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France & Pakistan to revive JF-17 Avionics/EW/Missiles deal as Indian MMRCA stalls.

i agree many ppl here are abusing their power specially iranians.

Atleast Iran is not dealing covertly and openly with another country to attack and bomb Saudi Arabia as Saudis are doing with Zionazis to attack Iran and Hizbullah. Arabia presently is a personal fiefdom of Saudi family and Wahhabi clerics and not representatives of its population unlike Iran which had several elections.
Well from the beginning of the thread I don't see any of Pakistani feeling amused but I did saw almost every indian member go nuts over this unconfirmed news and some how trying to show off their purchasing capability and other stuff like banning France etc. In fact it seems Indian go ga ga by this unconfirmed news more then any sane Pakistani member here as we know even if it's just a news in making its actually for Indians not for us because either case our machine is in the air already and working for us as well as seems to be securing foreign orders soon In Sha ALLAH.
So all the mighty indian friends who are trying to say they may teach a lesson to French please learn that world does no revolve around India. Although India is a big country and have billion $ opportunity for sellers but the attitude you people showing here at the forum shows your collective mentality. You can not compare France to Russia when it is about TOT and USA with France or other nations it altogether a different ballgame and considering other things as well so please stop chest thumping and behave mannerly.
I don't see any Pakistani jumping up and down conclusively. We are just discussing possibility and availability of what we don't have earlier. Nothing much.

so your machine is in air, that great. at the times when aircrafts are being made up of carbon composites you are making aluminium tin can and that too without mastering the engine technology. your aircraft is the option for bankrupts.

second thing, there is a general rule for all businesses, "customer is the king". guess what, we can cancel the mmrca deal straightaway and we still will be fine:D now suppose we ban french from contesting for our defense procurements then imagine what happens next......... pakistan wont be getting any helis from russia because it will send them clear message that infuriating India is not in their interests and blackmailing us with engaging pakistan may backfire.
Unfortunately, bhartis are used as tool by some mods, to level their own score... if mod mafia hold grudge against you than bhartis would be tasked to get personal with you on every other post.

Very insightful and true post.

Pakistan should kick out France's offers, first France need to prove their good reputation and trustworthy.

- Reject Pakistan's past demands for India's MMRCA program for seven years
- Cancel deal with Russia
- Cancel now deal with India after numerous negotation failures.
- Not reliable products but very high prices.
- Cheating, blackmailing,and arrogance

JF-17 process alone last seven years is so far better with almost everything we produce and capable to develop, too late offers for France.
so your machine is in air, that great. at the times when aircrafts are being made up of carbon composites you are making aluminium tin can and that too without mastering the engine technology. your aircraft is the option for bankrupts.

second thing, there is a general rule for all businesses, "customer is the king". guess what, we can cancel the mmrca deal straightaway and we still will be fine:D now suppose we ban french from contesting for our defense procurements then imagine what happens next......... pakistan wont be getting any helis from russia because it will send them clear message that infuriating India is not in their interests and blackmailing us with engaging pakistan may backfire.

who is telling you all this? do you have contact in PAC?
Atleast Iran is not dealing covertly and openly with another country to attack and bomb Saudi Arabia as Saudis are doing with Zionazis to attack Iran and Hizbullah. Arabia presently is a personal fiefdom of Saudi family and Wahhabi clerics and not representatives of its population unlike Iran which had several elections.
that just show me that you are a brainless monkey. you are not aware of political issues. you dont read news. you are a parrot. i can write a 100 lines to prove that you are brainless monkey or maybe a parrot cuz you repeat what others say.
3 iranian presidnts said on tv that if it was not for our help americans could not have ashicved anything in afghanistan and iraq. they are still working together. thats all happening while iran keeps calling america the great devil LOL
if thats not hypocrisy i dont know what is haha
saudi dosnt have secrets. again if you have 2 brain cells.. the last few years since the arab spring you would have seen saudi officially standing against american policy. until america realized the mistakes they are doing.
this is enough to make you look like a fool. so im not going to comment about wahhabi cuz it simply dosnt exists. i feel sorry for ppl like. very sad that ppl like you dont know how to use their brains yet.
try using your brain. trust me its worth it. you only live once so make the best out of your brains you poor thing.
actually you live twice. here and the after life. but if you dont use your brains in this life you will lose both.
let me know if you need help.
Reject Pakistan's past demands for India's MMRCA program for seven years

Bharti demand to France is not limited to MMRCA, neither France is refusing anything, its just Bharti's are not willing to pay, accordingly.

Actually, France doesn't know that it will be a nightmare to work with bharti's, even if they pay.
so your machine is in air, that great. at the times when aircrafts are being made up of carbon composites you are making aluminium tin can and that too without mastering the engine technology. your aircraft is the option for bankrupts.

second thing, there is a general rule for all businesses, "customer is the king". guess what, we can cancel the mmrca deal straightaway and we still will be fine:D now suppose we ban french from contesting for our defense procurements then imagine what happens next......... pakistan wont be getting any helis from russia because it will send them clear message that infuriating India is not in their interests and blackmailing us with engaging pakistan may backfire.
well bro u dint get the main motive behind the thread its basicalli an acute sense of Jealousy andinferiorty complex inthere minds against india whome they always looked down as inferior and subordinates

they are over joyed not becuase france might give them latest electroniks & Radar & wepons suites but the fact that india will not get the best 4.5+ gen fighter

as for russia well most of them know that friendship with russia will be just hot air as russians no matter what wont let india to leave them too much is at stake for them but then u know whome we are talking about ;)
Why dont pakistan buy some rafales with the weapons package. That will be kickass.
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