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No they don't.

Pakhtuns are voracious in defence of their mother tongue and the vast majority speak and learn Pashto first, then urdu. Many, even the young still speak their mother tongue better.
@Spring Onion is saying that mother tongues are trash langauges and are promoting ethnic divide
Ethnic langauges? Lol whats that supposed to mean?. Japanese or chinese are studying in their trash ethnic langauges?. You have such low self esteem

Oh how on earth do you even compare Japanese or Chinese for that matter with trash education in ethnic languages in Afghanistan or Pakistan ??


and keep your lowest esteem to yourself.

We dont want make our kids kharroos. We need quality world class education system and universal language not some kharoo language books be it in Sindhi/Pashto/Punjabi or Balochi.

Just waste of time and a stupid idea to force poor to keep their kids away from making any progress.
@Spring Onion is saying that mother tongues are trash langauges and are promoting ethnic divide

I'll have to talk to her more on that. But, as you put it I would disagree. I think she meant one universal language for education.
@Spring Onion is saying that mother tongues are trash langauges and are promoting ethnic divide

You need to check your comprehension level before claiming something about me.

I am saying education in mother tongue here is just a PLOY to keep poor from making progress simple as that.

education in ethnic languages is a flawed idea

I'll have to talk to her more on that. But, as you put it I would disagree. I think she meant one universal language for education.

Waz many years back when i was a kid i used to teach pashto to my fellow students in my class because our Pashto teacher was unable to teach read or write it. Then i am someone who's close relative deal with syllabus and i can tell you these books are NOTHING but forcing paindoos to remain paindoos. The students are unable to speak or writhe simple sentence in English while the elite Pukhtuns and Punjabis and Sindhis and Balochis are sending their kids to elite English medium schools.

Education in mother tongue is waste of time
Waz many years back when i was a kid i used to teach pashto to my fellow students in my class because our Pashto teacher was unable to teach read or write it. Then i am someone who's close relative deal with syllabus and i can tell you these books are NOTHING but forcing paindoos to remain paindoos. The students are unable to speak or writhe simple sentence in English while the elite Pukhtuns and Punjabis and Sindhis and Balochis are sending their kids to elite English medium schools.

Education in mother tongue is waste of time

Yes sister I understand this and my previous post proved. The Chinese operate in one language for state education and progression but that doesn't mean they look down upon regional tongues.
We dont want make our kids kharroos. We need quality world class education system and universal language not some kharoo language books be it in Sindhi/Pashto/Punjabi or Balochi.

And you were blaming me for talking trash. :laugh: So, you loathe your own native languages and try to protect Urdu from the Indians influence particularly from the Hindi language even though Urdu is native to UP. :omghaha::omghaha:
And you were blaming me for talking trash. :laugh: So, you loathe your own native languages and try to protect Urdu from the Indians influence particularly from the Hindi language even though Urdu is native to UP. :omghaha::omghaha:

Indian influence ?? what Indian influence ? we dont need to protect it.
Education in mother tongue is waste of time

I think basic education (perhaps up till Class 8) should be in Urdu because :

(i) its the closest one can get to an indigenous language while still maintaining some semblance of uniformity in curriculum across different Provinces & even different Districts within the same Province.

(ii) every Pakistani is, in varying degrees, fluent in Urdu.

(iii) there is a technical & standardized version of Urdu whereas our regional languages aren't even Standardized in the same Province let alone having a technical version of them; for e.g the Punjabi of Lahore & Jhang are considerably different than each other.

(iv) our Provinces aren't homogeneous when it comes to languages - Far from it; e.g in Punjab the Southern parts speak Saraiki, Baluchi & Punjabj, the Central parts speak Punjabi & Urdu, the Northern Parts speak Gojri, Potohari & Punjabi whereas the Western Part speaks Pashto, Saraiki, Punjabi & Hindko - Which language should be the medium of Instruction ?

Thats why I think that no other language but Urdu makes sense to be the Medium of Instruction & in the mean time English is taught as a Second-Language properly so that proper Comprehension Skills are built in the Students & they are comfortable with the English Language once it becomes the Medium of Instruction after Class 8. This would be a good choice, in my opinion, because:

(i) thrusting English on our children at a very young age when most of them aren't fluent in it at all as opposed to most being fluent in Urdu, in varying degrees, would affect their ability to develop those fundamental concepts needed that further studies are built on...just because they haven't a grasp of English & you can't really teach the English Language & teach in the English Language simultaneously & hope that the student picks up.

(ii) English is needed for higher studies & teaching English as a Second Language, in a holistic manner, for nearly 8 years before you're asked to use it as a Medium of Instruction, would ensure that the student's ability to understand English thoroughly, be comfortable with its usage & perhaps even learn to think in English would be established.

The local languages are a part of our culture & they must be cherished - I think everyone ought to be mandated to learn the basics of at least 2 local languages till Class 8 & then choose any one of them for further studies !

