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That's what you think
But what about us and france and a lot of other country who attacked by isis
You think ypu have better intelligence then them

As @Malik Alashter mentioned, Iran's Muslim population is mostly Shia, who cannot be radicalised by ISIS. And our Sunnis are mostly moderate, even the extremists who come from Kuwait/Iraq and Pakistan/Afghanistan aren't that extreme.

ISIS don't have local support.
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DF-21 has a cep of 30m and the other one a cep of 300m . Unless you use them with nuclear warhead, they are tactically useless. And what are going to do with 100missiles? Saddam fired way more than that.

Iran's missiles have cep smaller than 6m and I'm talking about thousands. Iran also has weapons nobody knows about. Every nation does.

There is a big IF here. As long as your airports are vulnerable to Iranian missiles you can't. Where are these airplanes going to take off from and land later? Your airports will be the first targets of Iranian missiles. I'll put aside Iranian air defense aside for now.

You need to understand, Iran has been planning to defend against a US invasion. GCC countries will be walking in the park in comparison.
To be honest, i don't want to share any personnal opinion between Iran and KSA, but you iran guys sometimes are way too BS
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With Arrival of Typhoon in Saudia & F15 (New ones) and UAE operating the Rafale + Mirage 2000
The technological gap is just too wide for Iran to be able to sustain an Air-Air role over it's own skies more then 1-2 Weeks

Saudia : Typhoon/ F16 Strike Eagle
UAE : Rafale / Mirage 2000/ F16 E

Similarly GCC countries also have advance SAM systems which would certainly tilt the battle with a vast difference in their favor

The Ground forces are just marginally in Iran's favor but the weapon quality is again superior in GCC country's possession

While I don't have a personal bias against Iran I do hope that they sit down with GCC nations to work towards a peaceful region

Seeing the Syrian cities and community destroyed by war perhaps there is lesson to be learned that war does not solves thing
With Arrival of Typhoon in Saudia & F15 (New ones) and UAE operating the Rafale + Mirage 2000
The technological gap is just too wide for Iran to be able to sustain an Air-Air role over it's own skies more then 1-2 Weeks

Saudia : Typhoon/ F16 Strike Eagle
UAE : Rafale / Mirage 2000/ F16 E

Similarly GCC countries also have advance SAM systems which would certainly tilt the battle with a vast difference in their favor

The Ground forces are just marginally in Iran's favor but the weapon quality is again superior in GCC country's possession

While I don't have a personal bias against Iran I do hope that they sit down with GCC nations to work towards a peaceful region

Seeing the Syrian cities and community destroyed by war perhaps there is lesson to be learned that war does not solves thing

There's will not going to be any ground battle becuse we don't have border with iran only the arabian gulf so it will be air and navy war
GCC airforce power is way greater then Iran's , too much technological difference
No one disputes that fact here. But so what? As I mentioned, battles are fought and won on the ground. Shooting enemy from high above has not worked for US and will not work for GCC

US has been the biggest advocate of using airforce in the way above and the only one reason that it works well for US is that none of the countries it has invaded so far were capable to inflict damage on their mother land.

Here the case is totally different. Iran can hit GCC's vital infrastructure with its missiles. It can paralyze their economy and infrastructure in matter of days.

Just comparing AF of one country to another is a waste of time in my opinion.
Well the S-300 System that Iran recently got does ensures a balance between the nations and region. Since it is a defensive weapon. But it can also play a offensive role if it is placed close to the GULF Areas allowing for troops to move over the sea / ocean areas (Hardly large distance between iran and UAE or Kuwait.

One can only hope the countries sit down and solve issues on table because such a waste of life and resources to discuss war specially with falling oil prices

GCC nations Advantage : Airforce
Iran : Military Ground Units and Aviation Corps and S-300

Regardless of who wins , the winner will also suffer damage that will not be recovered for 20-30 years (specially with falling oil prices) in world markets, the loser will certainly go back 50 years in time scale
No one disputes that fact here. But so what? As I mentioned, battles are fought and won on the ground. Shooting enemy from high above has not worked for US and will not work for GCC

US has been the biggest advocate of using airforce in the way above and the only one reason that it works well for US is that none of the countries it has invaded so far were capable to inflict damage on their mother land.

Here the case is totally different. Iran can hit GCC's vital infrastructure with its missiles. It can paralyze their economy and infrastructure in matter of days.

Just comparing AF of one country to another is a waste of time in my opinion.

If we destroy your air force and your navy how you're planning to deliver your personal to tge gcc countries

Well the S-300 System that Iran recently got does ensures a balance between the nations and region. Since it is a defensive weapon. But it can also play a offensive role if it is placed close to the GULF Areas allowing for troops to move over the sea / ocean areas (Hardly large distance between iran and UAE or Kuwait.

One can only hope the countries sit down and solve issues on table because such a waste of life and resources to discuss war specially with falling oil prices

GCC nations Advantage : Airforce
Iran : Military Ground Units and Aviation Corps and S-300

Iran have buy 1 battery of the s-300
What can you do with one
There are always suprises and special shipments

By Sea Route:
  • Iranian forces can reach GCC areas (1-2 hours) if cars could drive on water
  • Iranian forces can reach GCC areas (4 hours) by ships / boats
  • Iran could Drop 50,000 Troops into main cities by Helicopters / Transport planes
  • Main battle group can come thru iRAQ in 7-8 hours
  • S-300 can prevent GCC airforce ability to fly into areas
  • The Vast majority of Missiles Iran has can disrupt power , cities , communication in GCC

GCC countries can argue:
  • We can launch a counter offensive direct on main cities of Iran due to superior Airforce power and lethal bombardment
  • Likely I would imagine the bombardment would be like the berline type anhialation in ww2 with focus being on preventing movement from Iraq's side into continent, so it would be interesting to see if Iraq would fight along side Iran or what will happen
  • Obviously with in 2 weeks GCC countries would have taken over the Skies over Iran with only areas left would be the ones protected by S-300 or local SAM systems made in iran
  • There would be Missile launches Surface to surface type launches , so Patriot defences would be used but some missiles will come thru

Other consideration
  • We could see rouge entities move into GCC from north due to lapses in security , syria/conflict could move south into Northern Saudia

So all cases there would be tremendous loss of life and prorperity on both sides

or all of this would not happen as they would sort out their issues on negotiation table
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If we destroy your air force and your navy how you're planning to deliver your personal to tge gcc countries
First, I explained. Your air bases will be gone in first couple of days and then you cannot use your jets. 2nd, let's say you do. You will end up with a broken infrastructure. Dubai will be bankrupt with the first explosion of a missile warhead. So will Quatar, Kuwait and Bahrain. So what is the achievement here?

Iran have buy 1 battery of the s-300
What can you do with one

You are not considering Iran's home built systems.
First, I explained. Your air bases will be gone in first couple of days and then you cannot use your jets. 2nd, let's say you do. You will end up with a broken infrastructure. Dubai will be bankrupt with the first explosion of a missile warhead. So will Quatar, Kuwait and Bahrain. So what is the achievement here?
Where's our air defense from these scenario
Where's our air defense from these scenario
No air defense is 100% accurate. With enough number of missiles fired, eventually enough will get through to take out your radars and other important equipment or hit what they are supposed to hit.

Iran has the same big question in a war scenario with US as well and the answer was use of shear number to finally overwhelm the ship's defenses and hit the target.
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