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Analysis : Did IAF SU-30 Pilots Ejected in Panic !

Until 2019, 56 Jaguar losses are listed.

No crashes in four years. Shows high standards of safety in IAF. Plus only one Sukhoi crash in 3.5 years (that too a MAC) and only one crash of IAF Mig 29 in 9 years
The Indian Airforce (IAF) pilots tend to pull the ejection handle at the first sign of an emergency, this was claimed to be one of the reasons behind IAF's high attrition rate. While the MiG-21 crashes within IAF reached an alarming level, the loss of around 60 Twin engine Jaguar aircraft has raised more suspicion that Indian pilots exist their aircraft at a very early stage when facing an emergency. The recent crash between an SU-30 and a Mirage-2000 makes some interesting reading but first let's look at an incident that occurred in the 80s during the height of cold war involving a Russian MiG-23.
The Russian jet was flying over East Germany and heading directly towards West Germany, which prompted NATO to go on alert and scramble fighter jets. Two F-15 Eagles intercepted the MiG as it entered into West German airspace, the F-15 pilots, however reported that the canopy on the MiG was missing and there was no pilot in the aircraft. As the MiG was flying over a built up area, the F-15s were ordered to hold fire but keep tailing the Russian jet. Sometimes later, after running out of fuel, the MiG-23 nosedived into some fields. It later transpired that while flying over East Germany, the MiG pilot experienced some malfunction and ejected from the single engine jet, however, after the pilot exited from his aircraft, the MiG somehow regained power and continued on it's heading thus ending up over Western Germany.
coming back to the topic, an Indian SU-30 and Mirage-2000 were reportedly involved in a mid air crash last week. The Mirage is said to have gone down instantly killing it's pilot . The two SU-30 crew ejected and were recovered close to the Mirage crash site. (I KM from the Mirage wreckage). But what is remarkable that the SU-30 flew on for more than 100 KM before crashing near a railway station. The SU-30 is twin engine large and powerful aircraft, even if one of it's engine is knocked out, it's said to survive on the second engine or at least can recover back to base. The fact that it continued to fly for over a 100 KMs after collision, lends support to the claim that rather than trying to save the aircraft, the pilots panicked and exited from the aircraft at first instance.



If the pilot had not ejected---he would have crashed---.

The ejection forces changed the geometry of the flight of the aircraft---and for some reason or the other---the flight became stable
But still flying 100 KM without pilots doesn't add up. What if MAC occurred much closer to the Pakistan border and in that case Su30 would had ended up inside Pakistan and that without pilots.

We save on tea, milk, and biscuit cost.
I mean to Say, life of pilot is more important than a aircraft.
Of course
I mean to Say, life of pilot is more important than a aircraft.
Of course. And the life of an IAF pilot is also more worthy than 100 potential dead Indian civilians if this Jumbo Jet was going to crash in a residential area. After all, India has too many civilians in reserve, just saying.
I don't understand what your confusion is?

However, they could not regain full control for a safe landing and safely ejected. The debris was found in Bharatpur.

they could not get full control so they ejected. Or you want them to keep sitting in a plane they can't control?

I don't care what he thinks. As far as I'm concerned and the IAF is concerned, the lives of the pilots is worth more than anything.

A USAF F-35B pilot ejected in this case, where the F-35B had already hit the ground after the hover went wrong. Some internet warrior could say that he could've just stayed on in the cockpit, but the fact is this- his life is more valuable than the jet.

This person will tell us that a PAF pilot wouldn't ever have ejected, because they are born brave and each PAF pilot = 10 IAF pilots or 10 USAF pilots.

Some person on the internet who wants people to think that you're some great brave warrior by sitting on in a fighter that has sustained severe damage is a fool. He has no idea how dangerous it is for a pilot to try to control a computer controlled FBW operated fighter that has a mind of it's own from which ejection may become impossible or may trap the pilot in a flaming ball. His opinion luckily doesn't matter much IRL.
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We save on tea, milk, and biscuit cost.

Given your economic conditions, I can totally understand how that should make a BIG difference.
I don't care what he thinks. As far as I'm concerned and the IAF is concerned, the lives of the pilots is worth more than anything.

A USAF F-35B pilot ejected in this case, where the F-35B had already hit the ground after the hover went wrong. Some internet warrior could say that he could've just stayed on in the cockpit, but the fact is this- his life is more valuable than the jet.

This person will tell us that a PAF pilot wouldn't ever have ejected, because they are born brave and each PAF pilot = 10 IAF pilots or 10 USAF pilots.

