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How The Far-Right Could Cause Genocide In India | The Mehdi Hasan Show NBC

Lol, this is one of the lies that is being told to white wash the genocide. You know that India was 100% Hindu once, now after 1000 years of systamatic annihilation, today the 1 in every 3 person in the Indian subcontinent is a Muslim. There are 600 million muslims to 1000 million Hindus in India. If this is not subjugation then what is??

Yeah yeah you can rubbish everything i can say, but truth cannot be suppressed, everything from the mopillah riots to direct action day and noakhaki riots to present day kashmiri pandit exodus from kashmir is well documented and the instigators are well known.

What lies? India was '100%' Hindu, not it wasn't. Buddhism also formed a large base what happened to them?
Lol subjugation did you even read what you wrote, hint there are far more Hindus, always were and are now. Look what happened to the Jews, how many of them are left?

So now you changed the topic from partition to writing about the Pandits, which as evil as it was still suffered less deaths than the Kashmiri Muslims.

The violence went both ways, the politicians up top started it and were behind it all. The Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims partaking in the violence were just brainwashed commoners. And to take BBC as a credible source is just LOL, whenever it suits your agenda it suddenly isn't propaganda anymore.

I suppose being the esteemed historian you are, you must be a better source? Lol....
I'll take the experts and documented sources over your words.
Sure and we broke India and created independent Muslim states,

But Indians were retarded and they told all the remaining Indians don't divide into various ethnic or religious states, they told them a bullshit story about a united India for all Indians

But now 70 years later your trying to force hindutva poison upon all Indians and hundreds of millions of Indians did not sign up for this Hindu extremist state

You Hindus have pushed them and they are beginning to organise and push back and it will end in disaster in India

Partition was right in 1947 and it's right in 2022, we can't deny this going forward as Muslims, Sikhs, Christians are the minority they will take the brunt of the Hindu extremism and the consequences but at the same time they will organise and push back,

India AS WE SPEAK IS BEGINNING TO PARTITION with communities starting to make Hindu/Muslim only areas, and this will create local economies with boycotts of the other

With a biased state and police, it is now quick coming to the point where we openly begin to discuss offence and defence strategies for Indian Muslims

War lines are being drawn and civil war inside India if not open will happen

This may not be a whole scale civil war but multiple fights, riots and open targeting of the other

Jinnah was always right, he tried to explain to you saffron turds and Indian Muslims to embrace partition and separate your communities and not trust in a India which is nothing more than a fallacy
You seem to be happy about the genocide of Hindus and breakup of India in 1947... Very typical of radicals.
Anyways even with 98% muslim population you could not save yourself from being dismembered in 1971 ( you guys did genocide even then too) and even today your country is unstable politically.
India has its problems, we will solve it too, but Indian muslims know that another Pakistan in 2022 is not the answer.
Let's see what happens in the future.
ol, this is one of the lies that is being told to white wash the genocide. You know that India was 100% Hindu once, now after 1000 years of systamatic annihilation, today the 1 in every 3 person in the Indian subcontinent is a Muslim. There are 600 million muslims to 1000 million Hindus in India. If this is not subjugation then what is??
Firstly, Hinduism as a single religion is a recent concept invented by the British who lumped many isolated village religions under the label of "Hinduism", just like how they called all of South Asia "India." So no, "India" was never 100% "Hindu."

Secondly, even if India was 100% Hindu, it was 100% caveman religion before that. So tell me, will you be protesting this caveman "genocide?"

How a majority of 1 billion pretends to be subjugated never ceases to amaze me. Maybe you lot should compete in the mental gymnastics section of the Olympics and India will finally earn a number of medals proportional to its population.
Firstly, Hinduism as a single religion is a recent concept invented by the British who lumped many isolated village religions under the label of "Hinduism", just like how they called all of South Asia "India." So no, "India" was never 100% "Hindu."

Secondly, even if India was 100% Hindu, it was 100% caveman religion before that. So tell me, will you be protesting this caveman "genocide?"

