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Erdogan surrenders to Putin

Bro maybe you don’t want syria to be annexed by her neighbors but egypt a fellow arab state is literally receiving pkk terror group which happen to be also separatists
Actually Turkey’s military intervention is the only reason why Syria continues to be in one piece at least on paper

You are an enemy that needs to be taught a lesson, that's all there is to say. Of course this operation is doomed to fail, did you expect you'd capture Damascus you goddamn nut.

The retards were cheering for drone strikes including grandpa cabatli thinking he's going to capture all of it, I told them but they didn't listen.
Your analysis sucks, pardon my french.

1) Here how Syria looked before ISIS intervention:

View attachment 611339

ISIS started fighting rebels and greatly helped Assad.

2) During 3 days when Turkish drones were slaughtering Assad forces Russians were hiding and doing absolutely nothing. Similarly they did not intervene when Americans slaughtered hundreds of Assad and Russian (!!!) troops during he Khasham battle in February 2018, similarly they did not intervene when Israel bombs Assad hundreds of times and shot down Assad planes. Russians will never start war with anyone because of loser Assad, not with little Israel, surely not with 85 mln Turkey.

3 days is all Turkey had over Syria before it lost its advantage. And people here are thinking how godly Turkey is for having air superiority for Drone strikes for only 3 days before losing it.
Syrian opposition is dead but doesn't mean we go backwards again. Assad regime like many other regimes in region are weak and survive through brutal crackdown. In Iran and Iraq this is happening. Algeria and Tunisia went through transformations which shows change is necessary and not an option regardless of the cost.

Syria is under no threat of annexation by Turkey if this was what you're implying. I did not get that impression from them. It's moreso dominated by Iran and Russia, with Iran having toxic agenda across region.

So you need to stick to your principles even if we can't change anything now. Does not mean you change your mind or put up with the status quo in principle. But to speak like this regime is legitimate and even some(not you) in Arab League speak of paying for reconstruction of Syria to Irans benefit with no conditions is crazy talk. Iran and Assad didn't need to crackdown on Syrians protesting and their interests were not under threat. But they wanted minority to continue ruling Syria and that is an injustice to them.

I was never (as you know) in favor of the useless and incompetent Al-Assad regime that claims to be Arab nationalist, yet has betrayed several Arab causes time and time again. No sane Syrian let alone any Arab should be supporting a regime that is destroying their own country or Arab country x or y by large.

My main worry has always been that of Syria (the country) and Syrians. They are after all our brothers and sisters that we share everything in common with. Ties are like that between brother and sister. We currently host 2.5 million Syrians. I could care less about the Al-Assad regime or Syrian opposition who are just political factions fighting for power and influence. What I care about is the future of Syria and Syrians and Syria to remain Syria. If not, I prefer Syria to merge with other Arab countries (like in the past) and for fellow Arabs to do the annexation (if Syrians agree of course).

In fact my viewpoints are clear, all the regional Arab states should be doing 2-3 large regional Arab countries, everything else makes no sense long-term wise. Palestine should merge with Jordan, Syria and Lebanon ideally who again should merge with KSA, Iraq etc.

Only if united can we truly solve our problems and and added bonus, the number of regimes would diminish naturally.

All we need is brave people like throughout history. People who united the Arab world in the past. If you ask me it is a joke that all those small GCC states exist. We should all be one big country. Add Yemen to that list and there would be no Yemen conflict.
Syrian opposition is dead but doesn't mean we go backwards again. Assad regime like many other regimes in region are weak and survive through brutal crackdown. In Iran and Iraq this is happening. Algeria and Tunisia went through transformations which shows change is necessary and not an option regardless of the cost.

Syria is under no threat of annexation by Turkey if this was what you're implying. I did not get that impression from them. It's moreso dominated by Iran and Russia, with Iran having toxic agenda across region.

So you need to stick to your principles even if we can't change anything now. Does not mean you change your mind or put up with the status quo in principle. But to speak like this regime is legitimate and even some(not you) in Arab League speak of paying for reconstruction of Syria to Irans benefit with no conditions is crazy talk. Iran and Assad didn't need to crackdown on Syrians protesting and their interests were not under threat. But they wanted minority to continue ruling Syria and that is an injustice to them.
You dont get it. Its not about Iran or someone else. This is now about saving Syria as a country and ending the war asap. Imo, Arabs in the region should become more active in the Syrian crisis and not by providing weapons to this group or that.
Turkey you have our full support. InshAllah we will come and help you out once we kick out USA and settle things here; Until then just wait, the real show is about to get started.
Iranian regime is not principled and can't be seen as a partner to people of the region just like many other dictators in the region. Once they feel confident because of Russian intervention and other nation weakness they intensify efforts to assert their domination over region.

Iranian supreme leader is not a man of God nor his supporters are holy people. They are selfish and evil thugs who are trying to assert domination over region through soft power and military power. And by spreading much disinformation and misleading people about their intentions. Just that alone is enough to dismiss any possibility of reconcilation with them.
You are an enemy that needs to be taught a lesson, that's all there is to say. Of course this operation is doomed to fail, did you expect you'd capture Damascus you goddamn nut.

The retards were cheering for drone strikes including grandpa cabatli thinking he's going to capture all of it, I told them but they didn't listen.
Why are you changing the subject???
Egypt uae and ksa are supporting kurdish separatism just to irritate Turkey but the only victims are so far iraq and syria two arab countries which pretty much gives us insight about so called pan-arabism concept
Bro maybe you don’t want syria to be annexed by her neighbors but egypt a fellow arab state is literally receiving pkk terror group which happen to be also separatists
Actually Turkey’s military intervention is the only reason why Syria continues to be in one piece at least on paper

PKK/YPG/SDF or whatever they call themselves, I don't support any group that tries to destroy Syria's territorial integrity nor Kurds hostile to Arabs, Assyrians or others. I support the Al-Assad regime or the Syrian opposition or whatever Syrian faction, to capture whatever Syrian land that is currently held by those Kurds/Arabs or whatever they are.

