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Silent Subterfuge – LoC to Border?


Kashmiris cannot 'reallign' their wishes as per your imperialist mindset. They have the right to struggle for their aspirations both politically and through armed resistence.

We are a democratic nation . We are not a state ruled by military dictators which will have imperialist mindset ...

within framework of our great constitution Kashmiris have right to fulfill their aspirations ...political armed resistance will be treated as it needs to be within confines our laws and constitution.
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We are a democratic nation . We are not a state ruled by military dictators which will have imperialist mindset ...

within our framework of our great constitution Kashmiris have right to fulfill their aspirations ...political armed resistance will be treated as it needs to be within confines our laws and constitution.

wow...our guv. needs people like u

You can't call yourself a self righteous 'democrat' when you deny Kashmiris the rights you want for yourself.

You can't call yourselfa self righteous 'democrat' when you deny Kashmiris the rigjts you want for yourself.

The Right to self determination was denied by Pakistan ..and not India .

within confines of Indian constitution we have given all that we could .

We made a magnanimous gesture to make an exception for Kashmir ...to protect its identity and uniqueness .

No other state has ever gone at such great length to accommodate a province which was duly and legally acceded to another Dominion .
The LOC needs more fencing, mines, and bunkers. India cant afford to trust Pakistan. Its time to accept reality, and do what needs to be done in order to protect the country from terrorism. If families on the Indian side miss their family across the border so much, they should be compensated for their property and then leave the country.
7 lakh Indian Occupier terrorists must be flushed out of IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir. Where are the so called human rights activists & countries who claim to be champions of democracy? Where is UN, US, etc?

Those who think Pakistan will accept LoC as IB simply lives in fools paradise. There are only 3 options i.e Chenab Formula, Independence of whole Kashmir or referendum.
7 lakh Indian Occupier terrorists must be flushed out of IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir. Where are the so called human rights activists & countries who claim to be champions of democracy? Where is UN, US, etc?
They are all busy congratulating India for a fantastic free and fair elections, in which Kashmiris elected BJP legislators to represent them, from half the seats. Champions of democracy are happy to see the world's largest democracy teaching a lesson to its neighbours.
back channel talks have been going on a long time but trusting the ISI and Pakistani military will not be easy given history and it's previous actions like Kargil.
The Kashmiris lost all right to self determination when they massacred the Kashmiri Pandits, raped there women and expelled the survivors.
Its the other way around buddy

They are all busy congratulating India for a fantastic free and fair elections, in which Kashmiris elected BJP legislators to represent them, from half the seats. Champions of democracy are happy to see the world's largest democracy teaching a lesson to its neighbours.
ever heard of Election rigging?
An agreement has to be reached, violence, political games and status quo won't change a damn thing.
If the status quo is maintained, another war is unavoidable, it's not a question of IF, but WHEN. We will move from one period of flashpoint and war to another.

If no initiative is taken by both sides, the bitterness will only continue, war might well happen again.
ever heard of Election rigging?

Not in India in this day and age, when elections are fully computerized and electronic and tamper proof. Maybe in your country. Everybody, including international and UN and EU observers have congratulated India for transparent, free elections. Just because you don't like the verdict, don't start crying about rigging. That's a typical losers' modus operandi. Admit it - Kashmiris voted in record numbers, and sent half their seats to the BJP, and that should tell you where their loyalty lies.:lol:

Burn baby, burn.:flame::flame::flame:

For serious backside burns, use this:


An agreement has to be reached, violence, political games and status quo won't change a damn thing.
If the status quo is maintained, another war is unavoidable, it's not a question of IF, but WHEN. We will move from one period of flashpoint and war to another.

If no initiative is taken by both sides, the bitterness will only continue, war might well happen again.
Status quo or war are the only two possible options. Neither side has an offer that is palatable to the other. India will not give up an inch of the Kashmir it holds, and Pak is unlikely to drop the demand any time soon. Which side do you see budging from its position?
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Not in India in this day and age, when elections are fully computerized and electronic and tamper proof. Maybe in your country. Everybody, including international and UN and EU observers have congratulated India for transparent, free elections. Just because you don't like the verdict, don't start crying about rigging. That's a typical losers' modus operandi. Admit it - Kashmiris voted in record numbers, and sent half their seats to the BJP, and that should tell you where their loyalty lies.:lol:

Burn baby, burn.:flame::flame::flame:

For serious backside burns, use this:


Status quo or war are the only two possible options. Neither side has an offer that is palatable to the other. India will not give up an inch of the Kashmir it holds, and Pak is unlikely to drop the demand any time soon. Which side do you see budging from its position?
ECI failed to act against Modi: Soz - Rising Kashmir. Latest News, Breaking News From Kashmir`s very own English Daily.
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