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Erdogan surrenders to Putin

* Erdogan bought useless S-400, lost valuable F-35 contract and all this for Sochi agreements with Putin.

* Putin broke Sochi agreements, captured territories and expelled 1.5 million people to tents.

* Capturing territories and expelling 1.5 mln people was not enough for Putin, he murdered over 50 Turkish soldiers just for fun. This finally forced Erdogan to react (he did not react when million people were expelled).

* Despite Turkish drones and F-16s showed total superiority over Russian and Assad junk tech Erdogan ordered to stop the operation and surrendered to Putin.

* Erdogan promised to take back all lands according to Sochi agreements. Instead he surrenders even more lands to Putin/Assad in new agreement (which Putin will break too).

Here is my analysis Israel destroyed Syria by funding isis and starting a civil war now they are trying to destroy turkey by trying to throw turkey in war with Russia. Erdogan is smart he will fight the real enemy and save him self from unwanted wars of privileges.
Here is my analysis Israel destroyed Syria by funding isis and starting a civil war now they are trying to destroy turkey by trying to throw turkey in war with Russia. Erdogan is smart he will fight the real enemy and save him self from unwanted wars of privileges.
Fight the real enemy such as hosting Israeli embassy?
Even the anka's engine and idea is sufficient and national Turkish engineering. This includes parts that are used to fly in the inner charm. I think you have compared with all of your collecting rubbish shaheed s with a rotax engine smuggled into your country.



This doctrine, which you are trying to underestimate, turned the ductile in your profile photo into a grill.

Wait are you telling an Iranian about underestimating Drone Doctrine? Have you seen Iranian drones? Have you seen Iranian stealth drones, Iranian EW against RQ-170, and shoot down of American, British, Israeli Drones including Global Hawk? Saudi Aramco Oil attack. Turkey has much to learn from Iran in the drone industry, not from attacking 3rd rate paramilitaries.
Wait are you telling an Iranian about underestimating Drone Doctrine? Have you seen Iranian drones? Have you seen Iranian stealth drones, Iranian EW against RQ-170, and shoot down of American, British, Israeli Drones including Global Hawk? Saudi Aramco Oil attack. Turkey has much to learn from Iran in the drone industry, not from attacking 3rd rate paramilitaries.

WOW. I mean you gave a fake altitude to the target with a simple GPS mixing. What a great technique, you have to teach Usa and us this. Try to hide the landing wheel better that you can't open next time.
The Arab league should just support Assad and rebuild Syria and its armed forces.

That would have been ideal if not for the Al-Assad regime being in power. They have done too much harm in Syria already and the regime holds the most blame (by far) for the state of Syria today. For such a thing to require Al-Assad should conquer all of Syria (unify the country), give amnesty to every Syrian that escaped abroad, undergo massive political and social reforms, halt the presence of foreign militaries and militia in Syria and cease all attacks on civilian areas.

As I don't see that happening anytime soon, I think it is fair to say that Syria will continue to be a battleground with local Syrians suffering the most while all the other actors are playing geopolitics on their dead bodies.
That would have been ideal if not for the Al-Assad regime being in power. They have done too much harm in Syria already and the regime holds the most blame (by far) for the state of Syria today. For such a thing to require Al-Assad should conquer all of Syria (unify the country), give amnesty to every Syrian that escaped abroad, undergo massive political and social reforms, halt the presence of foreign militaries and militia in Syria and cease all attacks on civilian areas.

As I don't see that happening anytime soon, I think it is fair to say that Syria will continue to be a battleground with local Syrians suffering the most while all the other actors are playing geopolitics on their dead bodies.
The sooner the people of the region realize they are getting played by external powers the better. It's a real shame what's happening.
The sooner the people of the region realize they are getting played by external powers the better. It's a real shame what's happening.

KSA and Iran (the foremost geopolitical powers in the region) need to make amends as neighbors and work for mutually beneficial solutions in the region.

If our regimes had cordial ties, every geopolitical fantasy of the people in power would have been accomplished and so much could have been accomplished for the common good of the region as well.

This region has massive potential and the most impressive ancient history anywhere else in the world but we keep shooting ourselves in the foot.

It is a shame because both Arabs and Iranians are pragmatic people (historically) with business acumen. So much potential for mixed cross-border startups to emerge but political will, common sense and bravery is lacking. Too much pride as well.
Here is my analysis Israel destroyed Syria by funding isis and starting a civil war now they are trying to destroy turkey by trying to throw turkey in war with Russia. Erdogan is smart he will fight the real enemy and save him self from unwanted wars of privileges.

You have a lot of cooked up 'analysis's' you do on this forum for sake of Iran and its allies, and each one unsurprisingly conforms to Iran's interests in the region.

In this case, since you are well known pro-regime and Iran and Shia militias, you are doing another one of your 'analysis' where we can easily decipher that you seek for Iran and regime to get everything they want in Syria and trying at same time to confuse Turks that you care about them or worry about their interests.

So you tell them there security concern is justified, and then cook up another false theory you think some Turks will fall for, that the world seeks to pit them against war with Russia and you are such a kind hearted person along with your regime and Iranian regime that you want to help Turkey, just by them withdrawing from Idlib and letting Assad dynasty continue to rule in Syria.

Then your regime you worship(Iranian regime) starts another quest somewhere else in region, such as Houthi's in Yemen, and after Houthi's take over large swarms of Yemen, you suddenly acknowledge Saudi's security needs, and that you will satisfy them with end to attacks as long as they accept your continued campaign of conquest.

