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Has Nawaz Sharif survived the Panama Leaks?

Yet India's man is still Pakistan's PM as COAS Gen. Sharif looks on. :crazy:

Honestly, if Nawaz Sharif is so corrupt and pro-India, which is nothing new, how does his party win the election and he becomes PM? What does this say about the Pakistani voter?
Stop trolling man here otherwise you will break many hearts of the PM haters here..!!:toast_sign:
You watch too much media that "speculates". The COAS actually told him that IK was told to stop all of his rallies in Punjab and threats of destabilizing the government. And that he was told to go BACK to the Parliament, where he was elected from. And NOT cause any unrest in the public.

And people saw IK withdrawing from all "threats" and "warnings" of toppling the government. RS did ask NS to resolve this quickly. But that wasn't meaning "resign" as much as IKs fan want to extrapolate that meaning out of it :rofl:

In fact, NS + RS have a VERY good working relation. They've learned to "agree to disagree" and to grow Pakistan as a team. Plus in Panama leaks, there is no legal case against NS. You can't put a human in jail because you were listed as someone's father with some questionable substance. That's sheer stupidity, to be frank. In fact now IK, Tareen and Aleem are using back doors to make things normal and NOT do the SC commission. Why? because they are corrupt themselves. But Pakistan is about to go through an accountability revolution. Justice for ALL is coming. And many people will be in jail. The government is pretty serious about it. With all the economic progress, they'd want to take the credit of setting up accountability too, so in the future, the politicians, judges, military are ALL clean and corruption won't happen
You are Right. Conversation which NS had with RS was there in the media and I relied on that.

Since you seemed to have in depth information, I take your words on this matter.

But I still feel that a Parliamentary Committee would not get to any conclusive solution of tackling the issue of Corruption which has hampered the progress of our region for a long time.

Thanks and Regards
Yet India's man is still Pakistan's PM as COAS Gen. Sharif looks on. :crazy:

Honestly, if Nawaz Sharif is so corrupt and pro-India, which is nothing new, how does his party win the election and he becomes PM? What does this say about the Pakistani voter?
Yeah a powerless pm :D ..

People of Pakistan has forgotten rats of raw that has been caught kalbushan some thing and all attention diverts to this leak. I think there will be no result for this scandal until some alien from other space come in pakistan to solve this issue. :)
PPP won't let him down. Both the parties and its members are the bogies of same train , if one boggy got detached so all will be of no use .
He stole the last election through his money, massive rigging. Infact he and his gang shouldn't even be in Parliament because none of them qualify to be a parliamentarian because of article 62 and 63.
The same old chooran of election rigging. Yeh choiran nai bikkay ga dude.

And by the way who is talking about 62 and 63. If this article is implemented in its true sense IK will be the first one to be disqualified on seeta white issue.

PPP won't let him down. Both the parties and its members are the bogies of same train , if one boggy got detached so all will be of no use .
Then better ask IK to stop standing behind khursheed shah and stop following PPP on panama issue.
Fate of Nawaz Shareef is yet to be written and it won't be what he or India wants it to be. A single petition in the election commission will have him disqualified as he never disclosed his overseas assets, which he and his dependent had and Maryam Nawaz is his declared dependent who owns two offshore companies + flats. Currently Nawaz is dodging the answers and hasn't got himself cleared. If this is your definition of "survival".. good on you.
With this ECP I highly doubt if they are going to disqualify him over anything.
With this ECP I highly doubt if they are going to disqualify him over anything.

Every institution in Pakistan is corrupt to the core, highlighting ECP solely would be unfair in my opinion. Take out Army from the list, and point me a single Institution that is independent and competent. Whether its Police, Customs, Food Authority, Agriculture, Land Development etc etc etc etc. Every single employee whether its a Peon or the Chief Secretary are looking to make a quick buck.

This is exactly why this country is heading downhill. There has been zero efforts to reduce or eliminate corruption from the ranks. Corruption is the biggest impediment to the development of the country, and unfortunately in ours corruption is so ripe. Just look at this Panama Issue, the Prime Minister has been caught with his pants down in corruption but no Civil Institution has the balls to take him on. The only two Institutions that can take the PM to the cleaners are the SC or the Army, but they don't want to go anywhere near this mess. FIA, FBR or NAB that actually are responsible for fighting corruption are themselves the most corrupt institutions.

God Help Us. Zarb e Azb is useless without eliminating this economic terrorists.
You are Right. Conversation which NS had with RS was there in the media and I relied on that.

Since you seemed to have in depth information, I take your words on this matter.

