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Future Chinese carrier-borne AEW: KJ-600 or KH-600


PLANAF carrier AEW KJ-600 - sketch.jpg
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English will be appreciated if you can provide.

Google translate (OCR):

In this sense, the value of China’s ship-based fixed-wing early-warning aircraft development project for China’s aviation industry may far exceed that of the aircraft itself, because there is a real The newly developed domestic turboprop engine - Vortex-10, although from the performance point of view, the engine is neither the most advanced in the world nor a "big behemoth" like the NK-12, but China can pass The engine went through the entire process of the vortex engine and developed a 5,000-horsepower contemporary vortex engine. If such an engine can be used to improve medium-sized transport aircraft in the future, naturally ▲ is also very good. If all goes well, the turboprop-10 engine is equipped with a domestic ship-borne fixed-wing early warning aircraft, because of its power and performance advantages, it may be further It is used in the improvement of the Yun-8 / Yun-9 series, and even used in the development of a new generation of medium transport aircraft. For China's medium-sized special machine platform, this is undoubtedly an encouraging development.
@Bilal Khan (Quwa)

I love how China is like a photostate/copier machine.

You put in one thing and a ditto copy comes out the other one. Albeit with the headlights slightly different. Some small detail that is different.

Blackhawk is the epitome of copycat China.

If it was Pakistan. We'd probably be under sanctions.

Now Hawkeye copy
@Bilal Khan (Quwa)

I love how China is like a photostate/copier machine.

You put in one thing and a ditto copy comes out the other one. Albeit with the headlights slightly different. Some small detail that is different.

Blackhawk is the epitome of copycat China.

If it was Pakistan. We'd probably be under sanctions.
Did you just come here to troll?
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