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Sharif vs Sharif

vcheng is the broken tape recorder, with a hundred dollar bill up its ac socket, you have sold your soul to the dollar, let the poor Paks do what needs to be done, 4th of July coming up, we all think you should expend your considerable intellect in improving your chosen nation, which also has problems.

Thank you.
vcheng is the broken tape recorder, with a hundred dollar bill up its ac socket, you have sold your soul to the dollar, let the poor Paks do what needs to be done, 4th of July coming up, we all think you should expend your considerable intellect in improving your chosen nation, which also has problems.

Thank you.

Why not talk about the content of the posts rather than attacking the poster? Or is that too much to expect? :D

Why not talk about the content of the posts rather than attacking the poster? Or is that too much to expect? :D


You a little girl, report - to your hearts content - A Yank like you should worry about America, and let the poor Paks handle their nation. Please worry about the many problems your country faces.
You a little girl, report - to your hearts content - A Yank like you should worry about America, and let the poor Paks handle their nation. Please worry about the many problems your country faces.

Reported. :D


Besides, if Pakistan can keep it own jihadis within its own borders, the rest of the world would not be so concerned.
Reported. :D

Is that Johnny Depp? Fine lookin 'Murican there! :D

Back on topic, given all the developments, it will not be long before the Army learns the hard way it lessons of knowing its correct place.

And your going to teach them are you? hubris much?

And regarding Mr Depp, part native American heritage wiped out - by your fellow yanks.
And your going to teach them are you? hubris much?

And regarding Mr Depp, part native American heritage wiped out - by your fellow yanks.

The teachers of the said lesson are to be found within Pakistan already. I have no need to do that, do I?

I do enjoy Mr. Depp's movie performances. :D
It seems that Pakistan will remain stuck under it's own military's boots:

Pakistan: Sharif versus Sharif | The Economist

Sharif versus Sharif

The prime minister’s hopes of confining his generals to barracks take a knock
Jun 14th 2014 | ISLAMABAD | From the print edition

WHEN he romped to victory in Pakistan’s general election last summer, Nawaz Sharif looked to be the man who might finally bring to heel the over-mighty army that, 14 years earlier, had deposed him during his second stint as prime minister and sent him into exile. Taming the army was always going to be a tall order in a country that generals have ruled for almost half its history and whose (often self-defeating) foreign and defence policies they have always controlled. But Mr Sharif had advantages which no previous civilian leader had enjoyed: an outright parliamentary majority; an independent-minded media; and an opposition that was unlikely to be beguiled by military plots, having suffered from them itself.

Yet a year on, his attempt to make Pakistan into a country where civilians are supreme is foundering. The government has just lost a battle with the army over Geo, the country’s most popular private news broadcaster. The army took offence at the station and got its licence suspended. The army has won a legal victory in the case against Pervez Musharraf, the general who toppled Mr Sharif in 1999 and is on trial for treason. And it is pushing back against the prime minister’s attempt to hold peace talks with the Pakistani Taliban and his year-long refusal to endorse military demands for a campaign against the group in north Waziristan, on the border with Afghanistan. This week, the Pakistani Taliban attacked the international airport in Karachi, the country’s largest city, in a mercifully unsuccessful attempt to hijack or destroy aeroplanes. It was a vivid and uncomfortable reminder of how little accommodation with the group is achieving.

Relations between Mr Sharif and the army chief (also called Sharif, General Raheel Sharif) were always going to be fraught. The worry is that the prime minister is causing bad blood without achieving much as a result.

Last June he took the momentous decision to charge a former army chief with treason. If the general is found guilty it would be a huge step towards ending the army’s culture of impunity. Partly because of that, many people thought Mr Musharraf would be allowed to skip the country on one pretext or another after he had been indicted by the special court on March 31st. At first, this did not happen. The government banned the general from foreign travel and his trial ground slowly on. But on June 6th, a high court in Karachi ordered Mr Musharraf’s name to be struck off the so-called exit-control list, paving the way for him to leave. The government can appeal. But the verdict clearly helps the army in its struggle with the government over Mr Musharraf’s fate. Mr Sharif must now decide whether to keep on fighting this battle—or capitulate.

