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France & Pakistan to revive JF-17 Avionics/EW/Missiles deal as Indian MMRCA stalls.

Non Hindu.


and how does it effects you what india is doing for its national interests i dont give a rats a** what any non hindu thinks about indians or indian army we will do whats in owr best interests if u got problem with it its your problem not owrs and we dont care so mind your buisness
Why do you insist on getting kicked in the teeth every time with the same non-sense over and over again,
Irrespective of Rafale,
lets review the book order(Read: Confirmed) for Indo-france.
DCNS Scorpene : $3 Billion
DCNS - SeC Supply chain for P75 - $55 Million
Areva - Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, for the Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project - 8 billion Euro ($10.4 billion)
HAL/Turbomeca Shakti - $700 million
Dassault- HAL Mirage 200H upgrade program - $2.2 billion
i.e. 16.8 Billion Dollars worth of book order.... as far as recall the entire defence budget for pakistan was 7 billion dollars..
France to stop selling heavy military equipment to Pakistan: Report – The Express Tribune
Genius.... You do realise that the entire defence budget of pakistan is $7 Billion.....

Getting kicked in the teeth?? No, its more like no matter how incorrect I prove you, the Indian ego, which is in all of you guys from India, doesn't want to realize the truth.

No matter how many "billions" of deals you write down on here, here are the facts:
1) Russia, is dealing with Pakistan individually. Now if I take content from your low quality post (like the rest of them), you'd argue that the Russians have many billions of dollars worth of business with India.....BUT they want another legit customer

2) The French have woken up to the Indian drama that they put the Russians, the Americans and now the French through. Which is wanting everything to be given to India. Or the threat of looking around. Its almost like that wife that doesn't want to stick to one person. The second that one person doesn't do what she wants, she threatens him with the possibility of being involved with another one. So the World has got it. And they have changed the strategy, and will sell to Pakistan and India both. Granted, Pakistan can come up with Cash. Which is my next point to address.

3) You've trolled over three threads on my posts, AND you've still failed to link the economic growth. In this post, you still sound as naive as you were before you read my posts on all three threads and commented on each of them. Not sure why you don't put stuff in the right context but somehow you are a "Think Tank"....OR "Tanked Thinking"????
Pakistan's economy was a topic of the past. The country will remain fluctuating economy wise till the next 3 years, specially as they overcome the electric generation issue. BUT, in three years, the Trade Route with the Chinese will start to work and the expansion to Central Russian states will start to take place, meaning Billion will be pumped in within ONE year of starting the Trade Route to China, in Pass Through income. The same year, many new economic zones and businesses will start to exist to support the trade route. New population areas, hotels, homes and business around the trade route.
So in the next 3-5 years, the money will flow and so will the need to further strengthened the Navy and the PAF to protect the trade route. The defense budget will easily have 3-5 billion per year available. In the next ten years, Pakistan's defense budget will go around 15+ Billion dollars. You can mark my words. I haven't added billions of revenue by selling Copper, Iron, Gold and Shale gas.
The West is watching this and they know there is billions every year to be made. And the decision is, we want that money so time to separate Pakistan from India.

@WebMaster @Horus : Gentlemen - please make sure your think tank analyst I am addressing on here, doesn't abuse his power and give me a negative rating. He's done that before under his previous screen name Sandy something. And abuse of power should never be allowed on here.

There isn't any Drama Happening here. The Entire bidding of them by selectively ignoring the RFP is the issue and a cause for the delay. If India were to ignore this, You the very same person would take your swords out to the streets protesting India was partial towards France by editing RFP in favor of them.

And Yes, like I said, No one is stopping them to supply their weapons to Pakistan. Its just that ,"if" France is trying to force us into a bargain then we say "Good Bye" .

I gave you a thank you because you are the first one from India, who's not jumping up and down with emotions. Your post states fact and discusses the issue outside of patriotism so I appreciate it, wish more of your countrymen could directly address issues instead of going up and down with Patriotism.
The Drama I referred to, is VERY common in negotiations in India, Pakistan, Chinese cultures. I was explaining this to a partner a few days ago who was furious trying to deal with an Indian business. The deal is, in the West, we call a "deal" where both parties get something and life moves on. In India, China, Pakistan, if you have the upper hand like here in this deal with the French, the deal means you (the Asian side) get the MOST out of everything and the other party should get lesser benefit if need be. That's a good Asian cultural thing and very cut throat, but it doesn't exactly work that way in the West.
Getting kicked in the teeth?? No, its more like no matter how incorrect I prove you, the Indian ego, which is in all of you guys from India, doesn't want to realize the truth.

No matter how many "billions" of deals you write down on here, here are the facts:
1) Russia, is dealing with Pakistan individually. Now if I take content from your low quality post (like the rest of them), you'd argue that the Russians have many billions of dollars worth of business with India.....BUT they want another legit customer

2) The French have woken up to the Indian drama that they put the Russians, the Americans and now the French through. Which is wanting everything to be given to India. Or the threat of looking around. Its almost like that wife that doesn't want to stick to one person. The second that one person doesn't do what she wants, she threatens him with the possibility of being involved with another one. So the World has got it. And they have changed the strategy, and will sell to Pakistan and India both. Granted, Pakistan can come up with Cash. Which is my next point to address.