Just my two cents ! :ashamed:
I can see the sense of threat.

Has Hindi become our national language? – The Express Tribune Blog

What a nonsense, Urdu originated among Hindus in UP and now Pakistanis want to protect it from the Indians at every possible way. :omghaha::omghaha: BTW, Urdu and Hindi were artificially divided and they are again reuniting in India, thanks goes to our film industry. 8-)

Personal opinion of individuals and we give them freedom to express. BTW if you take just one blog as a yardstick lollzzzz at you.

:) as far as hindi language well it has threat from your own Indian non-Hindis ;) so how can it threaten us at all.

BTW the street language presented as hindi in bollywood should indeed be discouraged
I think basic education (perhaps up till Class 8) should be in Urdu because :

(i) its the closest one can get to an indigenous language while still maintaining some semblance of uniformity in curriculum across different Provinces & even different Districts within the same Province.

(ii) every Pakistani is, in varying degrees, fluent in Urdu.

(iii) there is a technical & standardized version of Urdu whereas our regional languages aren't even Standardized in the same Province let alone having a technical version of them; for e.g the Punjabi of Lahore & Jhang are considerably different than each other.

(iv) our Provinces aren't homogeneous when it comes to languages - Far from it; e.g in Punjab the Southern parts speak Saraiki, Baluchi & Punjabj, the Central parts speak Punjabi & Urdu, the Northern Parts speak Gojri, Potohari & Punjabi whereas the Western Part speaks Pashto, Saraiki, Punjabi & Hindko - Which language should be the medium of Instruction ?

Thats why I think that no other language but Urdu makes sense to be the Medium of Instruction & in the mean time English is taught as a Second-Language properly so that proper Comprehension Skills are built in the Students & they are comfortable with the English Language once it becomes the Medium of Instruction after Class 8. This would be a good choice, in my opinion, because:

(i) thrusting English on our children at a very young age when most of them aren't fluent in it at all as opposed to most being fluent in Urdu, in varying degrees, would affect their ability to develop those fundamental concepts needed that further studies are built on...just because they haven't a grasp of English & you can't really teach the English Language & teach in the English Language simultaneously & hope that the student picks up.

(ii) English is needed for higher studies & teaching English as a Second Language, in a holistic manner, for nearly 8 years before you're asked to use it as a Medium of Instruction, would ensure that the student's ability to understand English thoroughly, be comfortable with its usage & perhaps even learn to think in English would be established.

The local languages are a part of our culture & they must be cherished - I think everyone ought to be mandated to learn the basics of at least 2 local languages till Class 8 & then choose any one of them for further studies !

Just my two cents ! :ashamed:
Well you have passed your exams , Urdu is fricking hard . We already have enough load on us now basic education in urdu upto 8th as you mention would mean switching to English after that , it will lead to unnecessary wastage and time and resource better yet the basic education to the advanced should all be in one language and English becomes the obvious choice for its numerous advantages!
I think basic education (perhaps up till Class 8) should be in Urdu because :

(i) its the closest one can get to an indigenous language while still maintaining some semblance of uniformity in curriculum across different Provinces & even different Districts within the same Province.

(ii) every Pakistani is, in varying degrees, fluent in Urdu.

(iii) there is a technical & standardized version of Urdu whereas our regional languages aren't even Standardized in the same Province let alone having a technical version of them; for e.g the Punjabi of Lahore & Jhang are considerably different than each other.

(iv) our Provinces aren't homogeneous when it comes to languages - Far from it; e.g in Punjab the Southern parts speak Saraiki, Baluchi & Punjabj, the Central parts speak Punjabi & Urdu, the Northern Parts speak Gojri, Potohari & Punjabi whereas the Western Part speaks Pashto, Saraiki, Punjabi & Hindko - Which language should be the medium of Instruction ?

Thats why I think that no other language but Urdu makes sense to be the Medium of Instruction & in the mean time English is taught as a Second-Language properly so that proper Comprehension Skills are built in the Students & they are comfortable with the English Language once it becomes the Medium of Instruction after Class 8. This would be a good choice, in my opinion, because:

(i) thrusting English on our children at a very young age when most of them aren't fluent in it at all as opposed to most being fluent in Urdu, in varying degrees, would affect their ability to develop those fundamental concepts needed that further studies are built on...just because they haven't a grasp of English & you can't really teach the English Language & teach in the English Language simultaneously & hope that the student picks up.

(ii) English is needed for higher studies & teaching English as a Second Language, in a holistic manner, for nearly 8 years before you're asked to use it as a Medium of Instruction, would ensure that the student's ability to understand English thoroughly, be comfortable with its usage & perhaps even learn to think in English would be established.

The local languages are a part of our culture & they must be cherished - I think everyone ought to be mandated to learn the basics of at least 2 local languages till Class 8 & then choose any one of them for further studies !

Just my two cents ! :ashamed:

For the bold part i tell you kids even at english medium schools opened in residential areas as good at English than other languages
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