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I Dislike Generals more than all our enemies combined

So, what now. Should we celebrate our soldier's death as Generals do what they have been doing with no impunity on jawan's 'discipline'? They can 'kidnap', torture, kill, get wasted in Hilux, etc at Generals' behest ! Or they are the cogs if aren't the gear in the machine! But the enemy is the enemy, whether it was the imperial british indian army hawaldar or current ones?

P.S. It is so easy for TTP to recruit more in such news around. IK must wait selfishly for letting PDM ruin the country. Meanwhile, he should paddle the narrative of corruption and the economy to every poor. Then let people decide who is responsible and why they don't they have anything to eat. Who is the culprit and responsible for their misery
Partition has nothing to do with Pashtuns or Baloch.

The trauma looks like to have been healed.

Partition crocodile tears is used by Pakistani nationalists to emotionally blackmail other Pakistanis to try to get them to tow the ISPR line 😂

Real life ain't Hum TV brudda

Most Pakistanis are fine with the Indian narrative of partition.

Not my history 🤣


Why wasn't all of Kashmir secured?

Look up how Pakistan sold out Kashmir in 2003/2004.

That was in Bajaur. Your ignorance of history is very baffling.

I actually don't identify with "pajeets". I am Pashtun.

One can argue Pakistanis identify with pajeets the most.

I don't identify with India. It is pretty weird for you to create a mental image of me in your head to justify your ramblings.

Why hasn't Pakistan gotten Kashmir?

Why did Pakistan refuse to take the bodies of its dead soldiers in Kargil?

And how did 1971 happen? What led to it? Dumb interference by Bhutto and the military. Even Sheikh Mujibur Rahman said he didn't want Pakistan to break.

Mahmood Achakzai, Akbar Bugti, and Ataullah Mengal were right.

Everything they said about the establishment and top brass turned out right.

Where were they when Imran Khan got shot, and when Arshad Sharif became shaheed?
Partition might not have anything to do with Abdul Samad Achakzai and his ilk but other Pakistanis were in on the program. Case in point, reception of Nehru in NWFP. Do you deny the slaughter that took place on the eve of partition? Your argument is that since some faujis are having a good time, there would have been no mass suffering. By that logic, your leader didn't get shot either, since he was even willing to shine shoes after getting shot by his would-be assassins.

Are you even a Pakistani? You clearly make the distinction by differentiating yourself from Pakistanis (even in this comment you don't count yourself as one). ISPR line? Objective assessment of history/realization of plain historical facts is towing the ISPR line?

"My leader got shot, and now I am not going to accept the human tragedies that unfolded in the aftermath of partition. How sickening!"As I said, your hatred of Pakistan has always been there, you just got an opportunity to spew it openly in the garb of dIsSeNt, fam. You do not count as most Pakistanis either, that's the breaking news for your today.

Not your history, Oh maybe you identify as one of those whose behinds were handed over to them in the early 1960s when they decided to invade Bajaur (whether the act was done in Waziristan or Bajaur is moot). Savor that history. :D

No point in fighting when the objective of war is achieved without fighting. Nehru promised a plebiscite hence the fighting stopped.

Weren't you saying most of your culture, food, and choices in entertainment are the same as pajeets? Na fam, you are either confused, just plain pissed as a spoiled brat whose "lEeDeR" was shot and now wants to crash and burn the country (figuratively speaking), or just someone who actually identifies with pajeets but then also feels revulsion towards the fact that he does. :D

If bodies were refused, how did two Nishan e Haiders get awarded and bodies received? If only you had a critical mind rather than a subservient/defeatist/self-loathing one that is ever willing to absorb the enemy's propaganda. Here's a video if you decide to break the pattern:

You said no wars were won. I just gave examples and contexts for a more nuanced understanding of the military dynamic that has historically existed between Pakistan and India. I was not discussing what led to 1971 itself. You won't find me apologizing for the military's role in the dismemberment of Pakistan.
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Is anyone else starting to feel the same, it's like a house rat or some shit, like finding a bad friend is worse than a cruel enemy
I see our country and I just can't understand why are we poor, like I can't understand it except for someone literally keeping you down
or am I being emotional - it's elite capture but they are getting all the blame?