But I still feel that a Parliamentary Committee would not get to any conclusive solution of tackling the issue of Corruption which has hampered the progress of our region for a long time.

Thanks and Regards

The real need isn't a Parliamentary committee and that's never been the case in any country I've reviewed over the history. The issue is, the Pakistanis themselves have to make a call on this:

1) The Pakistanis need to work as a nation. And stand up to corruption. You'll see all this media hype, but in reality, everyone going to a rally by IK is also corrupt (using IK here as he makes the most noise). And this means corruption from stealing taxes, not paying electric bills, etc, etc. So the nation has to decide to not do that.

2) A solid framework needs to be in place. Which would investigate all politicians, generals, judges and media, in terms of identifying corruption. This favoritism of "If you are my buddy, then you are clean (even if he's proven corrupt), but the real corrupt is the one belonging to the other party". So Pakistan now has NAB and also needs an FBI type law enforcement agency who can work internally on all cases related to this.

So a broader framework is needed to deal with corruption. And the nation has to be mentally ready to "loose many loved ones from big seats" as the corrupt ones will be going to the jail!!!!! This would be a shocker to many people so as a nation, you have to be ready to lose people like IK, Tareen, Zardari, etc and let the law enforcement remove them from their power seats and put them behind the jail.
The real need isn't a Parliamentary committee and that's never been the case in any country I've reviewed over the history. The issue is, the Pakistanis themselves have to make a call on this:

1) The Pakistanis need to work as a nation. And stand up to corruption. You'll see all this media hype, but in reality, everyone going to a rally by IK is also corrupt (using IK here as he makes the most noise). And this means corruption from stealing taxes, not paying electric bills, etc, etc. So the nation has to decide to not do that.

2) A solid framework needs to be in place. Which would investigate all politicians, generals, judges and media, in terms of identifying corruption. This favoritism of "If you are my buddy, then you are clean (even if he's proven corrupt), but the real corrupt is the one belonging to the other party". So Pakistan now has NAB and also needs an FBI type law enforcement agency who can work internally on all cases related to this.

So a broader framework is needed to deal with corruption. And the nation has to be mentally ready to "loose many loved ones from big seats" as the corrupt ones will be going to the jail!!!!! This would be a shocker to many people so as a nation, you have to be ready to lose people like IK, Tareen, Zardari, etc and let the law enforcement remove them from their power seats and put them behind the jail.

You have summed up the situation completely but while putting many politicians behind the bar you have been soft on Nawaz Sharif's party.:D

Situation of India and Pakistan was pretty similar before the election of PM Modi ( While many Pakistani hate him for being a right wing Hindu, but no one has challenged his honesty or patriotism ). After Modi becoming PM, India gradually and slowly has started moving toward the desired path of good governance and economic development. Modi has been taking his time and slowly moulding the system by removing the corruption from Top. He is deliberately avoiding instant removal of top suspected corrupt bureaucrats and letting the investigative system and judiciary take its time. Since the whole system has been corrupted to the core including the judiciary, police and even media therefore any unexpectedly hard shockers ( of the kind that you have mentioned ) can literally rock the boat and may result in deviating from the desired course that the Nation has been set into.

Therefore taking a cue from our Political scene, Pakistan must place an absolutely honest and true nationalist leader in PM's office. If Nawaz is doing or had done any wrong in the past then it's time for him for course correction and to become totally honest and transparent in governance. Otherwise It is the duty of the patriotic and independent Pakistani Media to immediately start projecting and grooming a leader who can lead Pakistan to a bright future after the next General Elections.

Regards :-)
You have summed up the situation completely but while putting many politicians behind the bar you have been soft on Nawaz Sharif's party.:D

Nope, use common sense. When I say Justice for ALL....how could there be an exception? ALL means everyone. Unlike IK and his corrupt buddies, I am not saying invest "HIM" and our corruption is a gift of God so don't even mention it. I didn't use NS's name in the list as he's been accused of every living breathing issue for a decade and a half. Every single military and non-military agency has been through their money trail, investments, homes, businesses, etc (Mushy and the time before, when he was forced out by the military). So during those times, Mushy and the previous COAS would've LOVED to hang him if real corruption was found.

In fact, when the Saudi's and the Americans called Mushy, that's what they asked. Mushy was adamant in saying " NS violated the law" and to that, both the messengers told him he should be well aware, that taking a life of a politician this time, extra judiciary without any real issues, will not sit well with the globe and just the sanctions alone would cripple Pakistan. It is then when Mushy gave up his ego and decided to do a contract with KSA and NS. Now you are seeing a repeat of that dramatic behavior, from IK's "Dog ate my votes" (AKA, rigging) to sit-ins on votes to now corruption. Its the same story different day.

