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Erdogan surrenders to Putin

This little half cocked adventure of turkey served no purpose at all. On top of loosing its own soldier then surrendering in such a fashion will have severe consequences for erdogan in future.
@BHarwana you should study russian-turkish history and make new analysis because the current one is not really connected to the reality on the ground
Turkey was forced into temporary (fake) alliance with russia due to west treacherous alliance with pkk terrorists but here’s another hint for you:the same pkk isn’t even recognized as terrorist organization by essence they have since 1992 “office” in moscow
In other news turksere enemies with russians the hate is still strong between them so a turkish-russian long term strategic alliance is nothing but a pipe dream promoted by people with lack of knowledge about the MENA/Caucus/Central asia/balkans region(s)

The guy is a pro-Iran fanatic and he successfully baited you into his cooked up analysis. All that matters to him is Assad clan continue to dominate Syria along with Iranians and Russians. Theories he will work on you guys will change depending on convenience.
While I agree with you, unfortunately with MBS being the de-facto decision maker in Saudi Arabia nowadays that seems highly unlikely.

The Middle East needs to unite against foreign powers but we are too busy trying to fight among ourselves. The tragedy in Syria would've never happened if Iran's regional rivals didn't want to topple the only Arab ally of Iran in the region.
MBS or whoever in charge in Saudi Arabia doesnt matter as long they are progressing. Look Saudi now, they are progressing rapidly and their citizens are living good.

While i agree that US influence on Saudi is present its much more worse on our side.
Whenever we kick the US or any other power out the region will pull back together automatically.
What did you expect. After losing 10% of all Turkish drones in inventory in a matter of 2 days in panic retreat suffering huge casualities they lost any clue what to do next.

BTW you look so butthurt like Jihadi Julian :lol:
Drone losses are nothing. Drones can easily be replaced.

Your argument is weak.
The guy is a pro-Iran fanatic and he successfully baited you into his cooked up analysis. All that matters to him is Assad clan continue to dominate Syria along with Iranians and Russians. Theories he will work on you guys will change depending on convenience.
I didn’t know that i had business with hezbollah retard... anyway i gave him nice advice not to talk about turkish-russian alliance because such thing is impossible turks and russians carry too much historical animosity and rivalry that any so called strategic cooperation is hopeless
While I agree with you, unfortunately with MBS being the de-facto decision maker in Saudi Arabia nowadays that seems highly unlikely.

The Middle East needs to unite against foreign powers but we are too busy trying to fight among ourselves. The tragedy in Syria would've never happened if Iran's regional rivals didn't want to topple the only Arab ally of Iran in the region.

I think this goes both ways. I don't see any changes from Iran's part as long as Khamenei is in power. MbS is merely a reaction to the status quo since 1979. I have always claimed that Iran, after toppling the Shah in 1979, instead of reaching out to its Arab neighbors and trying to find common solutions, was more busy trying to export the "Islamic Revolution".

A lot of it is due to internal Iranian politics as well. After the Shah was toppled (the most pro-US ruler in the region) the new regime (Mullah's) had to create an opposite political reality where everything Western was evil and bad and nations with cordial ties to the West, were automatically an enemy. Case in point the view of KSA/GCC from the Iranian Mullah's in power.

That and simple geopolitics and the fact that Iran is ruled by a theocracy that sees itself as the sole legitimate Islamic representative in the region and KSA until the reforms recently (ironically by MbS) was seen as the "Sunni equivalent" of Iran.

But in reality the proxy war/conflict is nonsense. Iran won't ever gain the upper hand in the Arab world, at most amongst fringe Shia Arab movements such as Hezbollah in tiny Southern Lebanon or Iraqi Shia militias allied to Tehran, and likewise KSA/Arabs have no territorial ambitions in Iran (KSA is bigger than Iran alone let alone the entire Arab world which is the size of Russia from the Atlantic to the Arabian Sea/Indian Ocean) so it is nothing more than a power struggle mixed with some imaginary fairytales of Arabs and Persians always being enemies (which was/is not the case at all - in fact for the fast majority of recorded history relations were normal).

I think this relationship (KSA-Iran) is the most misunderstood by both people in both KSA and Iran of any relationship. The countries are neighbors but the ignorance dominates the perceptions of both people. The more you dig into the ground realities, the more you realize the closeness and here I am not even talking about the Iranian Arabs.

A complicated matter much like Syria itself.
This little half cocked adventure of turkey served no purpose at all. On top of loosing its own soldier then surrendering in such a fashion will have severe consequences for erdogan in future.
What surrender? Are you really just basing your entire argument on a title?

I should remind people, twitter is not a good source for any sort of verifiable information.
This shit was already known from the beginning but we had some people here celebrating. Jew USA launches 800+ Tomahawk missiles during some of their invasions, and people here think some drones are going to turn the tide.
Let's review Erdogan's foreign policy accomplishments:
  • Alienated NATO allies
  • Alienated Gulf states
  • Alienated Russians
  • Alienated Syrians
  • Alienated Iran
  • Alienated India
  • Alienated China
Who's left?
Your bullet points are misleading at best, and misinformation at worst.

Don't assume turkey isn't doing what's in Turkey's best interest.

Arm chair generals are so annoying. @Irfan Baloch
There is no territorial integrity anywhere in the Middle East when any superpower and even regional powers can go ravage a nation and embark on campaigns of conquest. So it needs to be emphasized over and over again that Muslims need to take back the Middle East from foreigners and Islamic Land can't be ruled by foreigners, Islamically unqualified leaders and a munifaq Shaytan like the Iranian Supreme Leader.