His dilemma is that if falls in with the generals he would end up little better than Asif Ali Zardari, his rival whose Pakistan Peoples Party government survived a full term in power largely by doing very little. On the other hand, as the recent row over Geo television shows, confrontation carries big risks, too.

On April 19th the private news channel’s leading anchorman, Hamid Mir, was shot by gunmen in Karachi (he survived). Geo promptly aired unproven allegations by Mr Mir’s brother that the attack had been ordered by Zaheer-ul-Islam, the general in charge of the Inter-Services Intelligence directorate (ISI), the powerful military-espionage agency (which denied involvement).

The station’s claim precipitated a split between military and civilian leaders. General Sharif visited ISI headquarters and lauded “the contributions and sacrifices of its officers”. Mr Sharif rushed to Mr Mir’s bedside, supposedly telling confidants that he would rather be ousted in a coup than allow Geo to be closed down.

In the event, the army got its way after an ugly period in which Geo’s journalists were harassed, the station sued the ISI for defamation and its commercial rivals accused it of everything from blasphemy to being “anti-state”. On June 6th Geo’s broadcasting licence was suspended for 15 days and it was ordered to pay a fine. That it took seven weeks to shut the station down showed how much military power has diminished. But the fight inflicted considerable damage on the civilian authorities.

That damage has been made worse by the behaviour of some politicians. Coups had been thought to be things of the past because Pakistan’s veteran political leaders had at last learned to stand together against the army, whatever the differences between them. Mr Sharif resisted the temptation to bring down Mr Zardari during his unsteady five years in power and today Mr Zardari is returning the favour. But Imran Khan, whose Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party won the second-largest number of votes at last year’s election, is not playing the same game. At huge rallies, the former cricketer claims Mr Sharif stole last year’s election and says he will bring the government down.

Mr Sharif’s political problems have been compounded by the generals’ efforts to undermine his policy of dealing softly-softly with the Pakistani Taliban. General Sharif has been gradually escalating what the army describes as “retaliatory strikes” in North Waziristan. The political risk for Mr Sharif in going along with such a crackdown are anyway fading as it becomes clearer that peace talks (agreed to by Mr Sharif in March and relentlessly promoted by Mr Khan) are not working. The military build-up is thus likely to continue whether or not Mr Sharif gives the army the full-throated support its generals want.

The upshot of all this has been to weaken the prime minister and poison relations between the government and the army just when Pakistan faces some big strategic decisions. In India there is a new nationalist government and talk of progress on energy, trade and visas. Afghanistan will soon have a new president as it prepares for life without NATO combat troops. Potentially, this could give Pakistan a chance to break out of its often defensive prickliness. Mr Sharif says he wants good relations with his two neighbours and an end to the arms race with India on which both countries have frittered away their resources. But so long as he is embroiled in disputes with the army—institutionally suspicious of India and addicted to controlling Afghanistan through Islamist proxies—his government seems unlikely to rise to the occasion.

From the print edition: Asia
very well said, I totally agree with the article :tup:
Nawaz Sharrif was reluctant to start operation against his Taliban buddies, looks like the Army give him a big danda up his rear end. Did you guys see his speech in parliament? he looked like he had just done something in his nappy. I am currently waiting for a military operation on Raiwand. Inshallah.
Nawaz Sharrif was reluctant to start operation against his Taliban buddies, looks like the Army give him a big danda up his rear end. Did you guys see his speech in parliament? he looked like he had just done something in his nappy. I am currently waiting for a military operation on Raiwand. Inshallah.

The problem is that the Taliban buddies causing the mayhem are the Army's toys, not NS's.
Nawaz is pro Taliban please do explain.

NS is pro-negotiation to reach a settlement. The real supporters of the Taliban are the those in the Army who wish to use them for later use.
The Army interferes much more than you describe, and in ways that are absolutely corrosive for the national foundations in the long run. That is why we are in the mess that we are in. Martial law rule for nearly half the time since independence, and blatant interference the remaining time has ensured a collapse of institutions with Army remaining the only power broker. This may work well for the Army, but is horrible for the country as a whole.

tell me which effective institution was built by a civilian government??? tell me which institution was sabotaged by military??? please give examples of how they destroyed it ...

lets discus the last martial law and economy during that time ,,, im not advocating martial law but telling you that pakistan politics is hijacked by 2 corrrupt families ..

