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Eleven Dead After Mob With Axes Attack Chinese Police Station


Jul 12, 2011
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Antigua And Barbuda
Nine axe-wielding assailants were shot dead during an attack on a police station in China's restive Xinjiang province, state media reported on Saturday.

The attackers killed two auxiliary police officers before they were themselves gunned down, according to the Xinhua news agency.

The assault took place around 5:30 pm (0930 GMT) in the Serikbuya Township of Bachu County in Kashgar Prefecture.

Quoting police, Xinhua said the attackers armed themselves with knives and axes and that two police officers were also injured alongside the two that were killed. The agency gave no further details.

The assault comes at a time of heightened tension within Xinjiang following a fiery attack in Beijing's Tiananmen Square last month which the government blamed on "terrorists" from the province backed by international Islamist militants.

Xinjiang - a vast, resource rich province that makes up much of China's western flank - has been the scene of several violent clashes, the most recent of which left dozens dead in April, June and August this year.

Ethnic Uighurs, a mainly Muslim minority who make up a majority in Xinjiang, routinely complain of rights abuses against them by the authorities.

In the most recent incident, three Xinjiang Uighurs drove their car loaded with petrol canisters into the gate of the Forbidden City in an attack on 28 October that left two dead, besides the three people in the car, and 40 injured, according to Chinese police.

Beijing blamed the attack on Uighur separatists backed by the violent Islamist militant East Turkestan Islamic Movement.

The authorities have, however, not provided any evidence to support this assertion, which has raised doubts among experts given the amateurish nature of the attack and the lack of an established Islamic extremist foothold in China.

Chinese state-run media have reported periodic bouts of violence in Xinjiang which Beijing often describes as "terrorist attacks".

One such incident in June left 35 people dead, and 139 people have been arrested in recent months for spreading jihadist ideology.

But Uighur organisations in Xinjiang dismiss claims of terrorism and separatism as an excuse by Beijing to justify religious and security restrictions.

Nine shot dead in police station attack in China: Xinhua | NDTV.com
the timings of these incidents in Xinjiang i find it very suspicious. It's obvious that foreign intelligence agencies can partly be attributed in orchestrating these attacks through their local proxies.

Pakistan arranged to send a delegation of respected Islamic scholars to China in late 2008 and that helped calm things down in a peaceful fashion....but it seems that again, some kind of untoward incidents are taking place. It's dangerous because there are groups along the tribal belt along afghan border, there are other movements like the so-called "Islamic" Movement of Uzbekistan and TTP - which have tried establishing links with militant Uyghur groups. It's alarming because it concerns Pakistan too and compels us to be a part of the solution.

it will require a mix of fair political solutions (between Han and Uyghur) as well as beefed up security arrangements in which local police forces and intelligence receive more resources to weed out criminal or extremist enterprises

certain social issues and increased investment in those areas will also have to be addressed so that the militant elements will not have tools and reasons for recruitment
China police station attack leaves 11 dead

BBC News - China police station attack leaves 11 dead


Xinhua news agency reports that two auxiliary police officers died in Saturday's clashes in Bachu county's Serikbuya, near the city of Kashgar.

Another two policemen were injured. Xinhua provided no further details.

Xinjiang - where Muslim Uighurs make up a large part of the population - has seen several clashes this year.

Last month, five people died when a car ploughed into a crowd in Beijing's Tiananmen Square - an attack the authorities blamed on the separatist East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM).

China often blames the ETIM for incidents in Xinjiang. But the BBC correspondent in Beijing says few believe that the group has any capacity to carry out any serious acts of terror in China.

Uighur groups claim China uses ETIM as an excuse to justify repressive security in Xinjiang.

There are nine million Uighurs living in the province, but they are now a minority in the region, which is now dominated politically and economically by Han Chinese.

There were violent clashes in Xinjiang in April, June and August this year.
The Chinese infiltration has begun.

what has made you think there is infiltration? 
Nine terrorists and two officers getting killed is crap for you ?
Is that china's way of fighting terrorists ?

Our law enforcement people are definitely more capable than the incapable indians!
All of the cultprits are either killed by themselves, by our police or apprehended within a very short time.
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It will be interesting to see how China deals with these religious obscurantists in the coming decades as the sphere of radicalism slowly tilting towards East.
One time attack, I said before that, terrorists in China only have one time to do something, then will be killed or be arrested. Nothing with religion, since auxiliary police officers are also Uighurs, terrorists are terrorists, no one likes them
One time attack, I said before that, terrorists in China only have one time to do something, then will be killed or be arrested. Nothing with religion, since auxiliary police officers are also Uighurs, terrorists are terrorists, no one likes them
true. these fanatics should be killed. China have strong laws unlike India.
a simple incident in india is discussed to death....but a terrorist attack (which is not common in china) is posted......y you guys start bashing india??
is it something like you hate us??
a terrorist attack killed 9 that too in china!!..but no we want to bash india? how could an indian post this? duh!!

@Topic: RIP to dead and officers
hope terrorists go to hell

(if u still r in a mood to reply me by bashing india...then shame on you)
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Stop these crap or I will go for Maoist in India.

This was a recent news
Shared by OP
Don't attack the messenger man

All sane minded Indians abhor death
& sorry if OP's thread hurt your Fealings
those police officers were uighurs just like the other previous attacks. those morons killing their own people.
I support CHina in finishing the islamic terror from xinjiang and we will eradicate terrorism from Kashmir and Pakistan will eradicate terror from its tribal areas.

lets make Asia a terror free region and start the path towards development....
those police officers were uighurs just like the other previous attacks. those morons killing their own people.

Not only their own people, but also Mongolian, Kazakh and other ethnics,
yet some brainless westerners are supporting these terrorists. 
This was a recent news
Shared by OP
Don't attack the messenger man

All sane minded Indians abhor death
& sorry if OP's thread hurt your Fealings

Are you trying to make every of your comments poems?
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