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Silent Subterfuge – LoC to Border?

Converting the LOC to IB will be a grave mistake.... Maintain the Status Quo and negotiate later from position of strength...

It could have been a valid solution in shimla agreement, but in today's situation, Logic dictates to wait and see what happens.

True. And in any case none of our political parties will agree to convert LoC to IB at the risk of being branded as anti-nationals who gave our territory to Pakistan.
Pakistan's situation is more like one of my neighbours who keeps giving me daily tip on how to maintain my car, hoping that one day I might just give him my car as a gift.... 70 years and they cant understand the simple diffence between APNA and PARAYA... Apne kam se matlab rakho yar....
Converting the LOC to IB will be a grave mistake.... Maintain the Status Quo and negotiate later from position of strength...

It could have been a valid solution in shimla agreement, but in today's situation, Logic dictates to wait and see what happens.

It's not on the plate - all that talk of Musharaf's four point plan that was ready to be signed was hogwash.
Why this Kolaveri di? Why do we always boil on these unnecessary issues, which are nothing but a figment of someone's imagination...

That ALC (LOC) can be demilitarized, is possible. That we put current status of LOC as a stable status, is possible. However, to convert ALC (LOC) to IB is neither possible nor doable - politically, internationally and legally... It is as simple as that!

Both, Indian and Pakistani Parliaments have unanimously claimed Kashmir. Neither can give up that claim and therefore, irrespective of how much we debate - we can have an agreed thaw, but nothing more...

However, practically, an agreed thaw is also not possible due to current situation on the Pakistani side and the excessive military presence on the Indian side - and the consequent lack of trust on both sides.

For Jammu and Ladakh, actually there is no decision to be made... It is only the province of Kashmir on Indian side and AJK on Pakistan side, which might have an open question.
Both India and Pakistani narratives are based in national interest at the expense of the Kashmiri people.

The biggest problem is not the territory but millions of family members who are divided on the both sides. Maintaining a status quo is criminal.

It shouldn't be for India or Pakistan to decide the fate of LoC alone. Kashmiri people need to make that call through an internationally arranged free and fair referrendum.

If LoC becomes a border, it would have to be demilitarized. Visa less travel needs to be made possible that Kashmiri people can see their loved ones and conduct trade.

Just like Indians and Pakistanis decide the fate of their lands, so should the people of Kashmir decide the destiny of their land.
All those are never going to work it will be walled and a permanent army presence will be present there always.
Forget Visa free travel.
If you are worried about the people of kashmir in india you are free to take them, but not a inch of land will be given.
There wont be any referendum nor third party mediation.The stauts quo stands that way.
IF you havent read the BJP manifesto you should read they will abolish article 370 which gives special status to kashmir and return of kashmiri pandits.
Kashmir will be a place where all Indians can buy property and there is nothing nobody could do about it.
Pakistani govt. will cease to exist within days even if their will be talks of converting LOC into border.

their is an Indian Parliament resolution which upholds the position of every party in India which states entire j&k as integral part of India which includes Azad Kashmir no one can deviate from it.

Indian govt should just strengthen up the loc to the limits of defacto border and continue economic development and let the IA deal with the terrorists or any irritant.
So everything is fine on LOC??? if not then how much on average there are wars and what are their casualties??
Both India and Pakistani narratives are based in national interest at the expense of the Kashmiri people.

The biggest problem is not the territory but millions of family members who are divided on the both sides. Maintaining a status quo is criminal.

It shouldn't be for India or Pakistan to decide the fate of LoC alone. Kashmiri people need to make that call through an internationally arranged free and fair referrendum.

If LoC becomes a border, it would have to be demilitarized. Visa less travel needs to be made possible that Kashmiri people can see their loved ones and conduct trade.

Just like Indians and Pakistanis decide the fate of their lands, so should the people of Kashmir decide the destiny of their land.

Sure we let Kashmiri ppl decide after they reconvert to Hinduism because their ancestors were forcibly converted. Secondly, China and Pakistan both have chunks of Kashmir. Third, after all the blood shed, we are not giving up an inch. YOu care so much about it, then make your part Independent and give it to the Kashmiris.
Chittagong had 97% to 98.5% 'non-Muslim' population at the time of partition, and people of Chittagong are fighting a long battle for freedom from Bangladesh, why don't you practice what you preach and free them?
Where did you hear this? Free NE. Free Maoist areas. Free Kerala.Free Khalistan.
?????? for what????
i am a keralite myself...
Well then you should know that your media is already calling it the next Islamic Republic. And also millions over millions Bangladeshis are trekking over a thousand miles through Maoist infested territory to add to the Kerala Muslim population!!!
What an idiotic comment, lets just forget the "Cancer" and focus on bodybuilding.

for now...lets just fence the LOC and focus on development...and let the gods decide the fate of kashmir
Well then you should know that your media is already calling it the next Islamic Republic. And also millions over millions Bangladeshis are trekking over a thousand miles through Maoist infested territory to add to the Kerala Muslim population!!!

Hahaha ! You simple simpleton :D
Turning LOC into IB is simply not possible. So everyone and particularly Indians should forget about it.
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