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Improving the quality of threads by removing Indian members.

Should def.pk improve the quality of this forum by perma-banning problem-Indian members?

  • Yes, they are a nuisance.

  • No, I am Indian.

  • No, I am Pakistani.

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Most Indians whom the original poster is annoyed with are internet Taliban. No matter how many you kill, more will come!

I agree with original post that even on subjects where there is no India or Pakistan comparison, Indians push their country in and then start ridiculing Pakistan.
If you check old threads, there are masses of old Indian members who have been perma-banned.

Well I mean think about it logically, why are Indians joining a "Pakistani Defence Forum"?

It's like a Palestinian joining an Israeli defence forum. I mean, sure.... he could be there for reasonable discussion and to try and bridge differences, but that seems unlikely.

There are some high quality Indian members here, but they are less in number compared to those who simply join to have a poke at their "enemy" on an "enemy" forum.
Above post responded to here....
Anti-Indian rant, as usual! You really are getting too predictable!

However if you could get @WebMaster to make it clear that Indians are not welcome here, I am sure Indians will go find some other forum. Till that happens, we will continue to participate in this forum no matter whether just another member like yourself likes it or not! I guess you just have to suck it up sometimes!
If Indians are asked to leave permanently and not wanted here, PDF would collapse like a pack of cards. Let's face it. Without Indians (except the very few who are habitual trollers) it would be a one way street to oblivion. No one would bother coming here as who wants to read a one sided biased view of the world? It would be like you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours! (You know what I'm referring to!)
If you want to ban all Indians then there is no point of making PDF an international forum and if you want to take action it should be against all trollers!
there are equal number of crappy Pakistani posters.
Because many of them are still at school. It's a pity that we have to interact with children on PDF who know nothing but anti-India propaganda which is fed to them by the Mullah brigade, 24X7.

They even consider bozos like Hafiz Saeed as the greatest gift God has bestowed upon Pakistan! So what do you expect? Rationality?
Let people see for themselves very first post (one above) of this person on this thread covering news of a terrorist attack in Pakistan and tragic loss of civilian lives, post#42 on this thread
So you cherry picked the post but didnt get the time to look at the context why it was put? Have you picked the posts posted by your fellow pakistanis' who were claiming proud for mumbai? who were claiming more hindus / baniyas should be killed in the same thread....they were rather than mourning the deads, were cursing Indians......and bringing Mumbai...If you dont have heart to condemn the mumbai attack then you have no right to point my post and use it as a shield..

Have you ever condemened your fellow members who bring rape, toilet, etc etc at multiple occasion to troll the threads? Wasnt that degradation of the forums? Has any action taken against them? Has anyone been banned for it even though these are well designated banned words? None...So stop pointing fingers at me...Clear your own house first then blame me.

Shameless people are a shame for their own country and compatriots.
Whats wrong with my post about asking the nature of this forum? I simply asked a simple question. The problem with you pakistani's members are you are confused a lot..you dont know what you are fighting for, and what you are here for to prove. Everything coming from India is hard for you to digest. But everything against India is something you guys cherish. Thats the world wide accepted view. You whole stand is anti-India.
Indians are like pests. Should be dealt accordingly. They have no shame left. After being told a gazillions times that they are not welcomed here, they like to come here and talk out of their crappy butts.
Hell even I voted for...Yes, they are a nuisance. :lol::D

Indians are like pests. Should be dealt accordingly. They have no shame left. After being told a gazillions times that they are not welcomed here, they like to come here and talk out of their crappy butts.

let Moderators say that..this forum isn't your property my friend..
Another example of how confused pakistanis are...
How a response of Indian poster to a news of stupid intelligence report of Safoora twisted to give it different meaning....
BREAKING NEWS: Traced calls confirm RAW's involvement in Safoora Chowrangi massacre

Another post...
BREAKING NEWS: Traced calls confirm RAW's involvement in Safoora Chowrangi massacre

With this tiny emotional brain do you read posts? With out context and see what you wanna see...blindness is what causing people laugh at you...
i believe in healthy, positive & constructive discussion.... to be honest both sides got annoying members & trolls... difference of opinion on diff topic, is what makes this forum interesting.. all goodie goodie stuff will be boring..... let the indians inn.. :)
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