Some person on the internet who wants people to think that you're some great brave warrior by sitting on in a fighter that has sustained severe damage is a fool. He has no idea how dangerous it is for a pilot to try to control a computer controlled FBW operated fighter that has a mind of it's own from which ejection may become impossible or may trap the pilot in a flaming ball. His opinion luckily doesn't matter much IRL.
If you want to give excuses, then at least make them worthwhile. Even a blind person will tell you that the F-35 pilot didn't punch out immediately, he stayed with the aircraft for at least 10 seconds after losing control and ejected after the aircraft came to almost rest.
Here's another one for you, notice the harrier pilot ejects only after flames reach the cockpit...

I don't think PAF pilots will be facing a situation of this short any time soon......no petrol.... :D
petrol fuels jet engines 👍

New vedic technology just created in Indja
If you want to give excuses, then at least make them worthwhile. Even a blind person will tell you that the F-35 pilot didn't punch out immediately, he stayed with the aircraft for at least 10 seconds after losing control and ejected after the aircraft came to almost rest.
Here's another one for you, notice the harrier pilot ejects only after flames reach the cockpit...

But but but...if he was a Pakistani pilot he wouldn't have ejected na?!

At the end of it, both those American pilots ejected from their jets once they sensed things were getting out of hand. And you have videos to show that they hung on for 4-5 seconds longer. That's it.

Do you know what those Su-30MKI pilots saw in their cockpit? No, zero idea, but you'd rather say that they panicked prematurely.

Pilots take a call depending on the situation they face. They're not out there to disprove some armchair warrior who wants to make it into a "our pilots are braver" or "look look, our pilots are better" type scenarios. They have families at home, they are well within their rights to punch out and live to tell the tale another day.

petrol fuels jet engines 👍

New vedic technology just created in Indja

better than cars that run on water...only buffoons of a very high order would believe such shit. Lol

Pakistan's Einstein- Agha Waqar's water car kit
But but but...if he was a Pakistani pilot he wouldn't have ejected na?!

At the end of it, both those American pilots ejected from their jets once they sensed things were getting out of hand. And you have videos to show that they hung on for 4-5 seconds longer. That's it.

Do you know what those Su-30MKI pilots saw in their cockpit? No, zero idea, but you'd rather say that they panicked prematurely.

Pilots take a call depending on the situation they face. They're not out there to disprove some armchair warrior who wants to make it into a "our pilots are braver" or "look look, our pilots are better" type scenarios. They have families at home, they are well within their rights to punch out and live to tell the tale another day.

better than cars that run on water...only buffoons of a very high order would believe such shit. Lol

Pakistan's Einstein- Agha Waqar's water car kit
But but buts... We know well, how the PAF has effected the Indian phyche, so much that the Fourth largest Airforce in the world went crying to America... forget PAF, even Somalian Airforce would have some self respect in this regards... Anyways did I mention PAF anywhere in the topic but we understand why bells are ringing in your head. The analyst wasn't done by no armchair general, the British and others do wonder, how the IAF, after designating MiG-21s as flying coffins also managed to dispose of half of their Harrier fleet and more so write off four squadrons of twin engine Jaguars without once firing in anger.
BTW, how is Indian Army progressing with monitoring Chinese satellite called Venus and catching up with Yeti.
and jet may be keep flying after ejection :undecided:

The ejection forces changed the geometry of the flight of the aircraft---and for some reason or the other---the flight became stable
no where near as good as radars can't go through clouds

The fact that you believe that clouds DON'T affect the performance of radars tells me how much you know. Lol.

Tell me, did you also line up at Agha Waqar's house to buy his water car kit?
The fact that you believe that clouds DON'T affect the performance of radars tells me how much you know. Lol.

Tell me, did you also line up at Agha Waqar's house to buy his water car kit?
if an ATC radar can detect aircraft through clouds and adverse weather conditions I am more than sure that AD radars can detect aircraft through clouds and adverse weather conditions. Especially airborne radars.

Also tell me, do you also believe that India made the first aircraft a thousand years before the first aircraft was actually made?
petrol fuels jet engines 👍

New vedic technology just created in Indja

Well this is something you are saying.

Windjammer has told me so many times that it is not about the plane but the man behind it. Now are you trying to mock him by saying PAF pilots can't fly their planes, only because it has petrol instead of aviation fuel? Windy has told so many times that Jazbaa alone has kept several F 16 flying when they ran out of fuel in the past conflicts with India.
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