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India far behind Pakistan's 'powerful' Submarines: Report

Pakistan has 2 Agosta 70 and 3 Agosta 90B .

India has 9 kilo and 4 Type 209 . Also 1 Akula too .

I don't see much difference .
I think this TOI article is intended to put pressure on GOI to get into the mood of buying new subs for IN (...perhaps opening the doors for kick backs for few powerful ones.....just like what happened in Pakistan when Zardari got the 40-million dollar share in French subs deal).

Call me a cynic but this article is more to do than what meets the eye.
What a peace of Bullsh!t out of 5 pakistani submarine they have 2 sub almost 4 decade old. :lol:

So just three sub that can be called advanced, and no deal signed with China till now (money)

Scorpian is late but what about nuclear sub force of India??

actually they want more money from govt :P
[Bregs];4670190 said:
Pakistan always had more potent subs the India in past but i am not sure about it now although India is now trying to get advanced potent submarines

I think this is just a rant and part of strategy to get maximum military equipment.
In my opinion, we are far behind in the latest tech...
Yes, pakistan is well ahead of IN in terms of submarine, I hope someone from GOI take notice to this grim situation and allocate Funds from Finance Ministry for the acquisition of New Subs from France/Russia.
I think this is just a rant and part of strategy to get maximum military equipment.
In my opinion, we are far behind in the latest tech...

yes it could be a ploy to have more advanced weapons but arm race beyond a point is not good
Reading carefully through, the report appears correct. Yes, this could be aimed at more allotment of funds, but that does not negate the facts and analysis mentioned.
India far behind Pakistan's 'powerful' Submarines: Report

Posted by: Preeti Panwar Updated: Tuesday, August 20, 2013, 15:46 [IST]



Pakistan submarines

New Delhi, Aug 20:

The recent disaster in the Indian submarine INS Sindhurakshak that perhaps killed all 18 Navy personnel on-board has raised a pertinent question on the Indian Navy's submarine conditions as well as its underwater combat edge.

According to a TOI report, currently, India can only deploy 7-8 "aging conventional" submarines against enemy forces.

The stark reality is that the Indian Navy is left with only 13 aging diesel-electric submarines - 11 of them over 20 years old.

Out of the 13 submarines - 9 Kilo-class of Russian origin and 4 HDW of German-origin - are undergoing reparation to 'extend' their operational lives.

The only "face saver" of the Navy seems to be the INS Chakra, the only nuclear-powered submarine, taken on a 10-year lease from Russia last year. But due to international treaties, it is not armed with nuclear-tipped missiles.

With its 300-km range Klub-S land-attack cruise missiles, other missiles and advanced torpedoes, the INS Chakra can serve as a deadly `hunter-killer' of enemy submarines and warships.

Moreover, India has been indecisive to fit Air-Independent Propulsion (AIP) in the last two of the six French Scorpene submarines being constructed for over Rs 23,000 crore at Mazagon Docks under "Project-75". :lol: The first Scorpene will be delivered only by November 2016. On August 12, the Indian Navy launched its aircraft carrier INS Vikrant, placing India in the fifth rank, after US, Russia, Britain and France, who have the ability to design and build aircraft carriers of 40,000 tonnes and above. With a capacity to deploy over 30 aircraft and helicopters, it is considered to be the biggest aircraft carrier in India.

Pakistan Navy Power:

Whereas the neighbouring country Pakistan, which is continuously violating ceasefire bilateral agreement along the Line of Control (LoC) since last month, is far more more advanced and well prepared in terms of submarines. Presently, Pakistan is well equipped with five "new conventional" submarines and is considering to get six more 'advanced' vessels from its all-weather friend China. China already flexes its muscles with 47 diesel-electric submarines and eight nuclear-powered submarines. Incidentally, the Pakistan Navy is the first force in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) to have submarines equipped with air-independent propulsion (AIP) in the shape of three French Agosta-90B vessels.

The difference:

The conventional submarines have to surface every few days to get oxygen to recharge their batteries in contrast with the AIP equipped submarines that can stay submerged for much longer periods to significantly boost their stealth and combat capabilities.

India far behind Pakistan's 'powerful' Submarines: Report - Oneindia News




Thank You....We need more such Articles
Its Helps Create HYSTERIA in Masses.

Forcing Babus to increase Naval Budget...

Oops-2 Daphe Class of 5 are so High Tech they FRy Over Water....
Oops-Part2 This HELPS Navys case for more SSNs....

No wonder in South Block Genralists ping pong all the time....
lol i am coming across this news since morning and i m lmao .....powerful pakistani submarine force lol...just a rant by indian media .....a usual hype to pressurize the govt n justify the purchase of new subs
Pakistani Subs----

Agosta 90B class---no-3


PNS Khalid since 6 September 1999
PNS Saad delivered 13 December 2003
PNS Hamza delivered on 26 September 2008

Agosta 70 class-no-2


PNS Hashmat since 19 February 1979
PNS Hurmat delivered on 18 February 1980

so,A-70's are already around 34 years old while A-90's are somewhat new...now how they're "Far Advanced" when their SSK fleet is as obsolete or more than Indian fleet???also, they has fewer than required??? :rolleyes:
little exaggerated report
pak subs are newer with AIP but india counter that with number
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