Over the past 6 years, they changed PM's like underwear, all the elite class is with PDM while the country is on the other side, almost unanimous

My biggest heartbreak when I see Pakistan is the GDP.

We have a hard working workforce, resilient population and intelligent youth. But it’s all because of poor government funding for infrastructure and educational progress, that leads to the talent not being nurtured. Otherwise our GDP should have been 2 or 3 trillion by now, as well as our GDP per capita being way ahead of India.
My biggest heartbreak when I see Pakistan is the GDP.

We have a hard working workforce, resilient population and intelligent youth. But it’s all because of poor government funding for infrastructure and educational progress, that leads to the talent not being nurtured. Otherwise our GDP should have been 2 or 3 trillion by now, as well as our GDP per capita being way ahead of India.

It happens, when a country is, for the most part, ruled by patent Haraamis, and common public accepts it as a normal thing.
Oh POOR marginalized Brahmins, my heart bleeds for them.. :lol:

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Since when is wealth meant to be representative ?
And Learn to read data please. 57% of Kayasth (whatever that is) does not mean 57% of rich are kayast. 50% of brahmins being rich does not mean 50% of rich are brahmin.

If you're going to argue that lower castes are suffering because brahmins take away their opportunity, that's an insane conclusion after 70 years of reservations and affirmative action. Neither is it a factual status once you look at local and regional positions of power, economic activity concentration etc.

I don't know how so many people pop up with data and graphics these days without a clue of what those things mean.
If you f the shit outta em, go to their headquarters and butcher them - something that I feel most of the country is feeling, our people are hotheaded anyways
then you have cruel enemies outside waiting for their turn (and no its not a perception, its the truth, the country for 1000s of years has faced geopolitical challenges and 2022 is no different, our region, and our country will always attract cruel enemies like in the past, present and future- get it through your head libtards )

if you keep them then they keep you down
I git a warning for saying something like this ...
@ mods. We the people feel for Pakistan. We are suffering and its our right to speak freely
Case in point, reception of Nehru in NWFP.

Reception of Nehru doesn’t have anything to with partition violence.
Do you deny the slaughter that took place on the eve of partition?

No, it was gruesome. But it didn’t have anything to do with Pashtuns or Baloch. The Radcliffe line doesn’t run through our lands.
Your argument is that since some faujis are having a good time, there would have been no mass suffering. By that logic, your leader didn't get shot either, since he was even willing to shine shoes after getting shot by his would-be assassins.

My argument is that partition trauma is healed. Pakistanis and Indians get along well, the Kartapur corridor is evidence of that.
As I said, your hatred of Pakistan has always been there, you just got an opportunity to spew it openly in the garb of dIsSeNt, fam. You do not count as most Pakistanis either, that's the breaking news for your today.

Meh not really. I used to like Pakistan and do 5G wars 😂😂

Wdym by “most Pakistanis” this is just my personal opinion.
Not your history, Oh maybe you identify as one of those whose behinds were handed over to them in the early 1960s when they decided to invade Bajaur (whether the act was done in Waziristan or Bajaur is moot). Savor that history. :D

It isn’t my history. Partition doesn’t have anything to do with us. The borders on the west of the country were set in 1893 after the Afghan king agreed to sell the land.

At one point you say I’m a pajeet then say I’m Afghan. The mind of a Pakistani 😂
No point in fighting when the objective of war is achieved without fighting. Nehru promised a plebiscite hence the fighting stopped.

