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I Dislike Generals more than all our enemies combined

Is anyone else starting to feel the same, it's like a house rat or some shit, like finding a bad friend is worse than a cruel enemy
I see our country and I just can't understand why are we poor, like I can't understand it except for someone literally keeping you down
or am I being emotional - it's elite capture but they are getting all the blame?

Over the past 6 years, they changed PM's like underwear, all the elite class is with PDM while the country is on the other side, almost unanimous

Your feeling are totally justified. Its totally human behavior.

What they did with Arshad Shareef Shaheed & Azam Swati has given sense to the nation that Bangladesh was freed in 1971 and we are still occupied.

These recent events of Animalish behavior by Establishment (kidnappings, tortures) has now put spot light on their other crimes as well. Limitless spending of Tax payer money ( their lifestyles / living in humongous bungalows / realestate businesses ). The way they are involved in politics and every other civilian department etc.

You never get freedom easily. Those in power will not give it away. All we want is them to behave and know their place. Get lost from the cities, make your bases away from cities and keep yourselves away from city businesses, real estate & politics
Your feeling are totally justified. Its totally human behavior.

What they did with Arshad Shareef Shaheed & Azam Swati has given sense to the nation that Bangladesh was freed in 1971 and we are still occupied.

These recent events of Animalish behavior by Establishment (kidnappings, tortures) has now put spot light on their other crimes as well. Limitless spending of Tax payer money ( their lifestyles / living in humongous bungalows / realestate businesses ). The way they are involved in politics and every other civilian department etc.

You never get freedom easily. Those in power will not give it away. All we want is them to behave and know their place. Get lost from the cities, make your bases away from cities and keep yourselves away from city businesses, real estate & politics
the only way Pakistan can get freedom from these khanzeer boot lords is we default people struggle to feed their kids then finally people unite and gather outside these khanzeers castle and burn every living soul inside to the ground!

anything else like IK negotiating with them or letting nawaz come back etc etc is bullshit in generals ko haram ki adaat hogaye hai aur ab ya haram khor khanzeer halal roti peh guzara burdash nai kar saktay! so they will do everything in their power to keep ppp and nawaz league (khusra and plastic byach) relevant and make them their pawn PM!

as for public not coming out in number to support khan bhai this argument is bs if not for public ya wardi wallay khanzeer khan ko latka keh nawaz ki goodi may suur r rukkh keh uska d1ck suck kar keh geet banna rahay hotay! it was the public who wet their khakis and forced these khanzeers to work a fking decent script (not change course haramis dont become halalis without justice)
furher ne jo baja rakhi thi inki

sometimes I think we're very ungrateful to the Reich.

In India, Hitler's photo should be placed along-with Gandhi, in reverence to his contributions in India's independence. 😂😂😂
we default people struggle to feed their kids
Call me weird, but in a way, default or economic hardships are good for slightly reducing our population growth. People are gonna think twice before having multiple kids.
Call me weird, but in a way, default or economic hardships are good for slightly reducing our population growth. People are gonna think twice before having multiple kids.
i will respectfully disagree with you i dont belief resources are provided by people Allah creates and Allah provides!!
Coming back to the topic.

The new Chief is in town, made a visit to LoC and the Western front, as per tradition and his job description.

The anti Bajwa journalists seem to have a soft spot for the new boy forgetting the rot is in the institution.

I advise folks to stay ‘neutral’ and strictly judge him with the outcomes in the next few months.

Some red flags, Swati case, Arshad Sharif case, no FIRs registered by IK naming military personnels.
In India, Hitler's photo should be placed along-with Gandhi, in reverence to his contributions in India's independence. 😂😂😂
United Hindustan's independence, both hamari and aapki azadi un hi ne dilvai

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Lemme copy paste my comment from another thread:

In our neighbouring country, caste system is followed in which upper caste people rule over lower caste who in turn rule over even lower caste who in turn rule over even lowerer caste. Brahmin's rule over all of them and just for a show they choose some guy who is not Brahmin as the leader for the nation. Regardless of all the economic improvement mumbo jumbo, the vast majority there still is dirt poor. You might ask why dont Brahmins and other upper caste people genuinely do something to uplift the poor masses when it will make India real strong, real wealthy, real powerful? Answer is, it does not suit the Brahmins and other higher caste people to let others to be equal to them let alone better than them. Only peanuts are provided for poorer ones just so that they remain alive to serve them.

In our case, our establishment is the Brahmin. And our political stooges are our other upper caste people. They will never allow equality for all. They will never allow prosperity for all. Only peanuts will be provided so that we the lower caste people keep on serving them.
Brahmins and upper castes are suffering in india because of 57% reservation in govt jobs and colleges, most of them migrate to videshi lands to make a living. You're detatched from ground realities
United Hindustan's independence, both hamari and aapki azadi un hi ne dilvai

Hamaara tau waesay he rah-chaltay phuddu/fluke lag geya. Struggle was mainly by INC, as far as liberation of British India was concerned. Our struggle was somewhat different. It was you, who said: Quit India. We only intercepted, and said: Divide, before Quitting.😛😛😛
And hundreds of thousands of so called lower castes lording it over them.

The Brahmins are one of the most marginalized people in modern India and suffer quietly or simply go abroad to get an education their thousands of years of breeding brain deserves.

Oh POOR marginalized Brahmins, my heart bleeds for them.. :lol:

Hamaara tau waesay he rah-chaltay phuddu/fluke lag geya. Struggle was mainly by INC, as far as liberation of British India was concerned. Our struggle was somewhat different. It was you, who said: Quit India. We only intercepted, and said: Divide, before Quitting.😛😛😛
Saadey dil ki aisi taise kar di aap jazbaation ne

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