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Today in History Pakistan Made Anza Draws First Blood


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
Today (27 May 1999 ) Pakistani made Anza Manpads deployed by Pakistan Army Air Defence Units drew first blood when two intruding Indian Air Force jets were shot down during the Kargil conflict. The pilot of IAF MiG-21 was killed while Flt Lt. Nachiketa who ejected from his stricken MiG-23 was captured and taken POW. Ironically some 20 years later, again on the 27th of February this time, two IAF jets are shot down in aerial engagements and again an IAF pilot W/G Abhinandan is captured.


After imported Govt is imposed on Pak with the help of Bajwa, there is no point in glorifying defense related achievements if we have any since Assistant secretary of State is sufficient enough to force the local establishment to do whatever US wants in this country.
once upon a time when every ones loves and respect these surrender masters, bajwa ghoray lagwa gia sab kuch ab inko agy sa dushmin aor peechy sa awam. ary gi aor 10 billion Dollars k assets par sa kabza chudwa lay gi
To what? your post? Then you are correct.

I remember watching the news unfold on my 486 computer and news were slow to come by. Did we not also shot down one of their helicopters ?

What sort of treatment you expect from me for quoting my post with your nonsensical comment? I will let you keep your dignity for now.
If war breaks out tomorrow, most of these easy chair experts, armchair Generals and internet warriors will be hiding under their desks and the same uniformed personal we are blabbering against while sitting in some Western cities, will be defending the borders and facing the music.
No one gives a shit!
Well, something did attract you.
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