But, if NS is proven guilty, hey, I want him to enjoy the SAME cheapest real estate IK and Tareen would, in the jail (its highlighly unlikely due to the past 20 years of constant investigation he went through). Same goes for anyone else in his party. In my books, the TRUTH matters and I will always defend the truth on forums. Corruption, doesn't exist in my books. Justice for all means put people to jail who've destroyed and stole Pakistani treasury's money.

Situation of India and Pakistan was pretty similar before the election of PM Modi ( While many Pakistani hate him for being a right wing Hindu, but no one has challenged his honesty or patriotism ). After Modi becoming PM, India gradually and slowly has started moving toward the desired path of good governance and economic development. Modi has been taking his time and slowly moulding the system by removing the corruption from Top. He is deliberately avoiding instant removal of top suspected corrupt bureaucrats and letting the investigative system and judiciary take its time. Since the whole system has been corrupted to the core including the judiciary, police and even media therefore any unexpectedly hard shockers ( of the kind that you have mentioned ) can literally rock the boat and may result in deviating from the desired course that the Nation has been set into.

That's the beauty of a democratic nation. India has made strives towards maintaining democracy. If Pakistan wasn't ruled by the military elite, it would have been turned into a little India. What I mean by that, is democratic, stable and economically prosper. But the past is the past. Its not too late. NS's policies and work is turning the tide. The new Pakistan others use as a "slogan" for their laziness.....is actually already been built by NS. One of other and most important reasons I support his government ONLY because the projects they have started, half of which, if completed by 2018, will form a backbone for a very fast growing economy. Remember, he is doing what others did not and could not do in the 70 years of previous rules of Pakistan. He's literally accomplishing all that in 5 years. So kudos should be given where they are due, no matter who does the work.

My goal on here is to write the truth and allow people to appreciate progress and understand growing countries resolve their internal issue within their Parliament, not outside on the streets like IK does. His behavior should NEVER become an acceptable behavior by a nation who wants to be modern, peaceful and stable!! Democratic people talk and negotiate all issues peacefully. Violence gives birth to extremism thoughts and later these can be channeled towards terrorism and that should NEVER be acceptable!!

If both, NS and the opposition truly work out this commissions scope and investigative powers and authority and make it independent, I think this would be a massive favor to Pakistan as people on the top would see examples and would start to end the corruption.
All these are fake charges and has been done to topple the governments just like arab spring. Pakistan is doing very well under PMLN and there was/is only one man who could have done it. NS is being dragged into it unnecessarily by opposition as they cannot digest the fact that he pulled out Pakistan from bankruptcy and under his guidance Pakistan soon will become a regional power.

Fake charges.........you must have been living under a rock all this time
Every institution in Pakistan is corrupt to the core, highlighting ECP solely would be unfair in my opinion. Take out Army from the list, and point me a single Institution that is independent and competent. Whether its Police, Customs, Food Authority, Agriculture, Land Development etc etc etc etc. Every single employee whether its a Peon or the Chief Secretary are looking to make a quick buck.

This is exactly why this country is heading downhill. There has been zero efforts to reduce or eliminate corruption from the ranks. Corruption is the biggest impediment to the development of the country, and unfortunately in ours corruption is so ripe. Just look at this Panama Issue, the Prime Minister has been caught with his pants down in corruption but no Civil Institution has the balls to take him on. The only two Institutions that can take the PM to the cleaners are the SC or the Army, but they don't want to go anywhere near this mess. FIA, FBR or NAB that actually are responsible for fighting corruption are themselves the most corrupt institutions.

God Help Us. Zarb e Azb is useless without eliminating this economic terrorists.

Well since we were talking about NS disqualification hence i mentioned ECP. Also because the way 2013 elections were conducted which by the way paved way for this corrupt tola to come, ECP shares the majority of the blame. Everything else well yes i agree with. No institution can take Nawaz to cleaners except army, not even SC considering their role in 2013 elections.
But if army comes this will create a perfect opportunity for Nawaz to become a political shaheed. The best course is to let this government run its due course with army staying behind the doors making sure this thug does not cross his limits. Another thing where i feel army can play a major role is to make sure next elections are not held the way 2013 were and Bio matric vote casting system should be in place. Enough with this decade old Thappa BS. We have to get rid of fake votes. Only than can we see how the much hyped so called 20 core awam humera saath hain as per Khujawa Asif, is really with NS.
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