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Erdogan's Twisted Logic: S-400 Must Not Shoot Down Turkish Jets Over Syria Read more: http://sputni


Turkey is going to pay heavily for the thrill of the feeling you get when you pull the trigger. That missile launch from so far away was uncalled for and not necessary.

Turkey has lost its patriot missile batteries I believe----and now the russians have the Turkish given opportuniy to bring their LR SAMS in the arena.

This is basically a failure of Turkey to understand the consequences before it raised the level of conflict to a few notches higher. Many in the west are pleased at Turkey because it dug itself deeper into the trouble.

Now---where are those Turks on this board who were mad at me a few months ago----specially that Turk moderator who gave me 2 negative ratings----.

Hey buddy----how do you feel now?

Yes this is what they dont understand. Turkey is making itself a canon fodder. US and the EURO gang will go away, leaving turkey.
Meaning you don't know, so shuh...
meaning when you knew which airport the airplane is based then you knew it belong to whom and
politeness dictate when you admit that you mistake in something you apologize and here turkey
admitted they didn't knew the air plane was Russian meaning they mistaken its identity but refused
to apologize.
It seems that Turkey has had some strategic shift in short span of time. While China and Russia have stood together specially in south china sea. The time of nudging and small provocations has started, with earlier Russian bomber flights near GB and now Russian submarine threat off coast of GB. This maybe a part of the strategy to check Russian audacity. I however also have a hunch that probably it was a decision of local command to shoot down the plane which was then backed by the central command later. Only time will tell if this is the Gleiwitz incident.
The moral of this story is that the Turks shot down a Ruski jet and the Ruskis could do jack shit but suck on their thumbs, Putin has been caught with his pants down.
They have change their Soul against Su-35´s Dreams.
No, It is not Su 35, it is years of useless, unreliable and frustrating US relations and lessons learnt from playing with ISIS forefathers. It is the same Pakistanis who brought down the Soviet Union. Russians have not still forgotten that.

Contact: Ken Grubbs, 202.225.0145
November 25, 2015

Rohrabacher Statement on Turkey’s Clash with Russia

WASHINGTON – Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats, on Saturday issued the following statement concerning Turkey’s shooting down of a Russian jet fighter on the Turkey-Syria border:

It is imperative that American decision-makers admit to themselves and begin basing their decisions on the hard fact that Islamic terrorism poses the primary threat to our safety and the peace of the world.

Our president seems incapable of uttering the phrase Islamic terrorism, much less of overseeing a policy that will defeat this evil. His incoherence is ever more evident as events in Syria unfold.

Not radical Islam, but the Russians have been portrayed to us as the villains in this chapter of history. Yet our government demonstrates a lack of will, incompetence, or both, in confronting the most monstrous of the radical Islamic marauders now spilling vast quantities of innocent blood in the Middle East -- as well as in Africa and France.

When Russia courageously stepped into the breach we should have been applauding its willingness to confront ISIS. Instead, we continue to denigrate Russians as if they were still the Soviet Union and Putin, not Islamic terrorists, our most vicious enemy.

So now we see the travesty of a harsh condemnation of the Russians for introducing air strikes against terrorists who will murder Americans if they get the chance.

Yes, Russia does this to protect Syria’s authoritarian Assad regime, which has close ties to Moscow. So what?

Assad, like Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, is no threat to the United States or the Western world. If Assad is forced out of power he will eventually be replaced by an Islamic terrorist committed to raining down mayhem on Western countries.

Today we witness the spectacle of American decision- makers, in and out of the Obama administration, joining forces with a Turkish regime that grows more supportive of the radical Islamist movement. There is ample evidence of President Erdogan’s complicity in ISIS’s murderous rampage through Syria and Iraq.

Yet, we hold our public rebukes for the Russians, who are battling those terrorists. A Russian plane on an anti-terrorist mission did violate Turkish airspace, just as Turkish planes have strayed into Greek airspace hundreds of times over the last year. This overflight was no threat to Turkey. Still, it was shot down, as was a Russian helicopter on the way to rescue the downed Russian pilot.

Why do Americans feel compelled to kick Russia in the teeth? Russia’s military is attacking an enemy that would do us harm. Why ignore the hostile pro-terrorist maneuvering of Turkish strongman Erdogan?

President Obama is wrong. American politicians who try to sound tough at Russia’s expense in this case are not watching out for the long-term interests of the United States by undermining those fighting our primary enemy, Islamic terrorists.

Russia should be applauded. Instead, it is being castigated for doing what our government is unwilling to do to confront the terrorist offensive now butchering innocent human beings from Africa, to the Middle East, to the streets of Paris.

If being in NATO means protecting Erdogan in this situation, either he shouldn’t be in NATO or we shouldn’t.
The moral of this story is that the Turks shot down a Ruski jet and the Ruskis could do jack shit but suck on their thumbs, Putin has been caught with his pants down.

You are torally wrong. This is not about a plane the russians lost. Turkey took the bait, giving Russia immense credibility. You always lose people and equipment in war. But the useless Russian war is now seen just, externally and internally.
You are torally wrong. This is not about a plane the russians lost. Turkey took the bait, giving Russia immense credibility. You always lose people and equipment in war. But the useless Russian war is now seen just, externally and internally.

The West will always see the Russia's backing of Assad as illegitimate, the Indians and the Russian backers will always see Putin's cause as just. Again, Putin has been caught with his pants down and the world is seeing that Russia's level is Turkey's, not the United State's, its not a superpower, Putin was bitch slapped by the NATO.
Correction, only one Indian airplane was shot down, while it was providing cover to the Mig 27, which had crashed due to engine stall, because of ingestion of smoke from rocket fire.
Surely you are not that naive buddy lol.
Hey I warn you...avoid racist comments and stop trolling. If you have something serious to say, discuss that otherwise STFU and get lost

I said turkeys, not turks. Nothing racist about it unless you have interpreted it in your head to mean something more :P

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