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If india not stop killing innocents at LOC we will not sit silent : Imran khan

Anyways, Bajwa now must justify his extension, that is if they havnt done that deal which is also to stand till 2022 and Bajwa too after his extension.

Start the war get get Kashmir fully and annex it back into Pakistan where it was always supposed to be. Or else go home and bring back gen Tariq Khan to achieve exactly that!
i have read hundreds of theories and opinions and honestly i am tired. i will stop following news from now.
pakistan should change it's policy.this fear of false flag is genuine fear but what is our strategy if something bad happens? we must formulate our own strategy in case of false flag.change policy and change statements.say if india attacks pakistan,war will end on indian soil.we don't fear india.formulate a strategy and plan to cut indian kashmir in small piece.even a tiny part of indian kashmir will be enough to humiliate them and it's time to humiliate india.

pakistan will celebrate feb 27 and anything can happen before feb 27.india don't want pakistan to celebrate 27.they want their own celebration day.they need a diversion and false flag will happen soon.pakistan should focus on jf-17 and try to integrate pl-15 to all available jf-17s with improved radars.
I agreed about on conflict, Sir.

But, I have seen three decades and can describe as below:

1990 -1999: Kashmir situation was too worst and Indian leaders were desperately wanted to talk with Pakistan at without any condition. They were ready to talk on Kashmir as well. Yeah, it was not about to handover kashmir to Pakistan but find some solutions. But after kargil WAR in 1999, everything got changed.

2001-2010: Some progress happened during Atal-Musharraf era but finally failed. Also, some dialogues happened but few said incidents happened in India (26/11). it caused for killing any chances for new development/talk.

20010-2020: In indian diplomacy, one cause is added " Terror and talk can't go together". During the congress time nothing happened and no progress and after Modi, all talk options are gone.

Moral of the story: : We can't go for full war but still wants to fight. We can never get each other lands (J&K/PAk kashmir including gilgit baltistan) but wish to get it. Our leaders will do lip service and enjoy their life by doing lot of corruptions. And, finally innocent people will be killed and both armies will loose their Man's & their family will suffer.

worng Info Sir- at least google it - International news source. are they killing or not during cross firing.
just like 1999 changed the situation in indian favor, now after 27 feb. 2019 its changed back to our favor!

So now u guys r at our mercy!

Cross border firing occasionally happens between India and Pakistan.

Pakistan will find it increasingly difficult to remain an inactive observer along the LOC.

Imran Khan statements make no sense and thread title is like mirch masala.
Oh isn't this what Indian posters do all the time on PDF ?
He's building a narrative .

Don't you think we have spent enough time on building the narrative.

I was expecting some concrete action after the UN speech but so far the leadership has been disappointing.

You have to hit the rod when it is hot.
Didn't Imran Khan already put Kashmir issue to the UN more forcefully than it has been before.
Kashmir can only be liberated through war

But neither India nor Pakistan wants war.

Civilians on both sides better stop wasting time on this topic and work for the betterment on both sides

Best response to this Kashmir situation...Even this is applicable to our Gov too...Just making fool to the public for domestic consumption
IK needs to stay silent ... he’s becoming an embarrassment...he does nothing except strikes on Twitter
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