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Egypt expels Turkish ambassador

Turkey has just expelled the Egyptian ambassador
Bro before i carry on i would clearly like to state that i consider arabs, turks & persians etc as brothers however i would like to refute a few of your points.

Firstly the notion that you are portraying as arabs controlling vast areas of arabia, africa, south asia, europe etc by being ARABS is completely wrong.

Who were the arabs before the dawn of Islam? Nobodies
What did land did they control before Islam? Not much.

The correct notion is that Islam controlled the vast caliphates, although the vast majority of the initial caliphates were ARAB they didn't get these lands through their heritage but their faith. Most nations under the caliphates willingly accepted Islam and Islamic rule/ Not Arabism and Arab rule.

The true Arabs spread Islam, NOT like the majority of you spreading Nationalism as it is now. Please follow the following link of Islams view on nationalism:

The Prohibition of Nationalism i

The Ottomans were the rightful successors, they probably ruled with more justice and dignity than your so called just leaders of today who are merely western puppets.

True that Allah has bestowed great resources for the Ummah, but you arabs (here i mean your leaders) see at just yours and no one elses. Your commercialising religion (i..e. clock tower, malls in Makkah), causing disunity (i.e. spreading terrorism etc).

You talk of the 500 million arabs muslims, well i would like to tell you that in the world there are more non-arab muslims than arab muslims and inshallah inevitably the banner of the caliphate will be raised once again. Perhaps by the descendants of the ottomans.

You state Turkey shouldn't meddle in Egyptian affairs but the same could be said for all the other arab states.

Turkey and Erdogans voice is one of unity, brotherhood and development together as PARTNERS and not puppets.

If this happens the arab populace will realise their true potential but your leaders want to keep their golden chairs more than to feed the poor child.
You have to read about ancient Arab history prior to Islam since you seem very ignored about it. Start with the ancient history of Yemen - one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Or start with Semitic history which Arabs are a part of. Probably the most impressive history of all peoples and among the very oldest.

Not interested in the rest since I did not even read it. Other than the first false point I just noticed. I already made my point for all to see which is rational. I suggest you read it again.

Let us Arabs deal with our own INTERNAL issues. Internal issues is one thing.

Islam a completely different thing. Not sure why this can be so hard to understand.

Most of your compatriots here are in agreement anyway since they are constantly crying about external influences in Pakistan be it supposed Arab, Iranian, Indian, American etc. influence.

I am not promoting nationalism but just stating facts and replying in the same manner as the Turkish nationalist and clown Atawolf did while provoking 500 million Arabs in the process and being devoid of historical knowledge.

And this forum is a nationalist forum intended for a mainly Pakistani public. Very much nationalistic in its essence.

No it's not retard. When there is a block whose all countries agree on being so, you can't say otherwise. This block is Arab world. However, if you're willing to interfere in one country go ahead,but don't cry when other countries punish you.

There is a difference between following mutual interests and intervention in other's business.

Some people don't seem to understand this simple thing and mix it up with Islam. The funny thing is that those same people would probably cry if outsiders, be it non-Muslim or Muslims playing the Islam card would do the same. Not worthy spending more time on that 7abibi.
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Now people should understand why Ataturk said: "look west".. My opinion is that we should focus on Turkic countries, Europe and Russia.

I mean, yes Turks and Arabs share same religion but we are so different in terms of loyality, leadership, notion of state and nationhood and brothership.

Arab region won't change in the next 100 years. If not it will get worse when oil runs out, monarchy's will get toppled and chaos will brake out in the whole Arab region when the oil is out. Turkey shouldn't be trapped between that when that period of mayham brakes out.

