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Yeah Sunnis will defend their Islamic values and places but Saudi is not a Sunni state they are Wahabi State they slaughtered thousands of Yemeni people with the pretext of Democracy expanding !!! They cracked down Muslims of Bahranis and now the whole Arab states like Egypt and Tunisia and recognising U as the state of extremism ! Others that are supporting Saudi is because of their bribes !

Anyway we are not gonna to destroy any holy place in Hijaz we are not Wahabi to call the Kabba a stone of Shirk !
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Very impressive.
When it comes to dog fight, all those shiny Planes that Israel allowed West to sell you,and they want you to use them against other Muslims, would win over Iranian Planes by a huge margin...but for that to happen, those planes would need to be over Iranian air-space first and I don't think with current Iranian air defense capability that's gonna happen.:partay:No stealth no fun:D
And one friendly reminder it won't be just GCC(Oman would never attack Iran) vs Iran. Iran has friends too.:cheers:
Personally I don't think Iran wants any direct war with you guys. Their cross-hair is aimed at Israel.Having said that, have you guys ever won any war on your won? Iran is at constant war in one form or other since 1980s.They are master survivors.I'm not so sure about you guys though!

Even you isreal who allowed to sell fighters for you but the difranse that they
6 days war is your capability.

a better conparision is GCC VS Hezbollah,
yet even that is an insult to hezbollah!
Yeah like saddam hussein do to you for your information inthat time you was have better weapons
Even in syria the whit bear russia and all shia in the region can't do any thing also in irag more then 400 k shia personall can't defeat 2500 isis member and guess what houthis have better weapons and betet numbers then isis

It's not for your sake to play in the line of faith
Shia numbers around 300 million sunni numbers around 1 bilion 200 million

if it will be in faith war belive me you will see 1 bilion isis

How could you be such a fool ?

isis is not land blocked like houthis !

isis supporters refueling them with more monkeys & weapons !

As much as we kill more monkeys coming !

I think we have to target monkey production centers to end this war !
Yeah Sunnis will defend their Islamic values and places but Saudi is not a Sunni state they are Wahabi State they slaughtered thousands of Yemeni people with the pretext of Democracy expanding !!! They cracked down Muslims of Bahranis and now the whole Arab stated like Egypt and Tunisia and recognising U as the state of extremism ! Others that are supporting Saudi is because of their bribes !

Anyway we are not gonna to destroy any holy place in Hijaz we are not Wahabi to call the Kabba a stone of Shirk !

No way man we are not acting like that iran who support houthi and the houthi targring makkah so iran is responsible also
How could you be such a fool ?

isis is not land blocked like houthis !

isis supporters refueling them with more monkeys & weapons !

As much as we kill more monkeys coming !

I think we have to target monkey production centers to end this war !

what about your shipment of missile and ammunition for houthi
Houthi much more powerful then isis


Had we !?

For example ballistic missiles?

Let's talk about air forcr its better
The end of the talk your air force now can't do any thing to gcc airforce

Talk about the subject so we can move on to air defense and show how power iran is


Targeting mekkah !?

I think wahhabis are more dangerous for mekkah because they Think such places are full of shirk ! :D

So you're admit you have help targting makkah
what about your shipment of missile and ammunition for houthi
Houthi much more powerful then isis

Can you prove it ?

As long as i know pgcc & yankees blocked every possible ways to deliver weapons to houthis !

Or are you trying to say you can't block them?
Can you prove it ?

As long as i know pgcc & yankees blocked every possible ways to deliver weapons to houthis !

Or are you trying to say you can't block them?

Not every thing its impossible
Even in syria the whit bear russia and all shia in the region can't do any thing also in irag more then 400 k shia personall can't defeat 2500 isis member and guess what houthis have better weapons and betet numbers then isis

It's not for your sake to play in the line of faith
Shia numbers around 300 million sunni numbers around 1 bilion 200 million

if it will be in faith war belive me you will see 1 bilion isis
You seem to be high! 2500 men?!!! I think you better know than anyone how many terrorists Saudi have sent to Syria!! Russia is fighting all Saudi backed terrorist groups not only your darling isis, and guess what whenever Russians roast some rats papa America and her slaves ask for ceasefire! To send some human aids! Some low fat ammos and some tow and grad sausages!
We are fighting terrorists that are supported by Western weapons and your money
Pretty obvious that hothis have better weapons!!!!:cuckoo:
You seem to be high! 2500 men?!!! I think you better know than anyone how many terrorists Saudi have sent to Syria!! Russia is fighting all Saudi backed terrorist groups not only your darling isis, and guess what whenever Russians roast some rats papa America and her slaves ask for ceasefire! To send some human aids! Some low fat ammos and some tow and grad sausages!
We are fighting terrorists that are supported by Western weapons and your money
Pretty obvious that hothis have better weapons!!!!:cuckoo:

Houthis have your ballistic missile do you compare a ballistic missile with tow missile
The end of the talk your air force now can't do any thing to gcc airforce

Talk about the subject so we can move on to air defense and show how power iran is

You have no stealth capabilities... But we have... We can fly our drones on your head & target everything we want !
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