without having an objective in mind, he had no exit strategy, air force refused to participate in it. India ultimately conduction air strikes bombed and killed our men.

Like in WOT they got 80,000 personnel killed, destroyed 100Billion $ + of our economy, gave diplomatic visas to blackwater and let USA build one of the world's largest embassies in heart of our capital. Like Raymond Davis was exported out of the country, given an NRO. Like we are hibernating on Kalbhoshan Yadav.

Like at 9th march a "projectile" was fired at Pakistan whose investigation was to be made public by DG ISPR. But instead he choose to comment on stock market and forex rates.

If a war starts tomorrow, these generals would be using all available resources under military to transport their own families to safer places. There would be no arrangement for publics. Publics would be on their own. Its good to show mirror at some times. A reality check helps meet expectations.

Never seen anyone with such massive inferiority complex. Every point you raised is incorrect and invalid . Let me teach you some facts.

India has always been numerically, economically and diplomatically far far superior to us. This fact is based on their massive population, being part of anti Muslim block and territorial resources and location. We can never match or completely defeat them because of these three factors alone.

However when it comes to face them on the battle field and stand our ground we have done very well in our past and present.

*India occupied and controlled entire Kashmir in 1947. We fought and got control over 30% of Kashmir despite ZERO resources and non existent armed forces. I don't see this as a defeat at all.

*In 1965 war we defeated Indians in every aspect of the war. Man to man and plane to plane we defeated them. There is never a dispute about that.

* In Kargil we literally "ghus ke mara" to Indian side. Ceasefire made us withdraw from inside India. Indians lost more men and material than we ever did.

* Indians are still hiding in embarrassment from the Operation Swift Retort beating....Enough is said about this.

* we successfully defeated foreign sponsored TTP in the areas where no foreign forces have ever managed to pacify local resistance for centuries. Only Pakistan army achieved this distinction where even NATO failed miserably.

*Bangladesh remains the only loss we have suffered and that too because of poor politics.

Yes we did not overwhelm our enemy or won the wars or achieved strategic goals despite winning battles and it all comes down to our three weaknesses I mentioned above. We have certain disadvantages because of our religion, geography and internal political divisions that will never let us realize the true potential of our armed forces. But we did not perform as bad as you make it sound copying and pasting Indian propaganda.

Ofcourse we have a lot of unfinished business and we see ups and downs but this is the nature of the beast. We should thank Allah for giving us an enemy like India.
Never seen anyone with such massive inferiority complex. Every point you raised is incorrect and invalid . Let me teach you some facts.

India has always been numerically, economically and diplomatically far far superior to us. This fact is based on their massive population, being part of anti Muslim block and territorial resources and location. We can never match or completely defeat them because of these three factors alone.

However when it comes to face them on the battle field and stand our ground we have done very well in our past and present.

*India occupied and controlled entire Kashmir in 1947. We fought and got control over 30% of Kashmir despite ZERO resources and non existent armed forces. I don't see this as a defeat at all.

*In 1965 war we defeated Indians in every aspect of the war. Man to man and plane to plane we defeated them. There is never a dispute about that.

* In Kargil we literally "ghus ke mara" to Indian side. Ceasefire made us withdraw from inside India. Indians lost more men and material than we ever did.

* Indians are still hiding in embarrassment from the Operation Swift Retort beating....Enough is said about this.

* we successfully defeated foreign sponsored TTP in the areas where no foreign forces have ever managed to pacify local resistance for centuries. Only Pakistan army achieved this distinction where even NATO failed miserably.

*Bangladesh remains the only loss we have suffered and that too because of poor politics.

Yes we did not overwhelm our enemy or won the wars or achieved strategic goals despite winning battles and it all comes down to our three weaknesses I mentioned above. We have certain disadvantages because of our religion, geography and internal political divisions that will never let us realize the true potential of our armed forces. But we did not perform as bad as you make it sound copying and pasting Indian propaganda.

Ofcourse we have a lot of unfinished business and we see ups and downs but this is the nature of the beast. We should thank Allah for giving us an enemy like India.

You are stating as if these things are internationally accepted facts. They aren't. Indians think they won, we think we won. In their books they won, in our books we won. This is some basic level, typical statecraft. Fact is, internationally no one really won definitively, except in 1971 where they won.

We did do well and that's all right, but that's not the point. I will be more than happy if our forces keep it to the barracks. Unfortunately they are busy doing everything except national security. I'm not saying everyone else is good, yes politicians and bureaucracy and all other branches of government are corrupt and filthy, but they do get slack for it. This holier than thou institution gets away with everything, they expose civilian institutions, defame them at wish and will to suit their desires. It is ok to swear at PM of the country, but its not ok to swear at the Gens. Its ok for them to spread that politician this this & this is sex addict or drug addict or an alcoholic. But their own addictions never get public. This false sense of unconditional love, I'm totally done with it now. Its detrimental for our country.
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After imported Govt is imposed on Pak with the help of Bajwa, there is no point in glorifying defense related achievements if we have any since Assistant secretary of State is sufficient enough to force the local establishment to do whatever US wants in this country.

Two men just through their words have done more damage to Pakistan than the entire entire Indian army over 30 years. The pen is mightier than the sword, let it be a lesson to all those who think otherwise.
What were the specs of original Anza? Was this the one made by reverse engineering stinger?
Azad Kashmir and GB


Azad Kashmir & GB was liberated by civilians & tribal people in 1948 on order of Quaid-e-Azam


After that Pakistan lost Bangladesh, Siachen, etc.
India has always been numerically, economically and diplomatically far far superior to us.
And still unable to take over Pakistan. Imagine the frustration when you know you are numerically stronger but get a bloody nose now and then without making a significant difference to reduce or nullify opponent's capabilities or strength.

What were the specs of original Anza? Was this the one made by reverse engineering stinger?
Would have preferred laser guidance but IR seeker, oh well.
@Windjammer original video apky liya sanbhal rakhi thi :lol:

Mig-21 was not ancient in 1998-99 when this happened so it was an achievement back then. In 2019 the downing of Mig-21 felt kind of boring.
Next time Pakistan should bring down an Su-30 or Rafael to make it entertaining.
Mig-21 was not ancient in 1998-99 when this happened so it was an achievement back then. In 2019 the downing of Mig-21 felt kind of boring.
Next time Pakistan should bring down an Su-30 or Rafael to make it entertaining.
We did shoot down a mig and an SU
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