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Gül: Turkey will not accept Iran possessing nuclear weapons

did they teach this BS in geography class?

I doubt he went to school. It is hard to believe after all the bs he spouted here
did they teach this BS in geography class?

No, in anthropology classes:

Sub-Saharan Africa has the most human genetic diversity and the same has been shown to hold true for phenotypic diversity.

Human genetic variation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Africans are more genetically diverse than the inhabitants of the rest of the world combined, according to a sweeping study that carried researchers into remote regions to sample the bloodlines of more than 100 distinct populations.

Study Finds Africans More Genetically Diverse Than Other Populations

In the most comprehensive study of African genetic diversity to date, a team of international scientists, led by Dr Sarah Tishkoff from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, US, has revealed Africa to be the most genetically diverse continent on Earth. The findings could be used as a foundation to study genetic risk factors for diseases and the genetic basis of the differences in drug responses in these populations.


Seriously, why do I always have to school you guys? Because most of them are dark, isn't meaning that there is not genetic diversity. On the contrary; its the most genetic diverse continent on earth. So, hold your horses before speaking about BS.
^so awkward, africans have been to everywhere thru 'im'migration and slavery. How come Africa could be the most diverse place in the world

I mean, how come America and northern Europe with almost half their population being ethnical Africans can be less genetically-diverse.

So all white peoples' DNAs are basically carbon copies of each other compared to African tribes. OMFG :D
Africans weren't the first men on earth. We humans were. Africans just stayed in Africa, while we migrated to other places, but that doesn't mean that Africans have more rights to claim humans as a whole. And Africa is the most genetically diverse place on earth.

Actually this is exactly what Darwin argues in his 'Descent of Man' & was corroborated in recent time ! On the 'diversity' thing I agree.

What I was alluding towards was, what appears to me, the fallacy of the argument that looks to glorify any one civilization, ethnicity, culture, linguistic group etc. in a nationalistic sense whereby some aspect of that 'group' is elevated to such a transcendent place that it gives rise to that 'group' growing a sense of their collective consciousness & thereby defining themselves as a 'Nation'.

Whereas if Science tells us anything it is that 'the source' is the same that all 'racial' diversity comes from the same source, in this case, Africa from where the Homo Erectus & Homo (I've forgotten the rest of the Latin term) came & evolved into Homo Sapiens or the Modern Man. If this is true than this talk of claiming yourself to be better than the other because you're Persian or your Turks or Pashtuns etc. is redundant because we're all, essentially the same. We evolved in a different 'anthropological' sense but not a 'genetic' one & if its 'blood' that trumps everything as it does appear to in every 'ethno-nationalistic' rhetoric I've ever heard about then the argument is completely fallacious because the 'blood' is the same back to the beginning.

What is more 10,000 years ago there were no Turks, no Persians, no Punjabis...none of us. We evolved from other civilizations before us & to put it simplistically, we, as a community, sat down albeit subconsciously & decided that 'Hey....we speak the same language, we wear the same dress, we eat the same food etc.' & why because somewhere along the way the community before us made exactly the same choice we're making today, so we're One Nation - the Turks, the Persians, etc.

Essentially all of our civilizations have their origins in 'make-belief' which is not to say that our achievements aren't worthy of applause for they are but we essentially made a tag & labelled ourselves with it albeit subconsciously, what is to transcended about that ?
Turkey , Iran and Israel are the most capable and strongest nations in the entire middle east. They should be collaborating with each other instead of plotting to blow up each other.
Turkey , Iran and Israel are the most capable and strongest nations in the entire middle east. They should be collaborating with each other instead of plotting to blow up each other.

I guess its more of a leadership political conflict and it is not there at the general public level.. Israel is way ahead among the three and Iran has lots of potential but it really need leadership/regime change to be able to live fully to its potential.. I look forward to see peace emerging between these three nations..
Turkey , Iran and Israel are the most capable and strongest nations in the entire middle east. They should be collaborating with each other.
All rational analysis points to the same conclusion. Civilized nations needs to co-operate.
Turkey , Iran and Israel are the most capable and strongest nations in the entire middle east. They should be collaborating with each other instead of plotting to blow up each other.

All three countries are ran by religious nutcases. it'd be stupid to expect reason from these people.
Iran will pay the price if they continue their nuclear program.

Nobody wants Iran to have weapons. Their regime is dangerous, malicious, and aggressive. It is matter of time somebody will teach them a hard lesson.

I totally agree. I used to think i was the only person stating that about the Iranian regime. Turkey and Pakistan might have their differences on other issues but on this I think both countries should take a common stand on the Iranian Islamic regime. What next? The Taliban should also have nuclear weapons just because they are anti-USA. Being anti-USA doesn't automatically make a country "the hero of the neighborhood."
Missing your frontal lobe?

