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Everyone in India is a Hindu, says RSS chief

Yaa thats true!! Actualy In india we have given freedom of speech and freedom to choos religion irrespective of from which religion you belong.


Sorry the history says something else. The issue of conversion and forced re-conversions to hinduism is thing of the present in India.
Sorry the history says something else. The issue of conversion and forced re-conversions to hinduism is thing of the present in India.

This is present in almost present every society though it cannot be justified....

For example

PAKISTAN Around 600 people a year are forcely converted to Islam - Asia News

And websites like these make people to go for it

TheReligionofPeace - Islam: Forced Conversion

Just type "force conversion" in google and press enter. Results tell a lot.....:devil:
^^^ I am sorry but a Muslim speaking about Hindu conversions is the pot calling the kettle black. Kindly desist from the religious diatribe Jana .... it works both ways, and has a nasty habit of sneaking up and biting one on ones behind when one least expects it.


Cheers, Doc
That is an old line the fundamentalist Hindu organisations have been using for centuries to give some solace to their injured ego :)

This is a flawed line. You can call everyone in India as Indian but not as Hinuds.

Above all their statement that because most of the people of other faith are converts and their ancestors were Hindu so they are hindus, well OK for a minute lets accept their notion but then the problem is can these fundamentalist Hindu organisations explain which cast catogary these Christian, Muslim Hindus fall ?

Are they low cast hindus or high cast hindus ????/

What has cast to do with this........ By the way there are groups within hinduism which do not fall in any of these categories of caste. For example Kayasth
I think this thread serves no purpose and needs to be closed because its only calling for useless flaimbait. The RSS Cheif said a stupid thing, doesn't mean we need to brainfcuk ourselves over it, even the Indians recognize the idiocy in his remarks.
I think this thread serves no purpose and needs to be closed because its only calling for useless flaimbait. The RSS Cheif said a stupid thing, doesn't mean we need to brainfcuk ourselves over it, even the Indians recognize the idiocy in his remarks.

Rightly said. this would just use this thread to malign each other.
Rightly said. this would just use this thread to malign each other.

The statement by RSS only proves one thing that Hindutva ideology is still alive.

Why to malign others why not to accept the fact that Hindu fanatics are as much a danger to humanity as any other fanatics
The statement by RSS only proves one thing that Hindutva ideology is still alive.

Why to malign others why not to accept the fact that Hindu fanatics are as much a danger to humanity as any other fanatics

RSS deeds which justifies and pose threat to the existence of other religions is threat to the society and should be taken with strict hands. This cannot be justified in a secular society.

Though there deeds for the welfare of the society can be very well justified as per the following links.

Seva Bharati - Sanskrit gram

Seva Bharati - Gurukul of Karnataka

Seva Bharati - Deedayal Shetkari Vikas Prakalp

The fanatic elements in the RSS which claim to make India as a Hindu country are defenitely the threat to the society.
Open another thread and i will discuss it with you there.

This thread is about RSS and India.

I just gave you examples how the same is present in every society. No society in the world is perfect... There are elements which try to hamper the normal structure of society. India is a secular country and any bias based upon cast creed religon region is not allowed.
No. This is not true.we Indians have never rejected Hinduism. The muslims of Pakistan are surprised to know Hindus go to Haji Ali and Muslims go to Mahalakshmi and shidhiwinayak for worship.

Sorry MAN

This is Complete & Total Shirq
Sorry MAN

This is Complete & Total Shirq

Actually that is the very fabric of Indian society where a kid is taught at the very elementary level

"Ishwar Allah tere naam..... Sab ko sukh sampati de bhagwan"
(Ishwar, Allah are your name...... Bhagwan give happiness and prosperity to all )
I just gave you examples how the same is present in every society. No society in the world is perfect... There are elements which try to hamper the normal structure of society. India is a secular country and any bias based upon cast creed religon region is not allowed.

NO its not the same. In India some states have banned conversions which is violation and contrary to the statement of an Indian that India has given freedom to people to choose whatever religion they want.

This is not true specially when some states in India banned conversion from Hinduism to Christianity and Budhism.

Where as the piece you posted about Pakistan has a false claim just in the start . Which claimed that Islam announces death penality for converting to other religion. This statement is even more than a lie because there is no Death Penality in Islam for converting to other religion

Not even a smaller penality. You are free to convert According to ISLAM and Quran there is NO death penality.

India claims to be secular but still caste based system is there and it is part of Hinduism.
Now back to topic the RSS ideology.
What chief said was not at all stupid!!
His definition of HINDU is strikingly correct; even the religious giants like Dr. Israr & Dr. Zakir Naik himself regarded this definition as 100% true & Zakir himself in front of ~1000 of audience called himself a Hindu. This Hindu word therefore is quiet similar to that of Indian atleast in religious terms
What chief said was not at all stupid!!
His definition of HINDU is strikingly correct; even the religious giants like Dr. Israr & Dr. Zakir Naik himself regarded this definition as 100% true & Zakir himself in front of ~1000 of audience called himself a Hindu. This Hindu word therefore is quiet similar to that of Indian atleast in religious terms

Their definition is based upon geography whereas RSS definition is always based on religion. This flawed line gives them false sense of ego :)

Thanks to RSS like Hindu orgs' bigotry that today we have Pakistan

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