3) You've trolled over three threads on my posts, AND you've still failed to link the economic growth. In this post, you still sound as naive as you were before you read my posts on all three threads and commented on each of them. Not sure why you don't put stuff in the right context but somehow you are a "Think Tank"....OR "Tanked Thinking"????
Pakistan's economy was a topic of the past. The country will remain fluctuating economy wise till the next 3 years, specially as they overcome the electric generation issue. BUT, in three years, the Trade Route with the Chinese will start to work and the expansion to Central Russian states will start to take place, meaning Billion will be pumped in within ONE year of starting the Trade Route to China, in Pass Through income. The same year, many new economic zones and businesses will start to exist to support the trade route. New population areas, hotels, homes and business around the trade route.
So in the next 3-5 years, the money will flow and so will the need to further strengthened the Navy and the PAF to protect the trade route. The defense budget will easily have 3-5 billion per year available. In the next ten years, Pakistan's defense budget will go around 15+ Billion dollars. You can mark my words. I haven't added billions of revenue by selling Copper, Iron, Gold and Shale gas.
The West is watching this and they know there is billions every year to be made. And the decision is, we want that money so time to separate Pakistan from India.

@WebMaster @Horus : Gentlemen - please make sure your think tank analyst I am addressing on here, doesn't abuse his power and give me a negative rating. He's done that before under his previous screen name Sandy something. And abuse of power should never be allowed on here.

I gave you a thank you because you are the first one from India, who's not jumping up and down with emotions. Your post states fact and discusses the issue outside of patriotism so I appreciate it, wish more of your countrymen could directly address issues instead of going up and down with Patriotism.
The Drama I referred to, is VERY common in negotiations in India, Pakistan, Chinese cultures. I was explaining this to a partner a few days ago who was furious trying to deal with an Indian business. The deal is, in the West, we call a "deal" where both parties get something and life moves on. In India, China, Pakistan, if you have the upper hand like here in this deal with the French, the deal means you (the Asian side) get the MOST out of everything and the other party should get lesser benefit if need be. That's a good Asian cultural thing and very cut throat, but it doesn't exactly work that way in the West.

Unfortunately, bhartis are used as tool by some mods, to level their own score... if mod mafia hold grudge against you than bhartis would be tasked to get personal with you on every other post.
@Horus . im just guessing here. there might be saudi hands behind this deal. again im just guessing. the reason is after the arab spring france was the western saudi ally. they agreed on many political issues and had the same views and interests. in return you saw saudi increasing business deals with france and of course many of them are military. recently the egyption rafale went very smooth and fast. france has an amazing weapon technology that was facing a bit of challenge from US and UK. they needed those deals badly.
as you know the saudi just signed a deal with US for its navy in the eastern province. not that their technology is bad of course lol but that was more politics otherwise france would have won the deal. but im sure they will do another navy deal with france. they already have one in the western province but there might be some more.
and if SANG ever had an air force the rafale would be the choice for sure.

@Gabriel92 your thoughts
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Why do you insist on getting kicked in the teeth every time with the same non-sense over and over again,

Irrespective of Rafale,
lets review the book order(Read: Confirmed) for Indo-france.

DCNS Scorpene : $3 Billion

DCNS - SeC Supply chain for P75 - $55 Million

Areva - Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, for the Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project - 8 billion Euro ($10.4 billion)

HAL/Turbomeca Shakti - $700 million

Dassault- HAL Mirage 200H upgrade program - $2.2 billion

i.e. 16.8 Billion Dollars worth of book order.... as far as recall the entire defence budget for pakistan was 7 billion dollars..

So if India gives billions of dollars of business to France, how is France supposed to not do weapons trade with Pakistan?

How does this law of mutual exclusivity apply here?

You have ego of an Indian and a brain of a mouse!
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and how does it effects you what india is doing for its national interests i dont give a rats a** what any non hindu thinks about indians or indian army we will do whats in owr best interests if u got problem with it its your problem not owrs and we dont care so mind your buisness
i did not know that you have started shitting through your nose as well, no wonder you are shitting around.
@WebMaster @Horus : Gentlemen - please make sure your think tank analyst I am addressing on here, doesn't abuse his power and give me a negative rating. He's done that before under his previous screen name Sandy something. And abuse of power should never be allowed on here.
i agree many ppl here are abusing their power specially iranians.
@WebMaster @Horus you must deal with it ASAP
why do pakistnies have an issue if weare buying something or not ... are we asking for soft loans or maonnitarry aid from pakistan or asking for soft loans from pakistan or there is so much love between two nation that pakistani tax payers have finalli decided to finance indian MRCA programm :azn:

ghar me nahi dane aur ammachalli bhunwaane :haha:

We dont have an issue. You have!

ITs just a news and look at your Indian members post here. I m amazed at your low mentality and very little intelligence. Just because you have money, you cant get your way.

By the way, its just a news. JF-17 did not stall because France did not give us avionics. In fact its doing very well.

If France provides us avionics and weapons, its good. If not, we can survive and do well. But just look at you guys. On only some unconfirmed news, you have started to die!
Not really interested what france has to offer

Country that backstabs us and also publishes cartoons against prophet , sorry

No worthy of my interest

I welcome Chinese Avionics and Russian cooperation
Iranians hold the holy card... they are above any law of nature.

Why is that the case on this forum? And Iranians aren't above any laws. Ask Israel, how they are itching to send in a couple of squadrons of -15 E's on a "surprise visit" to Iran.
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