Why do you think J-15 won't use PL-15? Because you didn't see it? Junk-15 Massacre British Toilet Carrier. Any questions?
Or do you think the British toilet carrier can counter Liaoning's electromagnetic control power?
Or do you think the F-35 can counter the J-15's electronic countermeasures capabilities?
Your logic is like if Turkey LHD has F-35. Turkey's navy is the world's top 1. Just because it has the F-35.
The British toilet carrier is even weaker than the Japanese helicopter carrier.
Shocking!!! Even you know "saturation strike".... So. do you think British toilet carriers can launch more planes than Japanese helicopter carriers?
Type 075 patrols Japan's Osumi Strait!
Oh. We only see mainland Japan. We did not see a Japanese helicopter carrier.
Stop boasting. Okay?!
You're just whining like a troll now. Not even talking about British toilet carriers. Even you are very disappointed with the British toilet carrier?