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I Dislike Generals more than all our enemies combined

Well, as per the 1931 census, the last ethnicity/caste based census in British India, there were 16.5 million (1.65 crore) Brahmins in India and they constituted almost 8% of the Hindu population.

Today there are more than 1 billion Hindus in India and Brahmins should be around 90-100 million in numbers.

The quoted article is grossly underreporting the Brahmin population, most probably for propaganda purposes
8% in1931? In that case since Pak and BD took away a lot more of non-Hindus. population of brahmins should be much higher now right ? Ofcourse I'm assuming there were no brahmins among Muslims when Pak was populated.

I've read that non-Hindu replenishment rate is lot higher than Hindu replenishment rate. From 1931 to 2022 that'd compound too but then it is possible that during that period about 25% of Muslims and Christians and non-brahmin Hindus were forced to convert to brahminism.

Finally it is also possible that under Nehruji, a huge number of brahmins were imported from Boston.

These factors together could have brought up the Brahman population to almost 99% of Indian population. Nut since the brahmins are not doing the counting, the count stops at 15.

Swell job
Is anyone else starting to feel the same, it's like a house rat or some shit, like finding a bad friend is worse than a cruel enemy
I see our country and I just can't understand why are we poor, like I can't understand it except for someone literally keeping you down
or am I being emotional - it's elite capture but they are getting all the blame?

Over the past 6 years, they changed PM's like underwear, all the elite class is with PDM while the country is on the other side, almost unanimous

I actually know several 'elite' families who are full-on PTI supporters in Lahore --- and not because they will gain financial benefit. There are still some good people left.

The generals must take most of the blame because they are a supra-constitutional, unaccountable force that can control and bully all other institutions. Civ institutions and politicians, including PMs, can be and are ridiculed daily and often dragged into courts, disqualified, jailed, exile, and worse. That's why ultimate responsibility for this mess lies with their small, colonial mindset.

I actually know several 'elite' families who are full-on PTI supporters in Lahore --- and not because they will gain financial benefit. There are still some good people left.
most Pakistanis from all walks of life want what's best for the country, its only few who have captured it all
The generals must take most of the blame because they are a supra-constitutional, unaccountable force that can control and bully all other institutions. Civ institutions and politicians, including PMs, can be and are ridiculed daily and often dragged into courts, disqualified, jailed, exile, and worse. That's why ultimate responsibility for this mess lies with their small, colonial mindset.
It's not exactly generals, I feel even within the institution there's little to no democracy and more of a one-man show
that creates trouble

there's no one to control the man within the institution itself
no need to quote me and then also mention the old rat at the same time, please and thank you
most Pakistanis from all walks of life want what's best for the country, its only few who have captured it all

It's not exactly generals, I feel even within the institution there's little to no democracy and more of a one-man show
that creates trouble

there's no one to control the man within the institution itself

no need to quote me and then also mention the old rat at the same time, please and thank you

I think we all share the same views. He has shared exactly the same pain and complaints that you and I have against the Establishment. Am I missing something?

RE: the institution. There are always ways to control a mad dog on top. There is conscientious objection. There are resignation. There is an organized effort to bring those unconstitutional orders to account. Of course, everybody cares more about their career than their country in the institutional ethos, so we're doomed.
I actually know several 'elite' families who are full-on PTI supporters in Lahore --- and not because they will gain financial benefit. There are still some good people left.

The generals must take most of the blame because they are a supra-constitutional, unaccountable force that can control and bully all other institutions. Civ institutions and politicians, including PMs, can be and are ridiculed daily and often dragged into courts, disqualified, jailed, exile, and worse. That's why ultimate responsibility for this mess lies with their small, colonial mindset.

Generals and by extension military is the only entity in the country that has no check on it's power. They are for all intents and purposes above the law. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and that's why the sepoy army is the epitome of moral and professional bankruptcy.

no need to quote me and then also mention the old rat at the same time, please and thank you
Coming from Ranjit Singh's left nut, I will take that as a compliment.
It's quite sad to witness that intense love between the public and the army which had been a cause of envy and jealousy for many for decades, broken down in a matter of months. The legacy these people have left behind...It's truly insane how many generations will curse them and place mistrust in the army.

I remember being little, going to the army was almost every kid's dream and now it would be one of the despised professions by both parents and children. All so that these retired ones can live out the rest of their 5-15 years better than Sultans, as revenge for being leaders?

Enemies of this nation today realize something. This nuclear power, a nation of 200 million + fools can be bought with a few million $ and its army dismantled by a few crooked people on the top.

People are such that they are defeated even before they can move a muscle. It's amazing how Pakistanis bad mouth Arabs, Bangladeshis, Srilankans, and others but can't even measure up to 5% of their drive for self-preservation and dignity.

What a joke this country is.
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