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BRICS rejects sanctions against Russia over Ukraine

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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BRICS rejects sanctions against Russia over Ukraine


BRICS leaders (from L) Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, China’s President Xi Jinping, S. African President Jacob Zuma, Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, pose for a photo in South Africa, on March 27, 2013.

The group of five major emerging national economies known as the BRICS has rejected the Western sanctions against Russia and the “hostile language” being directed at the country over the crisis in Ukraine.

“The escalation of hostile language, sanctions and counter-sanctions, and force does not contribute to a sustainable and peaceful solution, according to international law, including the principles and purposes of the United Nations Charter,” foreign ministers of the BRICS countries - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - said in a statement issued on Monday.

The group agreed that the challenges that exist within the regions of the BRICS countries must be addressed within the framework of the United Nations.

“BRICS countries agreed that the challenges that exist within the regions of the BRICS countries must be addressed within the fold of the United Nations in a calm and level-headed manner,” the statement added.

The White House said earlier on Monday that US President Barack Obama and the leaders of Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan decided to end Russia's role in the G8 over the crisis in Ukraine and the status of Crimea.

Meanwhile, the G7 group of top economic powers has snubbed a planned meeting that Russian President Vladimir Putin was due to host in the Black Sea resort city of Sochi in June.

The G7 said they would hold a meeting in Brussels without Russia instead of the wider G8 summit, and threatened tougher sanctions against Russia.

Russia brushed off the Western threat to expel it from the G8 on the same day. The Autonomous Republic of Crimea declared independence from Ukraine on March 17 and formally applied to become part of Russia following a referendum a day earlier, in which nearly 97 percent of the participants voted in favor of the move.

On March 21, Putin signed into law the documents officially making Crimea part of the Russian territory. Putin said the move was carried out based on the international law.

PressTV - BRICS rejects sanctions against Russia over Ukraine
Donald Trump says he will remove US sanctions on Russia and Iran because it's hurting the dollar.

Former President Donald Trump has recently made headlines by suggesting that he would consider lifting U.S. sanctions on Russia and Iran if he were to be re-elected. During a speech at the Economic Club of New York on September 5, 2024, Trump expressed skepticism about the effectiveness of sanctions, arguing that they undermine the dollar's status as the world's leading currency.

Key Points from Trump's Statements​

  • Sanctions Critique: Trump criticized current sanctions imposed on Russia and Iran, claiming they have not achieved their intended goals. He suggested that these measures have instead harmed the U.S. economy and its currency.​
  • Hypothetical Lifting of Sanctions: While Trump mentioned the idea of lifting sanctions, he did so in a hypothetical context, indicating that he would first impose "strong" sanctions before considering any removal. This nuance has led to mixed interpretations of his statements.​
  • Political Reactions: Trump's comments have drawn sharp criticism from political opponents. For instance, Kamala Harris's campaign responded by labeling his remarks as reckless and indicative of a foreign policy approach that could endanger U.S. allies, particularly Israel.​

Context of U.S. Sanctions​

Trump's administration previously implemented extensive sanctions against both Russia and Iran during his presidency. These included measures targeting Iran's nuclear program and military capabilities, as well as sanctions related to Russia's actions in Ukraine and its interference in U.S. elections.Despite Trump's claims regarding sanctions, there is skepticism about whether he would have the authority to lift them unilaterally if re-elected, especially given bipartisan support in Congress for maintaining or even increasing restrictions against both nations.

Implications for U.S. Foreign Policy​

Trump's stance on lifting sanctions raises important questions about future U.S. foreign policy directions:
  • Impact on Alliances: Lifting sanctions could strain relationships with key allies in Europe and the Middle East who view these measures as essential for countering aggression from Russia and Iran.​
  • Economic Concerns: Critics argue that easing sanctions could provide much-needed financial resources to both countries, potentially enabling further military actions against U.S. interests and allies.​
  • Broader Geopolitical Dynamics: The potential for closer ties between the U.S., Russia, and Iran under a Trump presidency could shift the balance of power in international relations, particularly regarding conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.​


Trump's recent remarks about potentially lifting sanctions on Russia and Iran have reignited debates about his foreign policy approach and its implications for U.S. national security. As the 2024 presidential election approaches, these discussions will likely play a significant role in shaping voter perceptions and influencing the broader geopolitical landscape.
Representatives of the Taliban have submitted an application to attend the upcoming BRICS Summit, scheduled to take place in Kazan, Russia, from October 22-24, 2024. The Taliban's request was communicated to Moscow, expressing their desire for a high-level delegation led by Abdul Ghani Baradar, the acting deputy prime minister of Afghanistan.

Details of the Application​

  • Application Submission: The application was addressed to Yuri Ushakov, an aide to the Russian president. In their letter, the Taliban emphasized their interest in participating in discussions on global peace and cooperation, asserting that their involvement in such forums is essential for mutual understanding.
  • Political Context: Since regaining control of Afghanistan in August 2021, the Taliban has faced international isolation and has not been officially recognized by any country. This participation in a significant international summit represents an opportunity for them to present their perspectives and seek legitimacy on a global stage.

Background on BRICS​

BRICS is an informal group comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, with recent expansions including countries like Iran and Egypt. The summit serves as a platform for member nations to discuss economic cooperation and geopolitical issues.

Implications of Taliban Participation​

  1. International Legitimacy: If granted attendance at the BRICS Summit, it could signal a step towards greater international acceptance of the Taliban's government, despite ongoing criticisms regarding human rights abuses and governance issues in Afghanistan.
  2. Russia-Taliban Relations: Russia has maintained a dialogue with the Taliban since their takeover of Afghanistan. While officially labeling the group as a terrorist organization, Russia has engaged with them on various fronts, including security and economic discussions.
  3. Regional Dynamics: The Taliban’s potential participation could shift regional dynamics within BRICS, particularly concerning relations with neighboring countries and broader geopolitical alignments.


The Taliban's application to attend the BRICS Summit reflects their ongoing efforts to gain international recognition and engage with global powers. As they seek to navigate their diplomatic standing, the outcome of this request may have significant implications for Afghanistan's future relations with other nations and its standing in international forums.

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