And what you know about pakhtunwali? are claiming to be a pakhtun but dreaming about subjugating Afghans and afghanistan through some plans of ISI. What are your credentials of being pakhtun?. Same question from that @
nangyale who want to see Afghanistan conquered by pakistan and justify it by giving example of russia who conquered tatar lands and finished them through assimilation.
You pathetic desi pathans, you remind me of the fox who lost her tail and asked other foxes to cut their tails, telling them that you guys would look more beautiful without tail.
Sher Malang these guys are embarrassment to pakhtun nation, these losers are dreaming of subjugating afghanistan by punjab....If ahmad shah baba and mirwais neku were alive and saw these two traitors, they would have cut the throats of @
Khan_patriot and @
nangyale for conspiring against their watan.