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Imran Khan & The Future of Pakistan-India Relations

Should India-Pakistan relations be normalized?

  • Yes, we need money and investments

  • No. Not until India gives kashmiris right to self determination

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No chance that these eastern subhumans will ever evolve into humans, sanghi swines will die with our nukes, it's written and locked.
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No Pakistan PM has any freedom or role in India policy. It is futile to expect anything from Imaran who is not capable of going against PA's wish.

What should be our India policy other then asking for what is resolution of Kashmir issue?? And what PA wish? stronger Pakistan, who can stand to your wet dreams, I happily accept that over asking for new batwara of Kashmir, we must strive hard to free world from you dirty race which is nothing but bolt on the face of this beautiful world, Pakistan should work more and talk less to eridicate 1.3 billion filth within 1 hour (whenever we start).
Money is not everything man look at the young Kashmiri population they want freedom they're relying on us they trust us on this we can't just abandon them. You want Pakistan to have a tag of a country who after fighting 4 wars betrayed Kashmir and Kashmiris just for few $$$? And what about Kashmiri youth? How you think they're gonna react? We've invested too much backing out isn't an option for Pak or Ind. Referendum is the way forward not any other solution.
You want a bet?-" We can't just abandon them"
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@Slav Defence

can You please sort this out. i was confused yesterday as well. Thanks

Might be fault from our side or maybe @jamahir made a quoting error...here's the original post:

Maybe I quoted wrongly or maybe it was forum error.

This is my post right above Retired Troll's post where I quoted the correct post :

Pakistan got nothing to do with your india unless your indian terrorism in IOK stops and Kashmiris are given their right of self determination promised in 47.

Keep these bhangees away from our land. Only developed nations should be allowed on arrival visa facility, who can actually add value to our economy, not these third world rodents.

Most of these so called NRIs are staunch supporters of Hindu terrorist organisations like RSS and VHP.

What could have been a great decision is turned into a huge national security risk by inclusion of these Indians with forigen nationalities.
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They will no doubt use the Bangladesh method : tickle the inherent greed of the business class who will then pull the working class into alignment and cause them to flock into colonial servitude

Money is not everything man look at the young Kashmiri population they want freedom they're relying on us they trust us on this we can't just abandon them. You want Pakistan to have a tag of a country who after fighting 4 wars betrayed Kashmir and Kashmiris just for few $$$? And what about Kashmiri youth? How you think they're gonna react? We've invested too much backing out isn't an option for Pak or Ind. Referendum is the way forward not any other solution.
To a businessman money is the only thing that counts. Money is his god. He is a greedy capitalist who has no honor or principles.

Things like Pakistan's borders, religious distinctions, plight of Kashmiris, etc are non-issues for businessmen. They want to make their money. And if Indian tourism will contribute to increased profits then so be it. To hell with Kashmir & two-nation theory.

That is the nature of capitalism.

I'm not sure what IK's agenda is and why he is bending so low to placate Indians while Kashmir's women are being raped and their men being executed and dumped in unmarked mass graves.
But its looking more and more that he is under the influence of circles who are concerned with only making money.

@Psychic @LeGenD @Metanoia @Sher Shah Awan @Sami Ansari

As Bhutto said it once "We will eat grass but we will make bomb to make Pakistan Strong". Current generation is way too much of a snowflake.
This is the iPhone generation. They only care about social media statuses and latest Bollywood trends.

As another poster stated, the very existence of Pakistan is anathema to most Bharatis, akhand bharat is their ultimate goal. They don't want to trade with u they want to own u. Moving to india would be better for u.
Well said.

If you want to be like Adnan Sami or whatever, go the f there, but don't even propose that Pakistani's would rather prefer money while their brothers are dying in Kashmir.
IK, PTI and some of their supporters, or rather many of their supporters, are certainly acting like they are more concerned about money than the plight of Kashmiris.
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If you think it's okay to sell your country for financial gains, then shame on you. It's like selling your mother so that you can go through another day. Do you think before you speak?
These people have already made up their minds. Money is their top priority.
Name me one country which has dumped its self respect and honour for a meagre financial betterment.

The answer is, honour and respect comes before money. Anyone who values money more than honour and respect is given no respect and always viewed as a bad person around the world, you don't dump your self respect and honour just for some pleasure.
Honestly many Pakistanis do value money and superficiality more than honor and principles. Look at how many of them are jolted over IK & PTI's bending over for Indians. And look at all of our past civil leaderships after Quaid up till now.
Secondly, let me answer you why, even though we can benefit from mutual relations, why we wouldn't go as low as dumping Kashmir and rejecting Two Nation Theory just for a better life.
Let's wait and see. I wouldn't put it past the current Pakistani generations who value social media followings/likes more than the history of their country, its honor and preservation to readily give it all away for a few moments of wordly pleasure. All of that sacrifice and bloodshed of our elders, the soldier who fought in the various wars; they will give it all away for money and social media popularity.

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