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If india not stop killing innocents at LOC we will not sit silent : Imran khan

all talk no respite.......

We still are awaiting for the kinetic response of Indian Annexation of Kashmir as well as its bifurcation.

Both Civilian and Military leadership are complacent in this........And even this British influenced Buffon is also talking about mere LOC firing of india on civilian AJK population, not on the real reason why india has become so bold!

They have done a deal with India and have sold off Kashmir conflict in the name of ''Peace''

Bajwa's own credentials as a Military and a Leader of a Muslim Army are questionable(he is not a khandani admi either nor is his own household) as well as he served under an indian commander while in UN missions in Congo, he is severely Pro India(just refer to the first ever speech he gave to troops after taking charge, india or ss k political system ki aisy tareefain kar raha tha jaisy ye khud indian ho) Also he hasnt commanded a single war on terror operation himself, but rather has done a mere guard duty in LOC as 10 Corps commander.......

As for internal politics and economics, his indecisive attitude has proven to be counterproductive, by allowing this inexperience idealistic Imran Khan the buffon with no practice administrative experience whatsoever into the game, that too as a head of state without first kinetically eliminating all the terrorists and their financial supporters and their abbaters(as Gen Raheel Sharif used to say) as well as this entire corrupt system first through a prolonged caretaker setup before 2018 elections, and had ensured that his own men like that Kayani/Pasha etc would Lead that setup as those r the ones whose plan he is following be it internal or external like Kashmir, And they themselves would have proven their own plans by doing a Stalin style nationwide purge then we all wold not be see this day!

After that after clearing the path, he could have brought this idealistic Buffon into the power and then even he may have been able to do what he thinks he can or wants to do as well.

Bajwa has simply failed to justify himself of being a leadership material nor has been been able to fill the big shoes left by General Raheel Sharif.......Who was a credible Charismatic leader with credentials and was from a proper Khandani admi.

As for now, force retire this Bajwa(to hell with his extention drama) bring back Lt Gen (R) Tariq Khan back into service(a great Leader like him is being wasted in mere FFC, he is far too precious for the cause of Pakistan and its Armed forces) and replace him with this incompetent wanna be ''Leader''.



Bajwa is one of the worst Army Chiefs.
His attitude towards Government was proven when he took the call from US Defence Secretay Mike Pompeo and actually engaged with him over Iran issue; his response should've been crystal clear - speak to the Prime Minister, not me, and should've put the phone down.

Then this extension drama... 3 freaking years. The guy has zero shame. People should see why everyone loved Gen. Raheel Sharif, but half hate Gen. Bajwa to the core.

One general retired with respect and dignity despite people wanting him to take an extension, he had a great role in Zarb e Azb and the Army's victory on that front, and most of all, he dismissed rumors that Army will take over during the sit-in by Imran Khan, he respected the Jumhuriyet. Allah gave him great respect as well, he was given the position as chief of Islamic Coalition against Terrorism by Saudi Arabia.

Meanwhile, this man Gen. Bajwa is forcefully taking extension while people don't want him to. And this ball-less idiot Imran Khan is listening what is told to him word by word.
In your first post you criticzed Imran Khan for doing nothing and in this post you are against war. Then what else you want?
Have Pakistan exercised all options to the full extent...I don't think so...How about Pakistan ends diplomatic relations( by end I mean cutoff fully). Close airspace for all Indian origin airlines...
Till then, I will keep critsizing.
After all these options have been exhausted, I wouldn't even oppose war. There is nothing we can do about it if we just can't.
Bajwa is one of the worst Army Chiefs.
His attitude towards Government was proven when he took the call from US Defence Secretay Mike Pompeo and actually engaged with him over Iran issue; his response should've been crystal clear - speak to the Prime Minister, not me, and should've put the phone down.

Then this extension drama... 3 freaking years. The guy has zero shame. People should see why everyone loved Gen. Raheel Sharif, but half hate Gen. Bajwa to the core.

One general retired with respect and dignity despite people wanting him to take an extension, he had a great role in Zarb e Azb and the Army's victory on that front, and most of all, he dismissed rumors that Army will take over during the sit-in by Imran Khan, he respected the Jumhuriyet. Allah gave him great respect as well, he was given the position as chief of Islamic Coalition against Terrorism by Saudi Arabia.

Meanwhile, this man Gen. Bajwa is forcefully taking extension while people don't want him to. And this ball-less idiot Imran Khan is listening what is told to him word by word.
nobody gives a shit abt jamhooriyat.