How a majority of 1 billion pretends to be subjugated never ceases to amaze me. Maybe you lot should compete in the mental gymnastics section of the Olympics and India will finally earn a number of medals proportional to its population.
I do not understand your caveman analogy, i would not mind a peaceful progression of thoughts and ideas over generation, change is inevitable but I disagree with forced change under imminent death.

There were 18 million Jews in 1939 just before the holocaust, Jews became 11 million after the holocaust, but today the population of Jews have recovered to 16 million. In the near future Jews will cross 18 million once again and according to your brilliant analogy the holocaust never happened..!!!! Genocide of Jews is just a fiction. Hats off to you mate....!!!?
The violence went both ways, the politicians up top started it and were behind it all. The Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims partaking in the violence were just brainwashed commoners. And to take BBC as a credible source is just LOL, whenever it suits your agenda it suddenly isn't propaganda anymore.

The politicians didn't start it

It started because their was actual real palpable hatred of the other

Politicians just took advantage of the reality

It's us or them and we have to make sure we defend our own against our enemies
You seem to be happy about the genocide of Hindus and breakup of India in 1947... Very typical of radicals.
Anyways even with 98% muslim population you could not save yourself from being dismembered in 1971 ( you guys did genocide even then too) and even today your country is unstable politically.
India has its problems, we will solve it too, but Indian muslims know that another Pakistan in 2022 is not the answer.
Let's see what happens in the future.

The same with 1971, Bangla was too far for us to supply our forces but we planned as best as we could to let's say remove Millions of Hindus to ensure Bangla remained a Muslim state as per partition, Bangladeshi themselves have done the rest over the last few decades

Political instability means nothing when you have your freedom

India cannot solve the mass communal hatred brewing inside India, the very basis of partition is reoccurring

The Hindu extremists are targeting everything about Indian Muslims, their faith, values, mosques and now Indian Muslims are beginning to organise and respond

Communal riots and strife will be even more normal then it is now

India will not solve this with slapping down the Hindus
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Political leaders are not calling
for mass expulsions, rape or anything else.
It’s a crazy comparison stop making it.
You do know that pakistan's army specifically called for culling of Hindus in east pakistan, right? And it did carry it out as well.

Why so much disgust on Hindutva forces now? If anything they are untrained and highly inefficient in doing any real harm to any minorities.
You do know that pakistan's army specifically called for culling of Hindus in east pakistan, right? And it did carry it out as well.

You do know what happened during Operation Polo right when the Indian army went to town in Hyderabad right?
You went back 50 years for a thread based on present day events.
Logic defies you.
You do know that pakistan's army specifically called for culling of Hindus in east pakistan, right? And it did carry it out as well.

Why so much disgust on Hindutva forces now? If anything they are untrained and highly inefficient in doing any real harm to any minorities.

No. The Hindutva are just raping, lynching and culling Indian Muslims for fun.
You do know what happened during Operation Polo right when the Indian army went to town in Hyderabad right?
You went back 50 years for a thread based on present day events.
Logic defies you.
All I saying is this. If Muslims can cull Hindus in their majority areas, why so much disgust in the same demand by Hindus for Muslims? Sheer passage of time does not change anything here and 50 years is not too long of a period.
All I saying is this. If Muslims can cull Hindus in their majority areas, why so much disgust in the same demand by Hindus for Muslims? Time does not change anything here.

Wait what? So where are Muslims right now culling Hindus in sizeable numbers?
You do know what happened during Operation Polo right when the Indian army went to town in Hyderabad right?
I never said Hindus are blameless. They have blood on their hand as well.. All I am saying is, why specifically call out Hindutva people when its a common theme in both the sides. Its unfinished business of partition. It should have been thorough in complete population transfer.

Wait what? So where are Muslims right now culling Hindus in sizeable numbers?
Does it matter if it is right now or in the recent past?

Clearly, each side has major issue in tolerating other.
I'm not a sociologist or historian, but if I recall correctly, sectarianism, nationalism, and tribalism as expressed through far right politics is usually resurgent in societies facing decay and economic hardship. Nazis and Italian fascists came after the great depression, European fascists showed up after economic crises, and generally fringe politics increases in popularity in these times. But India's political turn seems to have come around an economic boom, it's hard to see what the trigger is.
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