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Gül: Turkey will not accept Iran possessing nuclear weapons

well Ottoman and English didn't speak Greek or Indian but Ghazenavide , Seljuk , Safavid , Mongol and ..... started to speak Persian , act Persian , celebrate Persian feasts and Think Persian for Gods sake even their kings started to make Poem in Persian instead in Turkish and this talk for itself

Oh god serious now claiming even Seljuks. None of these spoke Turkish only the locals who they ruled did while the Rulers was always Turk who spoke Turkish.
You are wrong and confused. Try to read more.

Than why aren't Iranian azeris genetically different than others? I never understood this theory. In any case, whether they were turkified or came from outer edges of the galaxy, they're here. All I want to know is that how you can claim they came here from some exotic remote edge of the galaxy but still share my DNA!!!!
Than why aren't Iranian azeris genetically different than others? I never understood this theory. In any case, whether they were turkified or came from outer edges of the galaxy, they're here. All I want to know is that how you can claim they came here from some exotic remote edge of the galaxy but still share my DNA!!!!

Don't bother bro; they will call you confused, deluded or having identity problems.
Than why aren't Iranian azeris genetically different than others? I never understood this theory. In any case, whether they were turkified or came from outer edges of the galaxy, they're here. All I want to know is that how you can claim they came here from some exotic remote edge of the galaxy but still share my DNA!!!!

Did you even try to understand why I gave these examples?

West Anatolian Turks are genetically more close to Greeks than Uzbeks.
Jews are genetically Arabs.
Britons have evolved from Germans.
Russians are Poles are blood brothers.

Do you really think all the Persians are genetically same? Or a Persian who lives in 21st century has the same DNA with the other Persian who lived 10th century? What is a Persian DNA, anyway? Who decides it? Is the fact that Azeris DNAs are close to Georgians or Persians makes them Georgians or Persians or Persians' DNAs being close to Azeris makes them Turks? Do you understand the human relations throughout the history? Do you know how the babies are born?
Seljuks were Iranified.

I'm waiting for you to claim Alparslan or tughrul as Iranian aswell lol your actually making me laugh. Mate just leave the inferiority. People will laugh at you. Soon russians will start to claim prussia because of you lol. (Germany)
I'm waiting for you to claim Alparslan or tughrul as Iranian aswell lol your actually making me laugh. Mate just leave the inferiority. People will laugh at you. Soon russians will start to claim prussia because of you lol. (Germany)
I think he is trolling, he is not being serious.. I hope..

either that or he is a Kurd. The Kurds have inherent Identity problems.
Did you even try to understand why I gave these examples?

West Anatolian Turks are genetically more close to Greeks than Uzbeks.
Jews are genetically Arabs.
Britons have evolved from Germans.
Russians are Poles are blood brothers.

Do you really think all the Persians are genetically same? Or a Persian who lives in 21st century has the same DNA with the other Persian who lived 10th century? What is a Persian DNA, anyway? Who decides it? Is the fact that Azeris DNAs are close to Georgians or Persians makes them Georgians or Persians or Persians' DNAs being close to Azeris makes them Turks? Do understand the human relations throughout the history? Do you know how the babies are born?

what in god's ******* green earth are you yapping away about?

wtf is a Persian DNA? I never even used that word. You place it in my mouth and then ask me a question about it.

Azeris and Kurds and Parsis in Iran are genetically identical to very large degree. Nobody is any different. That' what I was talking about. If Azeris came from the farthest points of the galaxy and suddenly got dropped smack bang in Iran, then how come they're genetically the same as other Iranians?

Here's a published report from the US National Library of Medicine

The genetic relationship between Kurds and Azeris of Iran was investigated based on human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II profiles. HLA typing was performed using polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment-length polymorphism (PCR/RFLP) and PCR/sequence-specific primer (PCR/SSP) methods in 100 Kurds and 100 Azeris. DRB1*1103/04, DQA1*0501 and DQB1*0301 were the most common alleles and DRB1*1103/04-DQA1*0501-DQB1*0301 was the most frequent haplotype in both populations. No significant difference was observed in HLA class II allele distribution between these populations except for DQB1*0503 which showed a higher frequency in Kurds. Neighbor-joining tree based on Nei's genetic distances and correspondence analysis according to DRB1, DQA1 and DQB1 allele frequencies showed a strong genetic tie between Kurds and Azeris of Iran. The results of amova revealed no significant difference between these populations and other major ethnic groups of Iran. No close genetic relationship was observed between Azeris of Iran and the people of Turkey or Central Asians. According to the current results, present-day Kurds and Azeris of Iran seem to belong to a common genetic pool.

what in god's ******* green earth are you yapping away about?

wtf is a Persian DNA? I never even used that word. You place it in my mouth and then ask me a question about it.

Azeris and Kurds and Parsis in Iran are genetically identical to very large degree. Nobody is any different. That' what I was talking about. If Azeris came from the farthest points of the galaxy and suddenly got dropped smack bang in Iran, then how come they're genetically the same as other Iranians?

