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Hindu families evicted for drinking water from mosque

shameful incident but sadly not uncommon the truth is pakistan IS an intolerant country we need to teach more awareness and tolerance of minorities esp hindus who often bare the brunt of the hatred .We need to instill some humanity in our people.
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I have been saying for ages that pakistan needs to give 25-35% of seats in govt to non muslims for there to proper empowerment of the minorties.:pakistan:

I strongly agree with you, provided they are competent, able and are qualified
I have been saying for ages that pakistan needs to give 25-35% of seats in govt to non muslims for there to proper empowerment of the minorties.

Reserved seats do nothing. Minority members in assemblies have to first praise how the state's Islamic laws protect them, then praise the community for supporting them and then they bring their motion to condemn/look into an incident of abuse towards minorities which goes unnoticed. Much like women reserve seat parliamentarians, they are treated like second class parliamentarians.

Reserving seats for minorities, women, ulama and technocrats means that there's an inherent problem in society whereby these sectors of society do not get adequately represented and heard.

In the short run, I can understand the need for reserve seats but I cannot in any way appreciate such a move for in the long run social attitudes and mores have to change in order to protect their rights.

When people start electing legislators on the basis of their views and policies and not their religion and kinship, only then can a society move forward.
where is the mullah???
**** to the administration...
Plz God save this country..
As many as 60 Hindu men, women and children were forced into abandoning their homes in Memon Goth and taking refuge in a cattle pen all because of a boy from their community who drank water from a cooler placed outside a mosque, police officials and community members told The News.

I don't get it. Why would they beat the Hindus if only drink water? Do not make sense to me...!!! :angel:

Yes I actually have. As a student of science, I can assure that Science can not answer everything. At least not yet.

For example. Science can not answer what is beyond singularity. Where science end, Philosophy (Religion) takes over.

This incident has more to do with one personal vendetta rather than religion.
these incidents can be avoided by educating children in school that all religion are equal. but I'm afraid that is not the case with pakistan.

I hope they have changed study material now.

also when you refer 'Hindus' = 'Indians',these problems get created.

Pakistan Being the muslim country so i dont think you point will be ever taught in Pakistan of all religions are equal since we muslims believe different about this issue But We should teach the proper islamic teaching of tolerence, since People being ignorent end up doing what their Mullahs/Pundits/Father/gurus etc If they are educated, rightly about reliegion im sure they would never even think of commiting this crime is big in Go'd and his mankind's sight..... Educate them right way, "if they are educated properly about Islam im sure they would not dare to do this at any cost even if they are oppresed" worldy education is also needed... :usflag::pakistan::china:
These "influential" tribesmen - why are they influential in Karachi?

Sounds like they were fishing for an excuse to make them leave and jumped on the opportunity. The lack of tolerance is so glaringly shameful here. Offering water to the thirsty should be encourage by Muslims, instead we set the worst possible example.
yeah, and what do you meant by that, care to explain?? :what:

He is a one line chinese kum indian troller.. ignore him

I am sick and tired.. when will these ignorant bigots will stop using Islam as scapegoat.

Worst possible example of Muslims intolerance towards other religions in my own country.

Most probably they wanted the land where the hindus were living.. they would have thought hey we can do it on the name of Islam every one is doing it..and it works too..
Shame on them, shame on us.

i hv seen hindus christians drinking water from Mosque's "fe sabeel lillah" water cooler, no one objects.. unless there is a purpose they will. Sad
These tribesmen should be jailed and beaten up every time they ask for water.
Pakistan Being the muslim country so i dont think you point will be ever taught in Pakistan of all religions are equal since we muslims believe different about this issue

No disrespect intended , my thoughts are different.

Moha -- this where precisely the intolerance is built up. The mere notion that a religion or way of life is different and supreme to others will always cause intolerance latter down in the life. It doesnt matter if you say to the students in a nicest possible manner that you should be considerate of other religions even though they dont practice Islam! -- Students grow up , with practicallity and the surroundings they observe intolerance is built up.

I say this because i am a Hindu and my mother is school teacher teaching History in a school/area dominated by Muslims. 80% of the students are muslims and rest are shared by Hindu's and Christians. In my early days Mom used to come back from school and taught me the most important lesson of my life "All gods are equal"..Allah, Krishna, Jesus , wahe guru are all same god with different faces teaching essentially the same thing" ...To prove this point she allowed me to go with her students to masjid , church ..etc...When you do this, tolerance builds up ! I am not saying its fool proof - issues can still happen but it gives a strong belief and a reason for you to pull back from this Religious insanity.

This teaching is extensively practiced in India -- in almost all schools. One great fact i loved about this mom's students (muslims , sikhs , hindus and christians) used to come to once a year big pooja to have food and prasad with no malice -- they used to help around for house work also -- this my friend is tolerance. But you can still see Hindu-muslim-christian problems , many due to inadequate education, many due to bad politics.
Take it easy. There are more heinous things take place else where as well. :coffee:

whatever happened other place i dont give a damn,,,,but in my city karachi these idiotic things cant be toleratable...
we are responsible for what is happening in our area...
Yes I actually have. As a student of science, I can assure that Science can not answer everything. At least not yet.

For example. Science can not answer what is beyond singularity. Where science end, Philosophy (Religion) takes over.

This incident has more to do with one personal vendetta rather than religion.

Even though i am also a religious person and a science student i do not agree completely with this view..

Sooner or, later many things which are not clear will become clearer.
Science is making progress and we cant deny that many things which used to puzzle us 20 yrs. back dont do such any more.
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