After that period and when the flames have burned out. Then will be the time to roll in and raze through the region like a hot knife through butter. Arab region only has been ruled with an iron hand. Concepts like democracy is foreign in Arab region. Only when a strong regional government like the Ottomans that region will prosper. But it is too early in the game for this. When the oil runs out. The region will be in flames.
Do you realize that the main reason people rose against former president Morsi is due to him not respecting democracy, and separation of power. Erdogan came to Egypt right after Mubarak was toppled and advised us to adopt a secular state, but not he is supporting a a group that wants to form a religious state.
Do you realize that the main reason people rose against former president Morsi is due to him not respecting democracy, and separation of power. Erdogan came to Egypt right after Mubarak was toppled and advised us to adopt a secular state, but not he is supporting a a group that wants to form a religious state.
I know but most important thing is that Egypt grows economically. If a coup happens and chaos interupts everybody in Egypt will loose. The people who are in power are not much better than Morsi.
Man at some point you have to take a stand against scum bags how much longer must Muslim countries be ruled by useless monarchs and dictators and military strong men

These muppets have only their own interests in mind the selfish scum bags can't transform their countries and are like Devils on our shoulders

No enough of Sisi and Assad and kings dictators

Change brings chaos democracy will bring chaos because the new politicians won't know how to run the new countries but the turmoil is essential for a work political order to emerge

The longer kaffirs like Sisi exist the longer we stay behind
As long as some people view their fellow citizens Kaffirs who should be killed just like you, don't expect anybody to care when they is being annihilated by security forces. We are happy about it.
At some point i agree that we should just mind our own business..But in this part of the world, its almost impossible..Turkey, Iran, KSA, we both dont have "easygoing" neighbours such as Belgium or Luxemburg..Every country at some point follows its own interests be it Turkey, Iran or KSA...Now i really dont know whats the deal with Morsi and Erdogan, and whats Turkey`s interest there but this whole "internal affairs" subject remains in the grey zone to me...Anyhow, hope this situation comes to an end soon

I know but most important thing is that Egypt grows economically. If a coup happens and chaos interupts everybody in Egypt will loose. The people who are in power are not much better than Morsi.[/quote]
Egypt was never gonna grow economically when the people in power were trying to spread hate, lawles, and trying to destroy the principles of democracy, acceptance, and human rights. A constitution that respects and protects human rights is the essence for a secure, stable state an that would lead to and economic growth. It is not good now, but its better than when Morsi was in power and it will get even better when a Constitution is ratified.


we have the right to support a democratically elected president and its people that is 50% of Egypt, how can you say meddling in internal affairs when some other countries support coup you should first condemn these before giving advice to Turks.

Btw, my proud, honourable Arab friend, Egyptians are not just pure blood Arabs they speak Arabic but many of them are mixed and have Turkic blood aswell..
You didn't try to support democracy when an elected president gave himself God like powers, suspended courts, and ordered his followers to surround the supreme court and not let the judges in. You want to support democracy, support it all the way, don't pick and choose!!
No it's not retard. When there is a block whose all countries agree on being so, you can't say otherwise. This block is Arab world. However, if you're willing to interfere in one country go ahead,but don't cry when other countries punish you.

There is a difference between following mutual interests and intervention in other's business.

mr ResurgenIran thank you i agree with you.

Turkey is also part of the block thats called arab world but according to mr al-Hasani and his likes we are not! just because Turks are not Arab thats what he said.

When it comes to certain countries there are no arab world/interest/internal affairs.

You use religion when expanding your own influence and you use racial/etnicity when defend yourself from outside influence. Very nice strategy my Arab brothers :)
Ofcourse 50% is not accurate doesnt matter when they got the most votes which is 30% that's still the most votes.


Taking numbers more formal... Ok ! ^^

Egyptian presidential election, 2012

Results 16–17 June 2012

2nd round

Registered voters : 50,958,794 Votes

Mohamed Morsi : 13,230,131 Votes

Ahmed Shafik : 12,347,380 Votes

Abstentions : 24,538,031 Votes

12,347,380 Votes + 24,538,031 Votes = 36,885,411 Votes / 50,958,794 Votes did not want Morsi (With his Wonderful Muslim Brotherhood)

lol lol lol in fact

You have to read about ancient Arab history prior to Islam since you seem very ignored about it. Start with the ancient history of Yemen - one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Or start with Semitic history which Arabs are a part of. Probably the most impressive history of all peoples and among the very oldest.