If he still grows balls and push the troops in Kashmir, trust me everything will be fine.....Imran Khan can go to hell
Have Pakistan exercised all options to the full extent...I don't think so...How about Pakistan ends diplomatic relations( by end I mean cutoff fully). Close airspace for all Indian origin airlines...
Till then, I will keep critsizing.
After all these options have been exhausted, I wouldn't even oppose war. There is nothing we can do about it if we just can't.

Realistically Government of Pakistan have not taken matters seriously enough regarding Kashmir as it required.

If Kashmir is jugular vein of Pakistan then why we still have any kind of relations with India after August 5, 2019???
Brother mine,

We cann't go on doing what we have been doing on the CeaseFireLine or IB ....

can afford to loose soldiers in larger numbers...simply because these soldiers are disposable..being from lower castes... too many stories to narrate here...since we have seen about how these GanguSoldiers are treated... even used as domestic servants.... so killing these soldiers as retaliation won't dent the GanguTerroristArmy much....

Essentially, it is stalemate/deadlock ...and per default victory of sorts for us...since we are a smaller force and country... but the price that OurPakCitizen pay is too high.. do you recall GanguTerrorists killed OurPakBoy with a sniper shot in the head... pictures are here on PDF...and then days after shot dead OurLittleDaughter in AJK again...

In IoJK the GanguTerroristOccupyingArmy has done far, far worse... no need to narrate once again...

With Peace in Kabulistan
almost secured and Yanks ready to exit...well most of their forces anyway... GanguFacistRegime will loose Kabulistan as place of doing terrorism in OurBalochistan/KPK and much more... because, as you know as well, Pakistan shall NOT accept any Gangu presence while we help Yanks to have a FaceSavingExit... It is obvious and doesn't require to build an argument around it...

If GanguFacistRegime had IoJK under control it would not have vanished from GanguFacistMedia and there would not have been continuing curfew.

Placing of BraMouse is another indication of its panic! And GanguTerroristArmy is still strengthening its positions and bringing in more weapons to the theatre in IoJK.

Nobody in the Marasi IntlCommunity has accepted IoJK to be integeral part of GanguDaesh ...not even OrangeBall... everyone is declaring it Bilateral Issue to be solved under agreed mechanisms and UNSC Resolutions... so GanguFacistRegime is now stuck... it neither can spit it nor swallow...

A superficial look at Gangunomics will reveal that all that FakeShine is gone and underlying cheap plastic is revealed...with deepening BankingCrisis.... manufacturing going down... housing bubble busted... public enterprises in deep red and then ariliners loosing, loosing big...

Now combined with this CAA and building of those ConcentrationCamps to put muslims in is not going well... GenocideWatch, HumanRightsWatch all issuing Alerts... and then there is the WesternMedia not singing GanguTunes but rather stating the FACTS...

Sanctions on Malaysia for standing up for PakKashmiris and standing with Pakistan is a bigger trouble for Oh I See than Malaysia or Pakistan ... if you look it carefully.

OurArabBrothers allowing a fellow MuslimCountry to be sanctioned by a third rate country and not allowing PMIK to visit KL Summit... makes them ... well, not so good guys..as Yanks say. And with the recent Game of Chicken between them and Iran... we both know what happened...

Everyone needs Pakistan... It is only goig to grow..this need!!

And now GanguFacistRegime threatening Turkiye with sanctions... I hope it does... will only put more pressure on Oh I See ... it is useless, toothless and dead ..but if it does nothing... then well it breaks...good thing really!!!

Till now we have not fought any war with GanguDaesh... we had only battles... we have fought TwoWars .... in Kabulistan... and both we have Won!!!

GanguFacistRegime is mortified with idea of Yanks leaving Kabulistan for good reasons... when OurWesternBorders become secure.... we shall be ready for Hello Ganguz!

We, Paks, know what War is. What it does.... need I go in detail?

But Ganguz don't know what war is ... they have not fought a single war in 72 years... just ignore those 71 taunts... but even 1962 was not a war..but a battle with the Chinese ..which the Chinese won hands down!

Pakistan has tried and tried to solve things through diplomatic means... it has delivered nothing. And it shall delvier Nothing in the future as well... because there is NO Compelling Resaon for GanguFacistRegime to do so. Simple!

China is party to IoJK ... and shall not let it rest... shall keep it a low heat... for simple reason: Tibet!