Here's a published report from the US National Library of Medicine

HLA class II similarities in Iranian Kurds... [Int J Immunogenet. 2007] - PubMed - NCBI

You don't have the capacity, just go away.
Oh god serious now claiming even Seljuks. None of these spoke Turkish only the locals who they ruled did while the Rulers was always Turk who spoke Turkish.

For god we go at it for 1000th time Seljuk who ruled Iran were speaking Persian and were completely assimilated with Iranian cultures and hope this end this discussion but I doubt it
After arriving in Persia, the Seljuqs adopted the Persian culture and used the Persian language as the official language of the government,[19][14][15][20][21][22][23][24][25] and played an important role in the development of the Turko-Persian tradition which features "Persian culture patronized by Turkic rulers."[26] Today, they are remembered as great patrons of Persian culture, art, literature, and language[14][15][16] and are regarded as the ancestors of the Western Turks – the present-day inhabitants of Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Turkmenistan.
and these are the sources for the people who say Wikipedia has no credibility

^ a b c O.Özgündenli, "Persian Manuscripts in Ottoman and Modern Turkish Libraries", Encyclopaedia Iranica, Online Edition, (LINK)
^ a b c Encyclopædia Britannica, "Seljuq", Online Edition, (LINK): "... Because the Turkish Seljuqs had no Islamic tradition or strong literary heritage of their own, they adopted the cultural language of their Persian instructors in Islam. Literary Persian thus spread to the whole of Iran, and the Arabic language disappeared in that country except in works of religious scholarship ..."
^ a b M. Ravandi, "The Seljuq court at Konya and the Persianisation of Anatolian Cities", in Mesogeios (Mediterranean Studies), vol. 25–6 (2005), pp. 157–69
^ Bosworth, C.E.; Hillenbrand, R.; Rogers, J.M.; Blois, F.C. de; Bosworth, C.E.; Darley-Doran, R.E., Saldjukids, Encyclopaedia of Islam. Edited by: P. Bearman , Th. Bianquis , C.E. Bosworth , E. van Donzel and W.P. Heinrichs. Brill, 2009. Brill Online: "Culturally, the constituting of the Seljuq Empire marked a further step in the dethronement of Arabic from being the sole lingua franca of educated and polite society in the Middle East. Coming as they did through a Transoxania which was still substantially Iranian and into Persia proper, the Seljuqs with no high-level Turkish cultural or literary heritage of their own – took over that of Persia, so that the Persian language became the administration and culture in their land of Persia and Anatolia. The Persian culture of the Rum Seljuqs was particularly splendid, and it was only gradually that Turkish emerged there as a parallel language in the field of government and adab; the Persian imprint in Ottoman civilization was to remain strong until the 19th century.
^ John Perry, THE HISTORICAL ROLE OF TURKISH IN RELATION TO PERSIAN OF IRAN in Iran & the Caucasus, Vol. 5, (2001), pp. 193-200. excerpt: " First, since the Turkish-speaking rulers of most Iranian polities from the Ghaznavids and Seljuks onward were already iranized and patronized Persian literature in their domains, the expansion of Turk-ruled empires served to expand the territorial domain of written Persian into the conquered areas, notably Anatolia and Central and South Asia."
^ Ram Rahul. "March of Central Asia", Indus Publishing, pg 124: "The Seljuk conquest of Persia marked the triumph of the Sunni over Shii but without a decline in Persian culture. The Seljuks eventually adopted the Persian culture.
^ Ehsan Yarshater, "Iran" in Encyclopedia Iranica: "The ascent of the Saljuqids also put an end to a period which Minorsky has called "the Persian intermezzo" (see Minorsky, 1932, p. 21), when Iranian dynasties, consisting mainly of the Saffarids, the Samanids, the Ziyarids, the Buyids, the Kakuyids, and the Bavandids of Tabarestan and Gilan, ruled most of Iran. By all accounts, weary of the miseries and devastations of never-ending conflicts and wars, Persians seemed to have sighed with relief and to have welcomed the stability of the Saljuqid rule, all the more so since the Saljuqids mitigated the effect of their foreignness, quickly adopting the Persian culture and court customs and procedures and leaving the civil administration in the hand of Persian personnel, headed by such capable and learned viziers as ‘Amid-al-Molk Kondori and Nezam-al-Molk."
^ C.E. Bosworth, "Turkish expansion towards the west", in UNESCO HISTORY OF HUMANITY, Volume IV: From the Seventh to the Sixteenth Century, UNESCO Publishing / Routledge,2000. p. 391: "While the Arabic language retained its primacy in such spheres as law, theology and science, the culture of the Seljuk court and secular literature within the sultanate became largely Persianized; this is seen in the early adoption of Persian epic names by the Seljuk rulers (Qubād, Kay Khusraw and so on) and in the use of Persian as a literary language (Turkish must have been essentially a vehicle for everyday speech at this time). The process of Persianization accelerated in the thirteenth century with the presence in Konya of two of the most distinguished refugees fleeing before the Mongols, Bahā' al-Dīn Walad and his son Mawlānā Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī, whose Mathnawī, composed in Konya, constitutes one of the crowning glories of classical Persian literature."