So the US National Library of Medicine is a propeganda tool for the late Hitler and the Nazis? LMAO

Buddy, I'm not claiming diddle squat, published research is claiming these facts. And they're designed to disprove the idiotic notion that Azeris of Iran came here from the corner of galaxy. Iranian Azeris are just turkified Iranians and unless you can show me a published scientific research from a valid journal than you guys are the ones making **** up.

I am all for Azeri rights and they must be allowed to go to Azeri schools etc... However claiming that they're not Turkified Iranians is so illogical and dumb.

True. But i think Azeris from the Republic of Azerbaijan are more of Caucasian descent and closer Georgians and Ossetians wheras the Iranian Azeris are closer to persians and Kurds. But that's a different issue anyways.
I honestly feel sorry for these Persians, they are trying to claim Seljuks as Persian. I can only laugh at that.

Obviously Persian is going to be used as the population being ruled is Persians. The military elite was always speaking Turkish and was Turks. These were not democracy where people vote and like a Republic it was a empire and all matters is the Rulers.

Well , no all the document from then is in persian look even mahmood the powerful ruler of ghaznavi dynasty commissioned a poet to write iran mythical history in persian not in turkish and what's intresting in 2/3th of the book they are bashing turanian which are turks from north east of Iran
And did you know that there are more than 1200 words of Azerbaijani Turkish origin in Persian language?

As I said in my post there are many word of other language in iran even from spain and china while they never rulled iran . If you go back and read my post again you see I first explained that there are turkish words in persian language and we borrowed them because we were simply neighbour and its completely natural to do so unless you put a wall around yourself and cut all communication from others . And then wrote that sentence to show foreign words in a language has nothing to do with being rulled by someone as Turkish people are not supposed to be rulled by iranian (IN Some people mind as in reality they were subjects of iranian dynasties like samanide and... )
well there is no doubt in some degree Turkish was spoken in those dynasties but when the king start to write poems in Persian instead of Turkish and Mongolian then its clear the language is Persian not Turkish . also about the court language all historians agree that the first thing these conqueror did after entering Iran was accepting Persian bureaucracy o its natural to assume the court language is also Persian .
about the adopted words from Turkish , well we never ruled Britain but they have some Persian words in their language , also Spain and France never ruled Iran but we have some word in our language that originate from those languages.
we are neighbor with some Turkish speaking nation don't you expect we loan some word from them ?

By the way did you knew there are more than 1500 Persian word in Turkish language ?

I'm not talking about Turkic words entered the native Persian language, I'm talking about Turkic words used in official Persian documents in Seljuk era, its because Turkic is retained as a court language, for example Persian written sources were calling military governors Sarlashkar but in the same sources same rank also called Sübashi which clearly shows that term is used as well.
As I said in my post there are many word of other language in iran even from spain and china while they never rulled iran . If you go back and read my post again you see I first explained that there are turkish words in persian language and we borrowed them because we were simply neighbour and its completely natural to do so unless you put a wall around yourself and cut all communication from others . And then wrote that sentence to show foreign words in a language has nothing to do with being rulled by someone as Turkish people are not supposed to be rulled by iranian (IN Some people mind as in reality they were subjects of iranian dynasties like samanide and... )

This is the explanation:

"Many Azeri words (about 1,200) entered Persian, since Iran was governed mostly by Azeri-speaking rulers and soldiers since the 16th century (Doerfer, 1963-75); these loanwords refer mainly to administration, titles, and conduct of war"

An example to this is the word "Qoshun" in Persian which is of Azerbaijani origin. This word means "Military Force".

Here is other examples:

Ağa (=Agha) Sir
Xanım(=Khanom) Lady
Xatın(=Khatun) Lady
Xan(=khan) Master
Bəy(=Beig) Master
Ağabajı =Abajı(=Abji) Sister
Soraq (=Soragh)
I totally agree. I used to think i was the only person stating that about the Iranian regime. Turkey and Pakistan might have their differences on other issues but on this I think both countries should take a common stand on the Iranian Islamic regime. What next? The Taliban should also have nuclear weapons just because they are anti-USA. Being anti-USA doesn't automatically make a country "the hero of the neighborhood."
Dude, a Pakistani whose own country has illegal nuclear weapons, along with Indians, are last persons who can talk about Iran.

Stay out of it, it's none of your business.Taliban is the same group that your government wished to sacrifice all Pakistanis for it, we never forget the 90s. Iran is enemy of Taliban and believe me, when it comes to stability, Pakistan doesn't even come close to Iran.
No offense to other Pakistani members, but some doubts should be answered.

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