Syria has turned into a foreign brothel due to the weakness of the Al-Assad regime. The question is now, will Syria survive as a country? Will regional opportunists try to annex it? Regardless of who you support, I as an Arab, cannot support the annexation of Arab lands by foreigners (potentially) and Palestinians of all people should be the first ones to support this simple principle. Not saying that you support such a thing, as I know that you don't.

If the Arab regimes in power (20 + countries, 500 + million people) were united and held each others back instead of conspiring against each other, none of this would have occurred and nobody would have dared to create a mess in any Arab country outside of world powers such as the US and potentially Russia and China and those too at an enormous cost making it unlikely.

As for the Syrian opposition, where are they nowadays? They died many years ago. 80% of Syria's population live under Al-Assad. Damascus is calm and has been for years. The only solution is a political one. Rest (long-term solution) requires what I wrote either enforced (militarily) or politically.

The Arab regimes failed in Syria like they failed elsewhere in the Arab world. Either they learn from this or they will end up getting toppled eventually as no sane Arab can be content about the situations in Yemen, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere. It is Arab regime weakness/incompetence that foreigners take advantage of. People who are more busy keeping their throne intact even at the expense of the future of the country they rule. Syria is a perfect example of this.

But as we did not know all this already.......the only good thing is that it will be a question of time when this changes for the better, not whether it does.
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Here is my analysis Israel destroyed Syria by funding isis and starting a civil war now they are trying to destroy turkey by trying to throw turkey in war with Russia. Erdogan is smart he will fight the real enemy and save him self from unwanted wars of privileges.
Your analysis sucks, pardon my french.

1) Here how Syria looked before ISIS intervention:


ISIS started fighting rebels and greatly helped Assad.

2) During 3 days when Turkish drones were slaughtering Assad forces Russians were hiding and doing absolutely nothing. Similarly they did not intervene when Americans slaughtered hundreds of Assad and Russian (!!!) troops during he Khasham battle in February 2018, similarly they did not intervene when Israel bombs Assad hundreds of times and shot down Assad planes. Russians will never start war with anyone because of loser Assad, not with little Israel, surely not with 85 mln Turkey.
Let's review Erdogan's foreign policy accomplishments:
  • Alienated NATO allies
  • Alienated Gulf states
  • Alienated Russians
  • Alienated Syrians
  • Alienated Iran
  • Alienated India
  • Alienated China
Who's left?
Alienated syrians??? Hahahahah
You mean assadists which constitute merely 10% of syrians
Alienated india??? There’s 5 bilion surplus for india if they want to retaliate the only loser would be india
Iran is literally dependent on Turkey for economy now due to corona virus they will be even more dependable
Regarding nato allies Spain UK and Hungary have excellent relations with Turkey
Syria has turned into a foreign brothel due to the weakness of the Al-Assad regime. The question is now, will Syria survive as a country? Will regional opportunists try to annex it? Regardless of who you support, I as an Arab, cannot support the annexation of Arab lands by foreigners (potentially) and Palestinians of all people should be the first ones to support this simple principle. Not saying that you support such a thing, as I know that you don't.

If the Arab regimes in power (20 + countries, 500 + million people) were united and held each other back instead of conspiring against each other, none of this would have occurred and nobody would have dared to create a mess in any Arab country outside of world powers such as the US and potentially Russia and China.

As for the Syrian opposition, where are they nowadays? They died many years ago. 80% of Syria's population live under Al-Assad. Damascus is calm and has been for years. The only solution is a political one. Rest (long-term solution) requires what I wrote either enforced (militarily) or politically.

Syrian opposition is dead but doesn't mean we go backwards again. Assad regime like many other regimes in region are weak and survive through brutal crackdown. In Iran and Iraq this is happening. Algeria and Tunisia went through transformations which shows change is necessary and not an option regardless of the cost.

Syria is under no threat of annexation by Turkey if this was what you're implying. I did not get that impression from them. It's moreso dominated by Iran and Russia, with Iran having toxic agenda across region.

So you need to stick to your principles even if we can't change anything now. Does not mean you change your mind or put up with the status quo in principle. But to speak like this regime is legitimate and even some(not you) in Arab League speak of paying for reconstruction of Syria to Irans benefit with no conditions is crazy talk. Iran and Assad didn't need to crackdown on Syrians protesting and their interests were not under threat. But they wanted minority to continue ruling Syria and that is an injustice to them.
Syria has turned into a foreign brothel due to the weakness of the Al-Assad regime. The question is now, will Syria survive as a country? Will regional opportunists try to annex it? Regardless of who you support, I as an Arab, cannot support the annexation of Arab lands by foreigners (potentially) and Palestinians of all people should be the first ones to support this simple principle. Not saying that you support such a thing, as I know that you don't.

If the Arab regimes in power (20 + countries, 500 + million people) were united and held each others back instead of conspiring against each other, none of this would have occurred and nobody would have dared to create a mess in any Arab country outside of world powers such as the US and potentially Russia and China and those too at an enormous cost making it unlikely.

As for the Syrian opposition, where are they nowadays? They died many years ago. 80% of Syria's population live under Al-Assad. Damascus is calm and has been for years. The only solution is a political one. Rest (long-term solution) requires what I wrote either enforced (militarily) or politically.

The Arab regimes failed in Syria like they failed elsewhere in the Arab world. Either they learn from this or they will end up getting toppled eventually as no sane Arab can be content about the situations in Yemen, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere.
Bro maybe you don’t want syria to be annexed by her neighbors but egypt a fellow arab state is literally receiving pkk terror group which happen to be also separatists
Actually Turkey’s military intervention is the only reason why Syria continues to be in one piece at least on paper
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