Major Reforms and Achievements: ,
The list of the Musharraf’s reforms is given below.
1. Nine world class engineering universities were developed. The cost of building these Universities was over Rs 96.5 billion.
2. In 1999-2000 there were 31 Public Universities. In 2005-2006 there were 49 Public Universities. Air University (established 2002); Institute of Space Technology, IST (established 2002); University of Science & Technology, Bannu (established 2005); University of Hazara (founded 2002); University of Gujrat (established 2004); Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore (established 2002); etc.
3. Literacy rate in Pakistan had increased from 45% (in 2002) to 53% (in 2005). Education was received 4% of GDP and English had been introduced as a compulsory subject from grade 1.
4. In total, 99,319 educational institutions increased in Musharraf’s era.
5. There were more than 5,000 Pakistanis doing PhDs in foreign countries on scholarship in Musharraf’s era. 300 Pakistanis receive PhD degrees every year, in 1999, the number was just 20.
6. Major Industrial estates were being developed under Musharraf’s vision: M3 industrial, Sundar industrial estate, Chakri industrial, etc.
7. In 1999 what we earned as GDP: we used to give away 64.1% as foreign debt and liabilities. In 2006, what we earned as GDP: we gave only 28.3% as foreign debt and liabilities. We were saving 35% of our GDP for economic growth at that time.
8. According to an IMF report, Pakistan was 3rd in banking profitability in the world. On the IMF chart, Pakistan’s banking profitability was on third position after Colombia and Venezuela. On the same IMF chart, India was on the 36th position and China was on the 40th position.
9. According to the Economic Survey 2005, poverty in Pakistan in 2001 was 34.46%. And after 7-8 years of Musharraf, poverty in 2005 was 23.9%. Thus, poverty decreased by 10.56%. Overall, 12 million people had been pushed out of Poverty in 2001 – 2005!
10. The government was providing Sui Gas facility to areas of South Punjab at a cost of Rs 1.311 billion. A total of 1,138 kilometer gas pipeline was being laid. The districts benefiting from these schemes mainly include Multan, Khanewal, Bahawalnagar, Rajanpur, DG Khan, Vehari and Muzaffargarh.
11. The Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) sector of Pakistan had attracted over Rs 70 billion investments during the five years (2001-2006) as a result of liberal and encouraging policies of the government. 1,765 CNG stations were operating in the country, in 85 cities and towns. It provided employment for 30,000 people in the country.
12. The economy was the third fastest growing economy after China and India.
13. Five dams were built: Mirani, Subakzai, Gomalzam, Khurram and Tangi.
14. Seven motorways were completed or were under construction.
15. Gwadar, an advanced sea port, was developed.
16. The GDP per Capita in 2007 was $1000.
17. The industrial sector registered 26 percent growth.
18. A historic 100% increase in tax collection (amounting to Rs. 1 trillion) was observed.
19. Revenue collection in 2007/08 was Rs. 1.002 billion.
20. Exports in 2007 were worth $18.5 billion where Textile exports in 2007 were worth $11.2 billion.
21. Pakistan development programs in 2007 were valued at Rs. 520 billion.
22. Foreign direct investment in 2007 was $8.5 billion.

NS is pro-negotiation to reach a settlement. The real supporters of the Taliban are the those in the Army who wish to use them for later use.
ur obsession and hatred against the army is beyond my understanding
tell me which effective institution was built by a civilian government??? tell me which institution was sabotaged by military??? please give examples of how they destroyed it ...
lets discus the last martial law and economy during that time ,,, im not advocating martial law but telling you that pakistan politics is hijacked by 2 corrrupt families ..

That list has been repeated often, but is full of crap claims. If Gen Musharraf's era was so great, why did it collapse, landing Pakistan in a even bigger disaster?
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