I understand that Turkey's main priority in Syria is to fight the Kurds (YPG/PKK) and that is fair enough (I have no problem with that personally) but understand that the main goal of Syrians and sane Arabs (wanting Arab unity and strong Arab nations and Arabs that don't care about sect) is to keep the integrity of the Arab nation intact and for peace and prosperity to emerge. I am sure that you want those millions of Syrians in Turkey to return to Syria. Likewise we want the millions of Syrians in KSA to return to Syria (although I don't mind any Arab expat in KSA, never will) or the Syrians in Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq etc.

Any Arab that supports foreign negative meddling in Arab country x or y or de facto annexation, is just shooting himself in the foot. If the by large useless Arab regimes do the same, they should not be surprised if such political weakness will be taken advantage of by others in the future and if their own Arab country will experience something similar and then they will be asking fellow Arabs why nobody is doing anything.

Unity is the only solution. You don't need to be an Einstein to realize this.
We should keep our borders secure, firm up TFSA in areas held, send back all refugees. This should be our main aim. We have to create/support an allied group in our borders. TFSA should be our proxy group. We can't sacrifice soldiers like thousands of irgc and russians+"wagner". We have enough manpower syrians in Turkey smoking shisha.

All this while investing in more R&D. We need 15-20 years to be nearly fully self sufficient and top league in defence manufacturing if all goes well.
You dont get it. Its not about Iran or someone else. This is now about saving Syria as a country and ending the war asap. Imo, Arabs in the region should become more active in the Syrian crisis and not by providing weapons to this group or that.

You don't get it, what you favor is like someone that drives an old car and has to keep taking it to mechanic for maintenance which is more costly than replacing it with newer car with modern platform .

And then there is religious obligation to make sure people are obeying their Lord. Even if there was complete stability across the region , we all have obligation to make sure we are following our Lord and those in control are too.
Why are you changing the subject???
Egypt uae and ksa are supporting kurdish separatism just to irritate Turkey but the only victims are so far iraq and syria two arab countries which pretty much gives us insight about so called pan-arabism concept

No bigger supporter of Kurdistan than erdogan himself who enabled Barzanistan. There has been no bigger anti-Kurd establishment than Iraq, everytime we dealt with the Kurdish terrorists a neighbor of ours tends to help them.

We should keep our borders secure, firm up TFSA in areas held, send back all refugees. This should be our main aim. We have to create/support an allied group in our borders. TFSA should be our proxy group. We can't sacrifice soldiers like thousands of irgc and russians+"wagner". We have enough manpower syrians in Turkey smoking shisha.

All this while investing in more R&D. We need 15-20 years to be nearly fully self sufficient and top league in defence manufacturing if all goes well.

Those Syrians in Turkey aren't going to do shit, they will keep smoking. What's in it for them to win, a salary with death in return doesn't help.
We should keep our borders secure, firm up TFSA in areas held, send back all refugees. This should be our main aim. We have to create/support an allied group in our borders. TFSA should be our proxy group. We can't sacrifice soldiers like thousands of irgc and russians+"wagner". We have enough manpower syrians in Turkey smoking shisha.

All this while investing in more R&D. We need 15-20 years to be nearly fully self sufficient and top league in defence manufacturing if all goes well.

What you need to be doing is removing Syrian PKK from your border instead of talking about Russia or Iran. Those Syrian PKK while in peace time will be constantly militarizing and building up arms to support problems in Turkey with International Support from U.S and a few others like France/Germany.
God created us to worship him, have people forgotten who created us ? Human race is operating like they are in control and they own the Universe. And created their own new 'YOLO' religion which is all about enjoyment , pleasures , and lack of principles/morals.

This is not a good path we are on.
PKK/YPG/SDF or whatever they call themselves, I don't support any group that tries to destroy Syria's territorial integrity nor Kurds hostile to Arabs, Assyrians or others. I support the Al-Assad regime or the Syrian opposition or whatever Syrian faction, to capture whatever Syrian land that is currently held by those Kurds/Arabs or whatever they are.

I understand that Turkey's main priority in Syria is to fight the Kurds (YPG/PKK) and that is fair enough (I have no problem with that personally) but understand that the main goal of Syrians and sane Arabs (wanting Arab unity and strong Arab nations and Arabs that don't care about sect) is to keep the integrity of the Arab nation intact and for peace and prosperity to emerge. I am sure that you want those millions of Syrians in Turkey to return to Syria. Likewise we want the millions of Syrians in KSA to return to Syria (although I don't mind any Arab expat in KSA, never will) or the Syrians in Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq etc.
Of course i want justice for all those persecuted syrians regardless of their origin/religion i want real government for syrians that will provide them decent future
It’s obvious that assad cannot lead syria in the future even if he manages to capture all of syria(impossible because his main backers have other priorities and certainly won’t waste resources for such complex military campaign)
I just wanted to point out how fellow arab states are literally digging the grave for other arab states by supporting certain ethnic separatism they think this will hurt Turkey or Iran but eventually the real victims are Syria and Iraq
Imagine how the situation would have been better for syrians if arabs from deir ez zor desert were allowed to cooperate with turkish-backed SNA but unfortunately they are told to work(forced by US and Saudi Arabia) with pkk terrorists
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