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In-camera briefing on buying French submarines demanded


Oct 20, 2008
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United Kingdom
Updated at: 2249 PST, Thursday, July 30, 2009
In-camera briefing on buying French submarines demanded ISLAMABAD: The opposition party, Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q) in the Upper House on Thursday demanded an in-camera briefing to the senators on the government plan to buy submarines from France instead of Germany.

Senator Jamal Leghari of the former ruling PML-Q while speaking on a point of order strongly opposed to government plan to buy submarines from France instead of Germany at a costly price.

He informed that Pakistan Navy had sent a summary to the President recommending buying submarines from Germany, but he regretted that the President rejected the summary and decided to purchase these from France.

He said that there would be one billion rupees loss to the national exchequer to go into agreement with France for purchasing the marines instead of Germany. He said that Germany has a latest technology and also a cheapest offer against the French old technology, which would also be costly. Therefore, he added that there was not need to undertake new agreement with France.

Pakistan had agreed to buy three Type 214 German submarines under deal worth more than $1 billion (773.7 million euros) that the two countries were expected to sign last year.

Leghari demanded an in-camera briefing of the Navel Chief to the Senate on buying the submarines saying that the House should betaken into confidence before going into any agreement with the French government.

Another senator of the PML-Q, Tariq Azeem also backed the demand saying that it was an important issue and the house should be taken on board in the in-camera briefing.

The presiding officer Tahir Hussain Mashadi, however, referred the matter to the Defence Committee of the House for further discussion, because of the absence of the minister concerned as well as Leader of the House at that time.
I thought french sub technology would be superior to german subs technology but things have turned around quite dramatically
Here Goes Mr 10 % again.

Zardari is hitting lot of Nails in his Coffin and this might be his Last.

It seems clear that all he cares about is getting as much money as he can while he is the president.
why COAS CONS COAS show him way to his home.he cross the limit.i think this is time COAS warn him personally to never interfair in militry hardware contracts.
Damn Zardari! This scumbag has sold us out for too long!

Bloody fool!

Damn PPP! Living on the blood of Benazir! I am pissed!

These bloody politicians have sold us out for too long!

Zardari is a MORON! He should NOT interfere with the military!
Someone powerful in the government is selling the nation's honor as we write. Someone please act immediately: Zaid Hamid

The French and the Indians are using extreme pressure, bribes and diplomacy with the Pakistani government and the Pakistan Naval Headquarters to block and cancel the German submarine deal. The French want to sell their subs and the Indians are scared of the German platform and technology. The following article supports the same:

Ahmed Quraishi.com
he dont even know the meaning of subs and never seen sub in his dreams as a pakistani we all request chief of army staff to give zardari a red card. he is a cheap politican after 3 years he is going to his home but whos security will be online because of zardari its our not zardari security will be harmed he is going foreign for sure. i hope people of pakistan and oppositin should take a note of it he is sitting there because of us remember dont short ur time as president. i wish CONS should go to nawaz sharif and COAS and give them to take this thing in parliment so zardari willl know its true position in pakistan no one respects zaradri for sure not today but from last 15 years it is his last stay in govt and people of pakistan never going to vote PPP any more untill PPP take rid of zardari and his son
if anyone from media use to be member of this forum kindly ask ur channel to put highlight on this issue and expose zardari
Stop getting your panties all tied up. Politics is a part of defense acquisition everywhere in the world, so wake up to reality. It's easy to blame Zardari, but use your heads. If Zardari wants money, he can get it either way. There are definitely other factors involved.

The most likely reason for a deal with the French instead of the Germans would be the bundle offer. Nuclear Tech + Submarines + Tiger Helos etc. You must consider the entire package, especially if you're Pakistan and in so much international debt. Though I agree, the need of the hour is a superior submarine to keep the edge over the Indian submarine fleet that PN has built over these many years, which is provided by the Germans. I believe that PN should be adamant on the German deal, until the Germans offer something similar or the French make an even more delicious offer.
Stop getting your panties all tied up. Politics is a part of defense acquisition everywhere in the world, so wake up to reality. It's easy to blame Zardari, but use your heads. If Zardari wants money, he can get it either way. There are definitely other factors involved.

The most likely reason for a deal with the French instead of the Germans would be the bundle offer. Nuclear Tech + Submarines + Tiger Helos etc. You must consider the entire package, especially if you're Pakistan and in so much international debt. Though I agree, the need of the hour is a superior submarine to keep the edge over the Indian submarine fleet that PN has built over these many years, which is provided by the Germans. I believe that PN should be adamant on the German deal, until the Germans offer something similar or the French make an even more delicious offer.

you have a point but at the end of he day this scenario sucks big time for pakistan! it goes to show pakistan has very cr@p diplomacy.. couldnt pakistan keep those money ****** frenchies happy with a new frigate deal? or build 2 more agosta-90b?
if today pakistan does this.. then in time of desperation such countries are going to take big advantage of us and rip us OFF! pakistan will be setting up a very bad example to rest of the world.. multi national companies are going to be laughing their ***** off and i bet they will ask to kill couple of our own indigenous companies before they invest in here..
:argh: france + zardari
at this time presidency (thanks to mush:hitwall:) is not answerable to anybody, national assembly and senate cannot do anything.

wait and watch is all we can do
Here Goes Mr 10 % again.

Zardari is hitting lot of Nails in his Coffin and this might be his Last.

It seems clear that all he cares about is getting as much money as he can while he is the president.

I only see, Zardari hitting nails in the coffin of Pakistan and keeping Pakistanis engaged in non issues, there is lot more behind the curtains than just money.

Obviously there are no technical grounds to justify French subs over German, specially when principal decsion had been made after expensive evaluations and Germans were just waiting for the P.O.

This is a clear step in direction to destroy Pakistan's foreign relations.
Before, it was Chian and Saudi Arabia and now Germany is new in the list.

This is a indeed a celebration day for anti Pakistan elements. :tdown:
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