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oh it started

Guys come on now let's just have a civilized conversation, no need for exclamation marks and overt hostility lol.

Arabic does bring up some valid points.

All posts should be treated with respect.
Guys come on now let's just have a civilized conversation, no need for exclamation marks and overt hostility lol.

Arabic does bring up some valid points.

All posts should be treated with respect.

I am the last one who would complain but I have the feeling it is hardly needed here.


With all respect

You think iran air force can defet f-15 - f-16 f-5 typhoon - tornado - rafael - f18


I think gcc will destroy all iranian airforce before they even start the engine
Iranian AD systems:





With all respect

You think iran air force can defet f-15 - f-16 f-5 typhoon - tornado - rafael - f18


I think gcc will destroy all iranian airforce before they even start the engine

In the first wave you are going to get these :




Which means no airport !

Then we will continue the job with cruise missiles & drones:




Lol this thread is doomed but I'll try not to make it so.

@ARABIC Iran's doctrine is not based on air force at all, because of our current capabilities. We are trying to rectify that by negotiating with Russia for an estimated 150 Su-30 fighter jets, and possibly other support aircraft.

Iran's doctrine is based air defence and missiles. We have one of the most advanced air defence systems in the world, the S-300PMU2. And we are building its equivalent, the Bavar-373, indigenously. Along with countless other short and medium range systems to complement the long range B-373.


Then there's the issue of the thousands of ballistic and cruise missiles, some of which can cover the entire PGCC. These missiles can evade the Patriot AD, the ballistics with their high speed, the cruise missiles with their low altitude. They can crater runways, destroy aircraft shelters and air defence sites.



How did you get those exact numbers about Iran's inventory?!![/QUOTE]

Under estimated, I can tell you we have double the number of F-4 and F-5 he said, and F-14 is more like 40 not 26.
(rather interesting from a tactical a stand point since air power is literally the biggest factor in winning a war in the 21st century)..
This is what i have an issue with! TBH, why didnt air power give US the "win "in AFghanistan? Even Iraq, US used air to take intiial control, then Iran came and snatched the game meat from US. I still think wars are determined by ground forces though. Because if you dont have eventual ground control you cant control the politics of the area OR determine what happens on the ground. From the US' performance in the past few wars, am worried enemies have adjusted to airpower AND US has poor ground back up so in teh end the airpower gives short term advantage at best. Look at Libya too now. UAE, US, NATO, yes they bomb bomb bomb form air, but how has that translated to ground wins? Btw i like your other points about GCC and Iran.

Finally! Just remove Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain, maybe even Qatar. Its going to be UAE and Saudis mainly from GCC that can fight past 6 days. LOL. Oman plays neutral role, which helps Iran, so Oman will stay out. Kuwait is a small state that has no stamina to fight(like Israel, just that ISrael has big brother US to come support even when they fight rag tag gaza). Qatar will receive a few ballistic missile lands on their soil and will likely shout to US for help. Saudis have alot of technology, but once again, if technology was determinant to win wars, US would have won all her wars,but instead we have the technologically superior countries looking like they win initially, but at the end of the war, they dont have wins that line up with their technological superiority. Good topic btw!

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