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Nazification of India: A Vindication of Two-nation Theory

Indian leadership understood if they stated that they wanted some sort of shit hindutva Rashtra,, multiple people would be looking to leave

So Sikhs, the whole of Indian Muslims population, many Indian ethnic states themselves would not want to be part of this overtly Hindu state

So they lied, they made this bullshit up about a united India for all
They played on emotions and patriotism

JINNAH saw through it, but millions of others didn't

Whilst congress was in charge they kept the lid on

With the BJP they overtly followed this hindutva model of governance thua hundreds of millions of people are now stuck in a communl divided India

Jinnah always said, just get on with a proper partition, let Muslim states like Kashmir go

Let the Sikhs have a khalistan

Let the areas of Muslims form independent states

Let ethnic states get freedom

Then the remainder would be a single faith people and you guys could have had your clown Rashtra

Greed and stupidity led India to this point, and theirs now growing resentment on all sides within India

Partition of India is the only way

Led india to what point..

Its doing great. These social issues are much better than they used to be. Camera phones and these shrill journalists make you think otherwise.
Led india to what point..

Its doing great. These social issues are much better than they used to be. Camera phones and these shrill journalists make you think otherwise.

Indians always hated each other, that is true

Social media has allowed everyone to see that hatred, this is true also

But it has also amplified it and allowed to to spread across India

I HATE HINDUS, Hinduism to me is disgusting z worthless and abhorrent, but let me tell you the hatred amongst indians for each other is just as intense as my hatred for hindus

Indians are currently celebrating gang rape, home destruction and riots against each other
Lol. Going by the way of things, Pakistan will be disintegrating before India would.

Soft partition. Lol. Whatever makes you sleep at night. I am not here to indulge in your dumb fantasies.

India is doing extremely well economically, thank you. Muslims for the most part are participating in it. Ghetto Muslims were anyways unproductive, any action against them will have no effect on economy either way.

ISI is more interested in keeping their turf intact. They have no resources to take on India. In a decade, contrast will be so stark that ISI could even do the bidding of India inside Pakistan.

When Pak army can control very effectively the whole of Muslim country, India with much better resources and with world support can simply stomp off any Muslim rebellion.

Lol. We are all Hindus in the south.

Indians are eating and living well. Dubai and Japan are jealous of India.


You are definitely a Hindjew Clutch.

Sure if you say so... At least I'm not a treasonous Pak fauj bootlicker..

By the way... My opinion is now the dominant opinion of most Pakistanis who were sincere with this nation and honoured it's armed forces.... Not too long ago. Until they put back the Corrupt haramzaday Sharif Zardari and Mullah Diesel back on our heads!!!
Sure if you say so... At least I'm not a treasonous Pak fauj bootlicker..

By the way... My opinion is now the dominant opinion of most Pakistanis who were sincere with this nation and honoured it's armed forces.... Not too long ago. Until they put back the Corrupt haramzaday Sharif Zardari and Mullah Diesel back on our heads!!!
How you as an anti-Pakistan, pro-Israel, anti-Pakistan army, pro-Anarchy can call yourself either a Pakistani or patriot and insult other Pakistanis.
How you as an anti-Pakistan, pro-Israel, anti-Pakistan army, pro-Anarchy can call yourself either a Pakistani or patriot and insult other Pakistanis.

Easy... Thanks to the haramzaday Pakistani corrupt COAS Military Generals and the rest of the corrupt establishment including the political class and Judiciary.... That's how.
Sepoys of the napak fauj destroyed two nation theory with extreme prejuidice...they've taken out the biggest proponent of two nation theory and put in power the biggest "same to same you eat alloo gosht and so do we" critics of it in power.

Aalo gosht is eaten both sides of Kashmir and Punjab. Just like Hilsa is eaten on both Bengals, East and waste.
Creation of Bangladesh disproved 2 nation theory.
Then why didn't Bangladesh join India back?

Existence of Bangladesh, even after separation from Pakistan, as an independent state, is the biggest proof of two nation theory.

It helps to feel good, as simple as that.
People don't get their children killed just because they want to feel good.
Do you guys think that is an Aryan lady from any aspect :

Indians, as always, will borrow something from somewhere and will lable it as their own.
Back in pre-independence days, even Muslim League used to call Congress fascist
Can't unlearn, things that are stuck inside the brain keeps reverberating.
Fast forward next decade, another Pakistani dictator will call another Indian leader fascist, nazi et al. Whatta useless bunch.
Loss of Bangladesh doesn't negate 2 nation theory but further strengthens it in terms of showing us that Muslims cannot coexist with anyone (not even with a different ethnic Muslims). Hindus should stop being overtly secular and apologetic. We should call the spade a spade.

It is our greatest misfortune that Congress was at the helm at the time of partition. India should have kept all others but for Muslims at the time of independence. India could have have avoided the blocks of nondevelopment (read ghettos) at different places in India in present times.
Then all of Punjab and areas up until and possibly Delhi itself would have gone to Pakistan.
The author is biased and his conclusion questionable.

For example, the worth of the write up in the OP can be seen in one statement made:

The Indian edition of Hitler's book, Mein Kampf, has become a best-seller since its publication.

And the author takes that to make observations on the society as a whole.

Actually, in various parts of the world ,there has been rising interest in the book in the past decade or more the world, with increased book and digital (Amazon, Gutenberg) downloads.

Including Turkey and Middle East.

It’s a general interest in parts of the world in Hitler and his worldview, abhorrent as they were. Not necessarily a desire to bring back that world.

Thus to use Mein Kampf’s sales to justify the author’s premise is utterly wrong. While there are deep concerns about rising religious right wing fundamentalism under Modi, we are not a society even close to Nazifying as the title claims.
Then why didn't Bangladesh join India back?

Existence of Bangladesh, even after separation from Pakistan, as an independent state, is the biggest proof of two nation theory.

2 nation theory

But there’s 3 nations in the subcontinent

The math isn’t adding up 🤔
2 nation theory

But there’s 3 nations in the subcontinent

The math isn’t adding up 🤔
He's actually right he got you there, if 2 nation theory was disproven then Bangladesh would have been absorbed by India.

But we have 1 psuedo-Hindutva nation with persecuted Muslim minority and 2 Muslim nations

Muslim-Hindu divide (2 nation theory) is present right there

Plus 2 nation theory is literally basic Islamic principle, you are supposed to strive for Islamic laws, not be a minority under Hindu/secular laws in your own homeland
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