What we forget or fail to see that GanguTerroristArmy is deployed 70% towards us... it is actually a prisoner in IoJK... spending billions annually and still bogged down there... giving China enough space to build up in Tibet with ease and leisure...

Once again.. by the virtue of our being... we have contained Ganguz to the dust plains of Gangeez... it suits China very much... all these madmen can do is dream of ShooperPauer and utter empty, hollow brovadoz... which we have been subjected to for two decades now...

Seen from Gangu perspective they wish to break the chains and become a GlobalPower which is respected and taken seriously in global affairs... this has not happened and shall not happen in the mid term either... Photo ops don't count... what matters is effects/results... there are none!

So we do see GanguFacistRegime becoming more desperate and will try to break the StrategicFlux/Paralysis .... it would like to create conditions which will force the Yanks to stay in Kabulistan.. but also doesn't wish to go overboard..

GoP is constantly hammering on GanguFalseFlags so it is not that easy now as it was during Zardari/Noora Regimes times... FATF is coming closer and GanguFalseFlag operator was just caught... so there might a couple of backups RAW would be working on.... let us NEVER underestimate the GanguMalice!

NowIF the GanguTerroristArmy waits for S400 and Rafale integeration... then the Opportune Moment will be gone for good...with Yanks out of Kabulistan...

What the FacistModi needs is some good news...some victory for GanguMedia to go overboard..to prove ShooperPauer has arrived... but it also doesn't wish to get things out of hands... 27thFeb it cann't afford now...

We need to take the statements of RSS Mouthpieces ... sweet Bippin and his sidkekick, seriously... and we do.

Pakistan doesn't want WAR.

Pakistan also doesn't wish to engage in a battle either.

27thFeb was a clear indication of this... whence we forget PakPositiveNationalism and see with a detached, unbiased manner... we see that Pakistan is now in a reaction-mode... if GanguTerroristArmy does CeaseFireViolations it is given calculated/proportional response...

Our primary focus is to secure the WesternFlank..including Persian side... we don't wish Persia to fall... already discussed in detail...as to why.

When your enemy is in mess why give it a breathing space?

That is exactly what we are doing... a tweet from PMIK saying Hitler of East has more effect on GanguFacistRegime than we sending back dear Abhi...who is good soldier and man of his words... hence, respect for him!!!

With internatinoal media exposing GanguDaesh on daily basis... warning tweets have much more value than we blowing up bunkers or shooting a fighter or two... this adds to the Gangu desperation...and we want them to be even more desparate... keeping it on slow boil is our strategy.

Yes, we have not been 'muslims' or 'brave' to parachute in IoJK ... as many YoungPaks have said here... but suicide is forbidden in Islam.. people forget the Battle of the Ditch... The Holy Prophet PBUH has taught us so much..but we are blind and deaf...

So what Pakistan is saying: We shall NOT fight anymore Battles with Ganguz.. if we do then it is going to be The LastWar!

With his million flaws and bongiz to boot... PMIK has understood PakStrategy perfectly and is doing a rather good job!!

We wait now for Ganguz to prove that they have guts to have a War with Pakistan!

War is Stupid. Only Stupid want War.

Pakistan is wants Peace..because we know what WAR is!

Nobody should take this as our weakness...



P.S: I shall compose a piece highlighting how Pakistan through its being and strength has provided StrategicRelief to BD for its existence and now economic growth... You see... we do so much yet we get the bad press. BD should be grateful to Pakistan for so many things!!!
Bold, italics, underline, different font colors, different font sizes, i hope the text editor doesn't provide any other formatting options here! Very nice info to comprehend but an absolute torture reading it!
like what you did for kashmir.just talk and talk and talk.
i don't believe these talk now.
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PakBrother mine,

I take your feedback with open heart! Shall attempt a less tromenting format next...

What is your critique on the Thesis presented?

All good bro! I think we all really enjoy reading your posts on the forum, your text is powerful in itself; it doesn't need over-formatting. Its just like a pretty face doesn't need too much of a makeup! Peace! Cheers!
nobody gives a shit abt jamhooriyat.

If he still grows balls and push the troops in Kashmir, trust me everything will be fine.....Imran Khan can go to hell

Jumhuriyet hogi tou mulk ki tareeki hogi.
Jumhuriyet hogi tou mulk ki tareeki hogi.
old useless slogan......Asia is not West....here authoritarian rule works best, China is a far greater example to follow for all Asian countries, as its based on our own Asiatic mentality and psyche.

As for democracy and its goodie goodie stuff, World is already getting away from that line
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