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Petition for peace

  • Moderaration need to get together and figure this all out

    Votes: 41 89.1%
  • We should do nothing

    Votes: 5 10.9%

  • Total voters
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The events started like this:
  • The poster @austerliz a very good poster who has been working as title holder for 10 years was reported.When we checked his reports where we noted low quality posts and those posts were the reason of two Pakistani troll members paksarzameen and areesh.
  • The events heated up so much because as per Aus action was not taken against these two posters who kept on trolling and insulting him.
  • According to both parties, both have insulted each other and highly respectable man on earth such as Prophet Muhammed(P.B.U.H) who was mercy of Allah(SWT) upon humanity was thrown insults at.
  • To circumvent such problem we decided to first hear stories of both sides.
  • We found both parties were equally responsible in this.One for provocation and the latter one for being provoked.
  • Also, due to absence of mods.
  • Hence, it was not just Auz we all are responsible for this - equally.
  • If Areesh and Pakserzameen hasn't thrown personal insults, then this wouldn't be started.
  • If mods were there, then these two were banned and things won't heated up.
  • And finally Aus if he has controlled himself and has intelligently contacted @WebMaster and me directly then this wouldn't happened.
  • However, we all forget justice and started to build up case against him: Public pressure, peer pressure etc
  • No one thought for once that how it was started and was true person punished or dragged?
  • As per rule, Areesh, Paksarzameen and Aus and even abscent mods all should be demoted or banned for not taking care of things easily.
  • We all are then, criminals infront of Allah.
  • I swear to Allah, I would have pressurized @WebMaster for a ban.
  • However, again as a muslim I recalled the event of Prophet Dawood (AS) when two persons brought their case to him and he without listening to other party favored the first man.The case was something like this:
  • "Oh prophet of Allah(SWT), I have one sheep and he has 99 sheeps.He want to take away my 99 sheeps as well so that his sheeps become 100 sheeps" Prophet David(AS) favored the person without listening to other person who had 99 sheeps saying:"Sometimes, the most dominating person supresses weak person".He was instructed then by Allah where he went wrong and that he would have listened to other person.Hence, he performed sujood and expressed apology.
  • In the light of all those events, I decided that either (A) We ban all three members and demote abscent mods OR (B)Give another chance to all of us.
  • I approached @WebMaster due to his immense experience and expertise and without pressurizing him to take clear decision which he did.
  • Now we all have chance to prove that this will not happened again, Inshallah and the correct way to rectify our mistakes.
  • If mods were absent/ doing favoritism will learn and not repeat it again.
  • Think Tanks and members learn to trust and contact management.
  • I don't know how we will do in such limitation and pressure but I have trust on Allah.
  • Let us built PDF a better community.
Punishment is effective but in many cases giving chance softens the heart of people.Let us monitor all three posters once again and this time ourselves and issue straight bans if found anyone doing it so.This is the spirit of Islam and this is the way of Quaid.
@django and @Ace of Spades and others, rest is upto you.
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Like him we all were given lollipop from echelons even after rising this issue.
I dont know how I tolerated those words at that moment

Screw that think tank and screw the retard who wants to keep him as think tank.
If a mind can't make people comprehend sanity and God, then they are nothing other than shallow and completely lacking on actual intellect.

And you had to tolerate shit mate? that's funny but I feel sorry for you if you had to tolerate and couldn't do anything about it...

Why are people like that made mods in the forest place? Who decides the mod/TT

And why is that mother effer not banned and done with?
Mods can all go to hell if they wish to be silent accomplices of a moron being a moron.
If an asshole has the guts to come out and spew filth on my faith, with his filthy tongue then that asshole should not be here or dead already.
And if there are people so bent on keeping him here, then those people can literally go to hell as well and ban me and any one else as they wish.

@django is absolutely right, and well screw this place if this is what its come down to and it's time to quit anyway.
And you little monkeys have a debate on whether to keep django in a filthy place instead of not having a vote on what mods should be doing and getting rid of that bloody effing wanker of TT.

The reasons due to which he's leaving are not good

I feel sorry for you if the same reasons are not making you leave already...
Some might call this an uprising, some might say we are rebels, some might call me dramatic but none of that matters for today we are about to lose one of the people that lightens this fourm. One of the characters that I and you came to love from the very start. I was a frequent visitor for this fourm for the past 4 years and there were only a few characters that stood out to me. Our friend @django was one of them.

Thanks for creating this thread.

@django bhai should be convinced by the staff and brought back.
I know it is his choice but problem is why he made his mind to leave? There must be accountability when it comes to moderation or whatever.they should stop doing things behind the scenes.i don't like politics here.django must stay here.
U should be happy someone took ur advise seriously :D

Apko Nausheen Shah ka wasta, wapis aa jaooo and don't take Mobs seriously.
unfortunately u r right

I will finalize something till midnight

Man I do not like to be going all hyper.
But this is really messed up if this is how they are expecting to run this place.
Django did the absolute right thing if this is how the shit is rolling tbh.

If filthy mouth assholes are gonna be TT here, then I'm simply in the wrong place...
Man I do not like to be going all hyper.
But this is really messed up if this is how they are expecting to run this place.
Django did the absolute right thing if this is how the shit is rolling tbh.

If filthy mouth assholes are gonna be TT here, then I'm simply in the wrong place...
So are u also considering to quit?
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