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Eleven Dead After Mob With Axes Attack Chinese Police Station

How come they still don't have AK's? Axing seems very inconvenient when the other side has guns.

Umma brethren can't provide them AKs, due to the fear of big brother of Umma aka China!!! and now days most AKs are pirated copies made in China and distributed by China to Umma Brethren, How come they go in to the hands of Uighurs??

Terrorists are terrorists regardless of religion.

That too I am hearing first time from you, brother!!!! Never mind.....Today is a knowledgeable day for me!!!
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Why don't you sob terrorist come??? Let's see whose axx is sent to hell. You fxxking terrorist will die with your uighur terrorists together.
I am back. he he he. I will reply you with your own words.

Why don't you sob terrorist come??? Let's see whose axx is sent to hell. You fxxking terrorist will die with your uighur terrorists together.
China has every right to stop the terrorist in their country. Uighurs are much better off by being part of China and developing like the other Ethnic Groups in China. They should follow the example of Hui Muslims of China who are highly patriotic and are fully engaged in development of China.
China has every right to stop the terrorist in their country. Uighurs are much better off by being part of China and developing like the other Ethnic Groups in China. They should follow the example of Hui Muslims of China who are highly patriotic and are fully engaged in development of China.

These terrorists are killing other Uighurs and Hui Muslims, these guys are using the name of Allah for their own agenda.
Please provide ample proof Chinese are "butchering" Muslims as you so want to call it. I repeat again "BUTCHERING".

So, If Xinjiang is Chinese province, China has every right to butcher Muslims?? This is what you call Apple & Orange??
So, If Xinjiang is Chinese province, China has every right to butcher Muslims?? This is what you call Apple & Orange??
One, we were there first before Islam ever came into this world. Second, Muslim population more than tripled since the founding of PRC in 1949. What kind of "butchering" triples the population of a targeted group? The numbers say you are a lying scumbag.

Yes!!!!! When many innocent! Muslims (Not common Muslim, Only innocent Muslims) do in many countries (mine too), our neighboring Umma brethren 'Gazis' makes a lot of noise!!!
Well if you walk around with axes and attack police stations, you deserve to die for stupidity alone. Your Wahabist scums are the biggest source of terrorism in the world.

YES, I am an anti-brethren terrorist!!!!!!!

Hahahaha.....what a loser!!!!! If Attacking police in Kashmir supported by your loving 'Poulit Buero' is right, then attck by your '*** Uighurs' is also cent-percent right...my super power whining brother.
How do you feel now that 9 of your fellow Wahabists are dead?
He is neither a Wahabist, nor a Muslim. He is just an Indian troll having fun.
What is with these Uighur terrorists. China should start imposing martial law in Xianjing, and publicly execute anyone working with the filthy East Turkestan Movement. Them and their "Holy War" BS.
How are they a terrorists, they fight for their land, Hans are terrorist in Uighur. Dont copy USA calling everybody a terrorists.
How are they a terrorists, they fight for their land, Hans are terrorist in Uighur. Dont copy USA calling everybody a terrorists.

They don't fight for the land which belongs to Mongolian, Kaxah, Uighur, Han, Hun and other Chinese ethnics, they are frighting for a land belongs to Uighur only which is never existed. Besides they even kill they own people and other Chinese ethnics randomly.
They don't fight for the land which belongs to Mongolian, Kaxah, Uighur, Han, Hun and other Chinese ethnics, they are frighting for a land belongs to Uighur only which is never existed. Besides they even kill they own people and other Chinese ethnics randomly.
I will take your words for now
How are they a terrorists, they fight for their land, Hans are terrorist in Uighur. Dont copy USA calling everybody a terrorists.
Han settled there more than 2000 years ago, and the Uyghurs did not arrive until 8th century. They are outsider to the land, not us. Learn some history before you talk. In addition, the area also has Mongols, Kazaks, Tajiks and Uzbeks. To call it a "homeland" for Uyghurs is an insult to other ethnic groups that have also lived there for hundreds of years. Most of the people these scums kill are their own ethnicity.
What an idiot. :rofl:

Everyone know that I want those fxxking uighur terrorists to be killed. :)

Well, I have no interest arguing with a stupid terrorist sympathizer here. My beloved China will keep hunting down those uighur terrorists like dogs. We will burn them, kill them, bomb them or whatever ways we can get rid of them.

We will hunt down whoever are behind them as well. We will never stop that.

Hahahahaha.....do you have capability to risk deteriorating your relationship with 'Umma'. Big questions is, do you have oil??
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