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Everyone in India is a Hindu, says RSS chief

So everyone is a Hindu in India? then why we see so much communal riots if everyone is a Hindu there ?

The answer......hmm...let me twist the logic here....You have all Muslims in Pakistan.....and Pakistan is a Muslim Country....and all Muslims should be equal...as far as I understand...why do Sunnis..Shias..fight...Kill each other....Ahmedias...and don't know what... :hitwall:
Yes i can claim.... I am an Indian. All Indians are my brothers and sisters. And I can lay claim to any Indian whether he is Muslim, Sikh, Christian or a Hindu.

Dont worry you have been trying for same for past 62 years and now we have learned how to deal with it with 0 results.

By the way i did not offer namaz over there in Haji ali. It is muslim shrine where all Hindus and Muslims go and pray.

Thats y u kill innocnet muslims, christians and sikh in India.

Wt were hindus doing Gujrat.......those muslims, chrisitnas and indians dont accept u brother.

We were also part of India b4 1947. u killed muslims and showed evil and this forced us for other country.

batter history or read jaswant singh boook "Jinnah"
Its a never ending cycle man ..... and this has been told to me by a muslim friend ..... a proud muslim may I add, and a prouder Indian.

The pakistani muslims don't consider the Indian muslims as "real" muslims.

The arabs don't consider the pakistani muslims to be "real" muslims.

And so on and so forth.

Anyone and everyone seems to be an instant divinely ordained deciding authority on who is a "real" muslim and who is a "name only/lesser" muslim .... the common thread linking all being feeling cosily superior and looking down on others of your own religion depending on how far from the oak tree the individual acorns actually fell.

Get a life guys. Be human first.

Cheers, Doc
keep shouting.................these are baseless .....I am living in Pakistan and knows batter then you and those writers.

So who would be more trustfull.....A Pakistani or someone living miles from here.

its easy to make propoganda using media.

Plz stop flaming.

Enlightenment.....:woot:..but tell me why is this logic only suitable for Pakistani friends here......:no:

If I am based in India ....I know more about India than You sitting in your country......or for that matter any other fellow sitting in his country reading crap posted on the internet....

So if I say things are good in India..... you love to throw some western reports ...some blog entries on my face....but when the tide is against you...things are different.
keep shouting.................these are baseless .....I am living in Pakistan and knows batter then you and those writers.

So who would be more trustfull.....A Pakistani or someone living miles from here.

its easy to make propoganda using media.

Plz stop flaming.

Oh then while shouting about Indian poverty why do you take Indian and western newspapers. We Indians are living here we better know it.

Should i give you links from Pakistani media...... or they are also far....
Oh then while shouting about Indian poverty why do you take Indian and western newspapers. We Indians are living here we better know it.

Should i give you links from Pakistani media.
..... or they are also far....

put new thread abt Indian poverty for ur quote (bold). I will discuss this argument over there
Thats y u kill innocnet muslims, christians and sikh in India.

Wt were hindus doing Gujrat.......those muslims, chrisitnas and indians dont accept u brother.

We were also part of India b4 1947. u killed muslims and showed evil and this forced us for other country.

batter history or read jaswant singh boook "Jinnah"

So according to your sources....Hindus are Killing Muslims and Sikhs and Christians...everyday...and it flashes in your news channels everyday...

All thats history and is not good ...even for Us Indians...is good for you ...because you want to blame Hindus for everything.....

What are your people doing in your country..Killing fellow Muslims...Sunis Killing Shias....Attacking each other with bombs.....guns....do you think... we do the same here in India .....
put new thread abt Indian poverty for ur quote (bold). I will discuss this argument over there

Thats all you have got...losing the argument...so throw India Poverty..India Anti Minority..derail the thread ........and run for cover
This is called freedom of speech for the uninitiated.
It is alot better than radicals with guns forcing their laws on every soul and executing them for not accepting their terms.
We'd rather have these poor religious bigots spew hatred that few care about rather than hanging and killing innocent people in the name of ideology.
Our government does not allow these bigots to rule over parts of country where they can terrorize innocents in the name of their bigoted ideology.
Rest of you self proclaimed scholars on Hinduism and caste system, mind your own business, no Indian muslim cares about ummah or any such religious crap.
Have you ever been to a Christian Mission.....they speak so gently...with sugarcoated voices...as if all the love is filled in their bodies.....the way they barf out those words...I remember..." Come to Jesus My son....join us...we will make sure you have food...we will take care of you children.....we will get rid of your miseries...just join us".... and a Poor man is lured ......
Frankly..I don't bother if my fellow Indian is a Muslim/Christian or of any religion for that matter as long he can contribute to wards countries growth.... He can jump from one religion to another ...everyday if he wants..I give a rats azz......

Blue yes i had heard them. You are right.

You did not answser my points.
The answer......hmm...let me twist the logic here....You have all Muslims in Pakistan.....and Pakistan is a Muslim Country....and all Muslims should be equal...as far as I understand...why do Sunnis..Shias..fight...Kill each other....Ahmedias...and don't know what... :hitwall:

Lolz so Indians come to a weak false argument ok let me reply you.

Sunni and Shia are sects and not casts. Sunni and shia Muslims are equal in Islam and there is no discrimination against any or them.

They can pray at any mosque, they eat with each other and there is no untouchability practice in Islam no matter shia or sunni Muslim.

Unlike Hindusim where low cast Hinuds cant pray at same temple, they can not marry in 99% cases to a high cast hindus, they are considerd untouchable and all this is based on hinduism.

Hinduism has already has a social break up for low cast hindus and high cast hindus whereas in Islam there is no such things all Muslims are having equal rights according to Quran the only difference is based on your deeds. Not your cast or creed unlike hinduism.

And your point was....?????

My point was the convesion in India from hinduism to Christianity is outcome of your cast bases discriminatory system.

So instead of banning conversion it would be good to do away with cast system legally inacting laws
My point was the convesion in India from hinduism to Christianity is outcome of your cast bases discriminatory system.

So instead of banning conversion it would be good to do away with cast system legally inacting laws

And you think a couple of hastily written laws will do away a millenia of traditions?
Not that I defend the practice, its a disgrace, but traditions ingrained over generations are very difficult to wipe out.
But fortunately, with the Indian economic growth and uplifting of standards of the majority of people, its come to people now ignoring the discrimination in castes and instead concentrating on earning more money.

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