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نیوٹرل تو جانور ہوتا ہے

I hope they even arrest IK and torture him. IK should realize he made a blunder by going soft on them, why he let nawaz go? Why wasn't every goon in jail? In 3 and a half years, why no proofs could be brought against majority of PPP and PMLN ex ministers???
Neutrals would not okay that.
I have and lived through it. This time it is very different let’s not all give our own end scenarios just yet.
You also talked about sacrifice of various material things, at this rate there won’t be anything around which further reinforces what I wrote.
Pakistan faces the worst economic crisis of this history.

I agree this time it's very different, people are already struggling to make ends meet with the recent fuel hike, expect it to get much worse from now on, public patience will eventually run out.
Don't agree. There is no panic. They are confident that they can undo IK phenomenon, by their traditional methods, and they are implementing them, progressively.
yes their mindset will never allow them to go back!
Allah is the best of planners.
He has his own security.
If God forbid it does happen people will know who did it and that will be the end of them.

If Jinnah, Liaqat Ali, Fatima Jinnah, Zulfiqar & Benazir Bhutto couldn’t put an end to ‘THEM’ then rest assured Imran Khan’s murder wouldn’t do that either.
If Jinnah, Liaqat Ali, Fatima Jinnah, Zulfiqar & Benazir Bhutto couldn’t put an end to ‘THEM’ then rest assured Imran Khan’s murder wouldn’t do that either.

There’s one thing missing our father’s generation accepted these lot, the next generation don’t.
Unless a million people march to GHQ, drag these Generals especially Bajwa out from their safe house and kill them on the road infront of GHQ gate, establishment will not learn and this vicious circle of 70 years will not end.
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In a good way, this regime change operation, was an eye opener for majority of the public, to the real face of establishment.

Most of us, defended the establishment (wrongly) despite their interference.

This time, the establishment has been facing backlash like never before. Their pulse rating is negative and they are in panic.

I supported the army to train the police and civil agencies so they become competent lol. Now I believe agencies like FIA, IB should be all powerful and free from political and military influence. ISI and MI should look after the military affairs. By the way people are saying Bajwa and core commanders are sellouts but where is MI and ISI? People of Pakistan need to understand General Musharaff did not initiate the coup without ISI, MI and core commanders support. The same way Bajwa became neutral with the support of ISI, MI and core commanders. They all want to be pro Usa and allies, they don't want to have independent policies. Now we all know how Osama was killed and how drone attacks took place, how people were kidnapped from Pakistan and taken to Afghanistan and Usa. No honour.

I agree, @waz not realising that it wouldn't be possible by the path taken by IK. They are managing him and will manage him from their tested practices.

IK is asking direction from the SCP. He is highly mistaken and naive. SCP is the one who followed the orders of Bajwa at that night, about which Question is asked , who was it!!

SCP and other courts of Pakistan are full of crooked judges, they will never make decisions in the interest of people or Pakistan. One latest example is the election of Hamza, despite being declared illegal voting by PTI runaway members, nothing has happened to him, he is pulling the strings. The federation pulling the strings, using Punjab Police and carried out brutal operations against people.
Did any court uttered a word!!
It is a established fact now, Most Pakistanis are kept illiterate and poor by design so they could never unite and stand up against those who are exploiting them and the country.

I have been warning on this forum that Bajwa is dangerous, pay attention, everything he has done in last 2/3 years goes against the interests of Pakistan. So why is he doing it!!

And where is ISI and MI. I read reports on MI and that they keep eye on every move of the military officers.

There’s one thing missing our father’s generation accepted these lot, the next generation don’t.

Our father generation did not accept them but after so long they realised its not worth wasting their lives on matters which the military and agencies are part of. If 80% of the Pakistani awaam reject these chors and dacoits then its all over for them. But most people are busy making money, and saving as much tax as possible, if given chance a normal citizen will overtake your land and house.

This is what Bajwa and co are doing, destroying the hopes and dreams of the youth so they submit. People of PDF used to call people traitors if anyone disagrees or accuses the Generals and look what happened now. PTM chanted slogans against army and we all were offended but what if they were speaking the truth, what if 1000s are missing in Balochistan due agencies kidnapping them. Let me tell you all our elders know the military, Judges, politicians are one. They attend each other private parties, weddings. Its a nexus and this same nexus then has relations with the powerful establishment around the world, they invest, build assets and retire there.

Extremism in Pakistan was spread this way, they are also part of this nexus since the 1980s, to give it a religious flavour. They on one hand killed the leaves but on the other hand kept on watering the plant.
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I hope they even arrest IK and torture him. IK should realize he made a blunder by going soft on them, why he let nawaz go? Why wasn't every goon in jail? In 3 and a half years, why no proofs could be brought against majority of PPP and PMLN ex ministers???
Its easier said then done when every one is working against you.
When generals decided to let Nawaz go excuses lies and dramas were invented to fly him out. When Shahbaz was meant to appear in the court they disappeared his records or put wrong FIR's. Even Imran wanted it but he couldn't do it simple is that as generals were not letting him to do what he wanted to do. Did you not heard him saying lately for the establishment doing corruption is not a bad thing.
now some TLP mindfked idiot will be made the hero!

TLP leadership don't think like that. JUI-F can do it but not TLP.

By the by, are there no patriotic members left in the Pak Army? May be IK should ask the Taliban Badri force for the protection. They can't be worse than these sell outs...

Badri Force is busy eliminating ISIS-K & GharWapsi of ex-Army & NDS personnel.
Afg TBN will not interfere in our internal matters. Why would they interfere to save IK i-e; democracy.
Unless a million people march to GHQ, drag these Generals especially Bajwa out from their safe house and kill them on the road infront of GHQ gate, establishment will not learn and this vicious of 70 years will not end.
This is the only way if Pakistan have to move forward otherwise its the same shit just different day and we are already late by 70 years.
Its easier said then done when every one is working against you.
When generals decided to let Nawaz go excuses lies and dramas were invented to fly him out. When Shahbaz was meant to appear in the court they disappeared his records or put wrong FIR's. Even Imran wanted it but he couldn't do it simple is that as generals were not letting him to do what he wanted to do. Did you not heard him saying lately for the establishment doing corruption is not a bad thing.

It was the same Generals who removed Nawaz Sharif due to differences. It was the same Generals who helped Pervez Mushraff escape, he was at military hospital so he wouldn't be captured by Mian. We can hate Nawaz Sharif but he genuinely challenged the military but failed and was removed. I believe Nawaz Sharif was allowed to leave due to agreements with Chotein Mian and now he is the PM.
There’s one thing missing our father’s generation accepted these lot, the next generation don’t.

The only difference between the examples I quoted above & IK is the fact that he has a large base of pashtun supporters. That’s the only calculus that GHQ might weigh in before they take him out.
You're right but there have been revolutions, recent ones as well that didn't cause damage as such.
But anyway if it's doomed to fail then leave it I guess no one should do anything.
Well those kinds of revolutions only occur in highly developed countries with a mature democracy. Here cancer is so deep a surgery is needed to remove the tumor.
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