^ Stephen P. Blake, "Shahjahanabad: The Sovereign City in Mughal India, 1639-1739". Cambridge University Press, 1991. pg 123: "For the Seljuks and Il-Khanids in Iran it was the rulers rather than the conquered who were "Persianized and Islamicized".
^ Mehmed Fuad Koprulu, Early Mystics in Turkish Literature, Translated by Gary Leiser and Robert Dankoff, Routledge, 2006, pg 149: "If we wish to sketch, in broad outline, the civilization created by the Seljuks of Anatolia, we must recognize that the local, i.e. non-Muslim, element was fairly insignificant compared to the Turkish and Arab-Persian elements, and that the Persian element was paramount/The Seljuk rulers, to be sure, who were in contact with not only Muslim Persian civilization, but also with the Arab civilizations in al-jazīra and Syria – indeed, with all Muslim peoples as far as India – also had connections with {various} Byzantine courts. Some of these rulers, like the great 'Ala' al-Dīn Kai-Qubād I himself, who married Byzantine princesses and thus strengthened relations with their neighbors to the west, lived for many years in Byzantium and became very familiar with the customs and ceremonial at the Byzantine court. Still, this close contact with the ancient Greco-Roman and Christian traditions only resulted in their adoption of a policy of tolerance toward art, aesthetic life, painting, music, independent thought – in short, toward those things that were frowned upon by the narrow and piously ascetic views {of their subjects}. The contact of the common people with the Greeks and Armenians had basically the same result. {Before coming to Anatolia}, the Turks had been in contact with many nations and had long shown their ability to synthesize the artistic elements that they had adopted from these nations. When they settled in Anatolia, they encountered peoples with whom they had not yet been in contact and immediately established relations with them as well. 'Ala' al-Dīn Kai-Qubād I established ties with the Genoese and, especially, the Venetians at the ports of Sinop and Antalya, which belonged to him, and granted them commercial and legal concessions. Meanwhile, the Mongol invasion, which caused a great number of scholars and artisans to flee from Turkistan, Iran, and Khwārazm and settle within the Empire of the Seljuks of Anatolia, resulted in a reinforcing of Persian influence on the Anatolian Turks. Indeed, despite all claims to the contrary, there is no question that Persian influence was paramount among the Seljuks of Anatolia. This is clearly revealed by the fact that the sultans who ascended the throne after Ghiyāth al-Dīn Kai-Khusraw I assumed titles taken from ancient Persian mythology, like Kai-Khusraw, Kai-Kā'ūs, and Kai-Qubād; and that 'Ala' al-Dīn Kai-Qubād I had some passages from the Shāhnāme inscribed on the walls of Konya and Sivas. When we take into consideration domestic life in the Konya courts and the sincerity of the favor and attachment of the rulers to Persian poets and Persian literature, then this fact {i.e. the importance of Persian influence} is undeniable. With regard to the private lives of the rulers, their amusements, and palace ceremonial, the most definite influence was also that of Iran, mixed with the early Turkish traditions, and not that of Byzantium."
^ Daniel Pipes: "The Event of Our Era: Former Soviet Muslim Republics Change the Middle East" in Michael Mandelbaum,"Central Asia and the World: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkemenistan and the World", Council on Foreign Relations, pg 79. Exact statement: "In Short, the Turko-Persian tradition featured Persian culture patronized by Turcophone rulers."
What I don't get is why you guys are so worried about what Azeris are? I mean what difference does it make?
You don't have the capacity, just go away.

What a coincidence.

I post a publication from the US National Library of Medicine which clearly proves that Iranian Azeris, Parsis and Kurds are genetically identical and not related to Turks and you suddenly back away.
What a coincidence.

I post a publication from the US National Library of Medicine which clearly proves that Iranian Azeris, Parsis and Kurds are genetically identical and not related to Turks and you suddenly back away.
Last person who defined people by genetics and said who they were and were not was Hitler. I'm sorry to be honest, but the Persians I have talked to on this forum share similarity with Hitler's mindset. I don't know if you guys do this on purpose or unpurposely.

This is a sick mindset. That is all I have to say.
Ḥashshāshīn;3768314 said:
What I don't get is why you guys are so worried about what Azeris are? I mean what difference does it make?

It doesn't make a diff, that's not what the discussion's about.

These Einsteins are claiming that Azeris of Iran are in fact not Turkified Iranians. If that's the case than their genes must be different from other Iranians no? But genetic studies done on this matter show that Iranian Azeris, Kurds and Parsis are all 100 percent identical genetically.

Turks of Turkey grow up with racial superiority ideals and they like to make **** up as they go along in order to further their racist theories.

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