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Silent Subterfuge – LoC to Border?

Making the LOC the official border is the only way out of this..... lets be honest, no country will ever give up their part of Kashmir. And fighting even a single more skirmish over it is a waste of human and financial resources.
No, we are slaughtering Muslim terrorists unless you class every Muslim as a terrorist?
no and also not every Terrorist is Muslim either buddy, People fighting for FREEDOM are labeled as militants in ur arena.. so whoever stands up for freedom in Kashmir is labeled and Martyred!!!!
no and also not every Terrorist is Muslim either buddy, People fighting for FREEDOM are labeled as militants in ur arena.. so whoever stands up for freedom in Kashmir is labeled and Martyred!!!!
I was being sarcastic, it seems you are failing to comprehend simple things and now you are changing the subject from Pandits to "freedom fighters". I'm done talking to you.
An agreement has to be reached, violence, political games and status quo won't change a damn thing.
If the status quo is maintained, another war is unavoidable, it's not a question of IF, but WHEN. We will move from one period of flashpoint and war to another.

If no initiative is taken by both sides, the bitterness will only continue, war might well happen again.
With all due respect i want to point out the fact that the Indian side is actually quite happy with the current status quo situation and we have absolutely no aim to re-conquer the Azad Kashmir which was apparently lost to Pakistan back in 1947-48 because even though our official stance is that the area is rightfully ours,deep down in our hearts we know that we never actually had the area in the Union of India at the first place.So i am quite sure that the Indian officials will never entertain the idea of bringing the Azad Kashmir back to the Indian Union because the people there are already anti-Indians and are de-facto Pakistani citizens,so why fight for an alien land!On the other hand if a war starts in the future regarding the Kashmir issue,it will most probably be started by Pakistan as your country still considers the Kashmir issue as the bone of contention in Indo-Pak relation.
Personally i don't think that the Pakistani authorities will advent in that sort of misadventure in the near foreseeable future as your country will literally be decimated by the Indian Armed Forces in a matter of couple of days due to our sheer numerical as well as technological superiority in case of a conventional war and your military planners know that any type of nuclear attack will lead to a massive nuclear retaliation from the Indian side,hence they will never escalate the matter to the point of a potential nuclear confrontation....:coffee:
Invalid argument.

1: Do Punjabi Muslims and Sikhs have relatives on each side?

They do, but their numbers are small, samjhuta buses are in place to take them across.

2: Is Punjab a nuclear flashpoint like Kashmir?

Hell no

3: How many wars have been fought over Punjab?


4: How many wars have been fought over Kashmir?


Any solution has to be a solution lead by Kashmiri people on both sides of the LoC. It has to be honorable to both Pakistan and India as well.

Once Kashmir issue is solved it will lead to easy access throughout Pakistan and India, trade and people contacts will boost and will create a peace we never got as a gift from our ancesstors.

Bangal is none of our Business.

War, nuclear flashpoint, etc. will become irrelevant if both India & Pakistan settles the LoC as border amicably, it will be politically very difficult for us to let go our legitimate claim on the other side of Kashmir, but for the sake of peace & stability of the region we might even consider that option, maybe also with an option of controlled population exchange for those who would be willing to exercise that option. Apart from this, there are only two options that are 'acceptable' to us, one is status-quo and the 2nd one is war, though I don't believe the 2nd option will yield any favourable result for Pakistan.

Kashmiris cannot 'reallign' their wishes as per your imperialist mindset. They have the right to struggle for their aspirations both politically and through armed resistence.

1. We cannot realign our borders as per the wishes of 'some' Kashmiris. Millions of people from across the Indian subcontinent have realigned themselves or their place of living as per the way the borders were drawn during the time of partition, those few Kashmiris can do the same if they feel so.

2. They have the right to struggle for their aspirations politically within the democratic framework of the Indian constitution.

3. Any legitimate democratically elected sovereign government has a responsibility to protect its citizen and maintain law & order, unfortunately armed resistance undermine the safety & security of the citizens of the country and destroys law & order. Hence, it is the government's duty to strictly deal with any attempt of armed resistance as per the law of the land.
1. We cannot realign our borders as per the wishes of 'some' Kashmiris. Millions of people from across the Indian subcontinent have realigned themselves or their place of living as per the way the borders were drawn during the time of partition, those few Kashmiris can do the same if they feel so.

2. They have the right to struggle for their aspirations politically within the democratic framework of the Indian constitution.

3. Any legitimate democratically elected sovereign government has a responsibility to protect its citizen and maintain law & order, unfortunately armed resistance undermine the safety & security of the citizens of the country and destroys law & order. Hence, it is the government's duty to strictly deal with any attempt of armed resistance as per the law of the land.
Kashmiris are not Indians. Kashmir is not a part of India. Practice your "democracy" in your Republic. Leave Kashmir. Let them decide for themselves what they want. But you got no business there except as an invader.
Kashmiris are not Indians. Kashmir is not a part of India. Practice your "democracy" in your Republic. Leave Kashmir. Let them decide for themselves what they want. But you got no business there except as an invader.
u are a war veteran ...really.....damn.
Converting the LOC to IB will be a grave mistake.... Maintain the Status Quo and negotiate later from position of strength...

It could have been a valid solution in shimla agreement, but in today's situation, Logic dictates to wait and see what happens.
Kashmiris are not Indians. Kashmir is not a part of India. Practice your "democracy" in your Republic. Leave Kashmir. Let them decide for themselves what they want. But you got no business there except as an invader.

Chittagong had 97% to 98.5% 'non-Muslim' population at the time of partition, and people of Chittagong are fighting a long battle for freedom from Bangladesh, why don't you practice what you preach and free them?

You can't call yourself a self righteous 'democrat' when you deny Kashmiris the rights you want for yourself.
like? are they allowed to vote? are there any constitutional hindrances in a kashmiri to reach the highest position in india? If not mistaken, majority of our prime-ministers were or kashmiri origin? If anything Kashmiri people are given more constitutional benefits than other Indian citizens...
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