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10 Reasons Why India’s LCA Tejas Will Be ‘Shot-Down’ By Pakistan’s JF-17 Thunder In Global Arms Market

you did not address any of the points I quoted from the article, I stated the same what article stated, in my words.

your comments just show your jealousy or hate towards Pakistani and China Joint Fighter JF 17, it would be nice to address the points.

While JF17, which we never claimed to be 100% Pakistani, its a Joint, hence "J F " is operational with full force and actively involved in defensive and offensive mission, and proven itself. Tejas is only attending once a year or few year an air show, and then parked, even india who claims it be 100 % indigenous can not afford to fly regularly, because of upkeep and maintenance nightmares. India can not take a chance, if anything happens then Indians have to request USA, France, Israel and other countries for maintenance. this is the reason to hide and park up Tejas to save flying hours.

on the other hand, JF 17 are fully operational day and night, and progressing and developing at a steady pace. Maintenance is not any issue, parts are no issue.

Is the above true or propaganda?
the FIRST thing which needs to be done is induction of Tejas in IAF before anything else, i don't know why HAL is focusing on something which should be achieved later in the stage than focusing on the basics.

First get Tejas inducted in decent quantities in IAF, have IAF fly the aircraft for couple of years and get some actual operating time under the belt, JF-17 in comparison is now even combat proven aircraft (A2G against terrorists operations and 27th feb op) and is taking over role of CAP's from F-16's, this gives buying party a confidence that they are investing in a platform which is trusted by an airforce which has combat experience, the aircraft have gone through different maintenance cycles and supply lines, in comparison you are comparing an aircraft which is not even inducted by it's home base's airforce in significant quantity

I personally wish HAL the best but i think they have some serious problems with decision making there
you did not address any of the points I quoted from the article, I stated the same what article stated, in my words.

your comments just show your jealousy or hate towards Pakistani and China Joint Fighter JF 17, it would be nice to address the points.

While JF17, which we never claimed to be 100% Pakistani, its a Joint, hence "J F " is operational with full force and actively involved in defensive and offensive mission, and proven itself. Tejas is only attending once a year or few year an air show, and then parked, even india who claims it be 100 % indigenous can not afford to fly regularly, because of upkeep and maintenance nightmares. India can not take a chance, if anything happens then Indians have to request USA, France, Israel and other countries for maintenance. this is the reason to hide and park up Tejas to save flying hours.

on the other hand, JF 17 are fully operational day and night, and progressing and developing at a steady pace. Maintenance is not any issue, parts are no issue.

Actually, you added your jealousy! So I am not going to response on your jealousy but will try to clarify what is mentioned in article.

(7) Tejas is a nightmare – nothing about it is proven – there’s been too much mixing and matching and it inspires zero purchaser confidence.

He is talking about buyer point of view because it is mix of western and indian parts.

GamoAccu said:
(9) Tejas uses American engines, Israeli radar, and a mishmash of avionics from countries that will never authorize re-export.

Again talking about mix of western and indian parts and also authorize re-export .

GamoAccu said:
(5) Tejas is just a very confused aircraft – -it doesn’t fit any known market segment.

Again it is talking about role. Jf 17 is fit to replace older generation fighter plane but does not give technological advantage as same as give by latest generations fighters i .e Su 35, EU, Rafale etc.

HAL tejas is also not comparable to latest fighter planes and replacing to old fighter planes, it is costlier then Jf 17 . So, if people talk about older fighter replacement with cheaper solution then it does not fit and even does not fit for latest gen fighter requirement.

Here, JF 17 is a winner because anyone does not want latest and most capable fighter and just wants to replace old planes then JF 17 is a cheaper option for third world country who can not afford to latest and high cost fighters.
I don't think any1 will buy tejas . Not because its inferior, its just too much customized according to the Indian needs.
And hence so much variety of systems are mixed together that only an idiot would buy it.

For inda its different story. We are building it so can tinker with it as we want and in future will replace the foreign parts with desi but very slowly .
Now a foreign buyer can't wait that long on simple hope .lol
So yeah Tejas will not sell anywhere except India.
Its almost sMe like Europes typhoon . India was not ready to buy it cause its parts were being assembled from different countries.
Because it is made by chinese with their existing technologies and most parts of the aircraft made by chinese only except engine.
The comparison is about two fighter Jets, not countries & conclusion is that Tejas is less capable due to listed reasons.
All you are statements are excuses
The comparison is about two fighter Jets, not countries & conclusion is that Tejas is less capable due to listed reasons.
All you are statements are excuses

NO, where it has mentioned about capabilities?

They just talked about other reasons for selling the aircraft even EU fighter is facing same kind of problems when come to export but no one question doubt about capabilities . .
NO, where it has mentioned about capabilities?

They just talked about other reasons for selling the aircraft even EU fighter is facing same kind of problems when come to export but no one question doubt about capabilities . .

Export sales are often a major indicator of the global confidence in weapons systems. Nigeria and Mynamar has several Chinese, Russian and even western options. They chose JF-17. JF-17 has also seen combat.

Officially even IAF has not ordered Tejas Mk1A yet.

The above are simple facts.
Export sales are often a major indicator of the global confidence in weapons systems. Nigeria and Mynamar has several Chinese, Russian and even western options. They chose JF-17. JF-17 has also seen combat.

Officially even IAF has not ordered Tejas Mk1A yet.

The above are simple facts.

they chosen because jf 17 it is made by Chinese and only Chinese parts are used.

They will not face any problems or restriction because there will only be one supplier and that is Chinese.

Problem is only with engine and don't think, Russia will create probelms.
Here, JF 17 is a winner because anyone does not want latest and most capable fighter and just wants to replace old planes then JF 17 is a cheaper option for third world country who can not afford to latest and high cost fighters.

all you have done is show your jealousy again.

Tejas is very advance, you better save flying hours, because its very hard to maintain vedic super tech.

All Super advance claims but no where to be seen, why? atmosphere of earth is not suitable?
all you have done is show your jealousy again.

Tejas is very advance, you better save flying hours, because its very hard to maintain vedic super tech.

All Super advance claims but no where to be seen, why? atmosphere of earth is not suitable?

It is a fact bro, HAL tejas and JF 17 is not comparable to high end latest and costly aircrafts!

Now coming to cheaper option! Jf 17 is a winner because of chinese manufacturing, parts and capabilities. They don't need to depend on others except for only engine.

So if anyone can't afford to J10, EF, Su 35, F 15 eagle etc...... Jf 17 is a good option for them!
So if anyone can't afford to J10, EF, Su 35, F 15 eagle etc...... Jf 17 is a good option for them!
and its fully operational, combat proven, better option for future upgrades and weapon integration, which gives JF 17 edge over Tejas.

Tejas is dependent on so many foreign countries.....noting wrong with the product itself, but because of too many mix and match components, its not reliable and attractive for buyers. too many comlications.
What happened to decision banning eurasian times for shitty articles ?
It cant be a gospel of truth now, is it ?
NO, where it has mentioned about capabilities?

They just talked about other reasons for selling the aircraft even EU fighter is facing same kind of problems when come to export but no one question doubt about capabilities . .

Less weapon suite means less capabilities. Isn't it obvious?
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