Tomorrow we may see you guys begin new chapter by trying to conquer another country in region, then after 5-6 years of fitnah your generosity will show itself up again in which you will offer another great 'deal' with another one of your 'analysis's'.
It is no surprise that the puppet Arab kings' leashed dogs support terrorist Russians and his puppy Asad. This is what suits Abdullah bin Salul's grandchildren. As a Muslim, I hate all your puppet kings and Erdogan as well. May Allah destroy you all and this hopefully happens with the hands of Muslims.
It is no surprise that the puppet Arab kings' leashed dogs support terrorist Russians and his puppy Asad. This is what suits Abdullah bin Salul's grandchildren. As a Muslim, I hate all your puppet kings and Erdogan as well. May Allah destroy you all and this hopefully happens with the hands of Muslims.

Arab dictators(Haftar) and some like UAE are powerless and don't have real impact on ground. They just kiss the behind of some people to stroke their ego. They are shameful and will be dealt with, but we also need to deal with Iran and other foreign threats in region. Which is not going to happen if people don't seek to restore justice in the region and obey God. It's not a case of political objectives, it's serious time where shaytaans are taking over the region.

Btw it was funny reading Bhwarana tried to blame Russian strike on Turks on the powerless Arab kings. His masters commit the deed and go throw blame on their enemies to hit two birds with one stone.
KSA and Iran (the foremost geopolitical powers in the region) need to make amends as neighbors and work for mutually beneficial solutions in the region.

If our regimes had cordial ties, every geopolitical fantasy of the people in power would have been accomplished and so much could have been accomplished for the common good of the region as well.

This region has massive potential and the most impressive ancient history anywhere else in the world but we keep shooting ourselves in the foot.

It is a shame because both Arabs and Iranians are pragmatic people (historically) with business acumen. So much potential for mixed cross-border startups to emerge but political will, common sense and bravery is lacking. Too much pride as well.
While I agree with you, unfortunately with MBS being the de-facto decision maker in Saudi Arabia nowadays that seems highly unlikely.

The Middle East needs to unite against foreign powers but we are too busy trying to fight among ourselves. The tragedy in Syria would've never happened if Iran's regional rivals didn't want to topple the only Arab ally of Iran in the region.
@camelguy @Antaréss @Syrian Lion (only Syrian user that I recall on PDF) and the few other Arab users around (Syria is an internal Arab conflict with outsiders obviously involved but it remains an internal matter at its core and thus needs Syrian and Arab solutions to be truly solved - thus I am only interested in the opinions of fellow Arabs)

Most of us, as discussed many years ago, all agree that the Al-Assad regime is incompetent, brutal and as long as they will stay in power the underlining problems will remain the same and it will only be a question of time before another armed uprising emerges in case of no serious reforms taking place.

On the other hand there has not been a serious Syrian opposition for years with a genuinely achievable and realistic political project for Syria.

So at this point, almost 1 decade into the conflict, the best thing for Syria's long-term future (regardless of who "wins", I have been 100% sure of Al-Assad surviving years ago as soon as every Arab states pulled out and de facto recognized Al-Assad) is to keep Syria's territorial integrity intact. Whatever party wins in Syria, they should take all of Syria and end this conflict once and for all.

If Al-Assad is serious, he should be looking to make amends with all Arab countries as this will be his only solution to rebuild Syria as well as the return of the millions of Syrians now living in Arab countries.

However given the nature of the Al-Assad regime, the millions of Syrians who escaped will face a very hard time.

What a mess but this conflict is the perfect example of how much you can mess up your own nation and people (short-term and long-term future) just to keep your throne intact. Had the idiot (Bashar) done what Mubarak, Saleh, Ben Ali etc. did, Syria would not be the mess it is today.

There is no territorial integrity anywhere in the Middle East when any superpower and even regional powers can go ravage a nation and embark on campaigns of conquest. So it needs to be emphasized over and over again that Muslims need to take back the Middle East from foreigners and Islamic Land can't be ruled by foreigners, Islamically unqualified leaders and a munifaq Shaytan like the Iranian Supreme Leader.
KSA and Iran (the foremost geopolitical powers in the region) need to make amends as neighbors and work for mutually beneficial solutions in the region.

If our regimes had cordial ties, every geopolitical fantasy of the people in power would have been accomplished and so much could have been accomplished for the common good of the region as well.

This region has massive potential and the most impressive ancient history anywhere else in the world but we keep shooting ourselves in the foot.

It is a shame because both Arabs and Iranians are pragmatic people (historically) with business acumen. So much potential for mixed cross-border startups to emerge but political will, common sense and bravery is lacking. Too much pride as well.
Same thing happened with Saddam and Khomeini. Both got played by the US to destroy each other while the 2 hyena powers sell them weapons. Imagine a IranIraq alliance, how powerful it would be.

What a shame. All those life's lost for the greed of outsiders.
@BHarwana you should study russian-turkish history and make new analysis because the current one is not really connected to the reality on the ground
Turkey was forced into temporary (fake) alliance with russia due to west treacherous alliance with pkk terrorists but here’s another hint for you:the same pkk isn’t even recognized as terrorist organization by russia they have since 1992 “office” in moscow
In other news turks are enemies with russians the hate is still strong between them so a turkish-russian long term strategic alliance is nothing but a pipe dream promoted by people with lack of knowledge about the MENA/Caucus/Central asia/balkans region(s)
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