So then Pakistan was still at a losing end.
Weren't you saying most of your culture, food, and choices in entertainment are the same as pajeets? Na fam, you are either confused, just plain pissed as a spoiled brat whose "lEeDeR" was shot and now wants to crash and burn the country (figuratively speaking), or just someone who actually identifies with pajeets but then also feels revulsion towards the fact that he does. :D

Pashtuns are only 15% of Pakistan, we are a minority and our language isn’t an official language in India.

However, what I said was true, Pakistani people by in large follow Indian media. People even watch Indian movies and songs while changing free Kashmir .

Country is crashing and burning itself. I don’t gotta do anything 😉
If bodies were refused, how did two Nishan e Haiders got awarded and bodies received? If only you had a critical mind rather than a subservient/defeated one which is ever willing to absorb the enemy's propaganda. Here's a video if you decide to break the pattern:

India buried Pakistani soldiers that they refused to get:

This persisted even in 2004:

A subservient mind is when you look past the fact the army dances with the enemy

A subservient mind is when Iraq and Libya have higher development and HDI than Pakistan despite getting invaded by the US. That subservience is the reason for Pakistan’s underdevelopment.

My biggest heartbreak when I see Pakistan is the GDP.

We have a hard working workforce, resilient population and intelligent youth. But it’s all because of poor government funding for infrastructure and educational progress, that leads to the talent not being nurtured. Otherwise our GDP should have been 2 or 3 trillion by now, as well as our GDP per capita being way ahead of India.

Bro Pakistan actually has so much talent.

It’s like a parasite sucking on our blood continually.

You said no wars were won. I just gave examples and contexts for a more nuanced understanding of the military dynamic that has historically existed between Pakistan and India.

It sounds like excuses for losing.

I don’t see Chinese people or Russian people doing this. Only Pakistanis.
some generals not all some bad eggs in military need to be kicked
Most Pakistani's need re educating.

Basics missing.

1. Will read namaz but don't know what he is reading.
2. Will say don't drink water after consuming melon (haza ho jaye ga) without realising that a melon is like 95% water.

We are a nation of serial repeaters. This has to change
Reception of Nehru doesn’t have anything to with partition violence.

No, it was gruesome. But it didn’t have anything to do with Pashtuns or Baloch. The Radcliffe line doesn’t run through our lands.

My argument is that partition trauma is healed. Pakistanis and Indians get along well, the Kartapur corridor is evidence of that.

Meh not really. I used to like Pakistan and do 5G wars 😂😂

Wdym by “most Pakistanis” this is just my personal opinion.

It isn’t my history. Partition doesn’t have anything to do with us. The borders on the west of the country were set in 1893 after the Afghan king agreed to sell the land.

At one point you say I’m a pajeet then say I’m Afghan. The mind of a Pakistani 😂

So then Pakistan was still at a losing end.

Pashtuns are only 15% of Pakistan, we are a minority and our language isn’t an official language in India.

However, what I said was true, Pakistani people by in large follow Indian media. People even watch Indian movies and songs while changing free Kashmir .

Country is crashing and burning itself. I don’t gotta do anything 😉

India buried Pakistani soldiers that they refused to get:

This persisted even in 2004:

A subservient mind is when you look past the fact the army dances with the enemy

A subservient mind is when Iraq and Libya have higher development and HDI than Pakistan despite getting invaded by the US. That subservience is the reason for Pakistan’s underdevelopment.

Bro Pakistan actually has so much talent.

It’s like a parasite sucking on our blood continually.

The Pakistani army has parasites. These parasites are programmed in the US during military exchange. These compromised parasites are brought to position of power. The Americans reap the benefits. It is a vicious circle. Unless this circle is broken expect an old broken record to continue. Pakistan is largely a failed nation on so many levels because of it's compromised army.
My point still stands, the INA mutiny wouldn't have made a difference as the British would just handle it the same way they did with 1857. The British left because India became a liability for them.
Britain was broke they couldn’t handle economics of controlling South Asia with their limited military reach and couldn’t trust the locals to continue to just fall in line.

There was also the American factor that forced much of Europe to relinquish their colonial holdings.
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