Not interested in the rest since I did not even read it. Other than the first false point I just noticed. I already made my point for all to see which is rational. I suggest you read it again.

Let us Arabs deal with our own INTERNAL issues. Internal issues is one thing.

Islam a completely different thing. Not sure why this can be so hard to understand.

Most of your compatriots here are in agreement anyway since they are constantly crying about external influences in Pakistan be it supposed Arab, Iranian, Indian, American etc. influence.

I am not promoting nationalism but just stating facts and replying in the same manner as the Turkish nationalist and clown Atawolf did while provoking 500 million Arabs in the process and being devoid of historical knowledge.

And this forum is a nationalist forum intended for a mainly Pakistani public. Very much nationalistic in its essence.

Some people don't seem to understand this simple thing and mix it up with Islam. The funny thing is that those same people would probably cry if outsiders, be it non-Muslim or Muslims playing the Islam card would do the same. Not worthy spending more time on that 7abibi.

So what if Yemen had one of the oldest civiliaations in the world. My ancestors may been part of the Indus Valley Civilisation that doesn't make me special. Can all arabs then trace their lineage to Yemen? I don't think so.

Firstly you try to portray Islamic history as solely Arab history and now you're also trying to portray Semitic history as Arab history.

Let Arabs deal with their own INTERNAL problems? Most nations would IF the arabs didn't interfere in others affairs.

Why is Islam a completely different thing? You showed images of ISLAMIC CALIPHATES as Arab Empires, i just corrected you. If Islam is completely different then don't show Islamic empires.

I don't care what atawolf said, i merely showed you my viewpoint with backing.

The forum may be nationalistic, however it is for a worldwide audience. I for one would not hesitate in identifying myself as a muslim first, all other identities come second. For a calipahte i would renounce any nationalism without any questions.

You keep contradicting yourself, on one hand Islam has nothing to do with it and then everything.

Taking numbers more formal... Ok ! ^^

Egyptian presidential election, 2012

Results 16–17 June 2012

2nd round

Registered voters : 50,958,794 Votes

Mohamed Morsi : 13,230,131 Votes

Ahmed Shafik : 12,347,380 Votes

Abstentions : 24,538,031 Votes

12,347,380 Votes + 24,538,031 Votes = 36,885,411 Votes / 50,958,794 Votes did not want Morsi (With his Wonderful Muslim Brotherhood)

lol lol lol in fact

You also have to put in mind that Morsi received only 5 million votes in the first round. People were forced to vote for him because they didn't want a member of the old regime back in power. The same people who voted him in are the same people who got rid of him.

Taking numbers more formal... Ok ! ^^

Egyptian presidential election, 2012

Results 16–17 June 2012

2nd round

Registered voters : 50,958,794 Votes

Mohamed Morsi : 13,230,131 Votes

Ahmed Shafik : 12,347,380 Votes

Abstentions : 24,538,031 Votes

12,347,380 Votes + 24,538,031 Votes = 36,885,411 Votes / 50,958,794 Votes did not want Morsi (With his Wonderful Muslim Brotherhood)

lol lol lol in fact


24,538,031 doesn't count for sh11t. If they didn't want Morsi they shouldn't have abstained and voted for someone else.

24,538,031 = we don't care who wins or loses.

Taking numbers more formal... Ok ! ^^

Egyptian presidential election, 2012

Results 16–17 June 2012

2nd round

Registered voters : 50,958,794 Votes

Mohamed Morsi : 13,230,131 Votes

Ahmed Shafik : 12,347,380 Votes

Abstentions : 24,538,031 Votes

12,347,380 Votes + 24,538,031 Votes = 36,885,411 Votes / 50,958,794 Votes did not want Morsi (With his Wonderful Muslim Brotherhood)

lol lol lol in fact


Have Morsi got most of votes yes or no?

just answer the question if not why he become president?

Let me make it more clear then, brother since I can see that your intentions are good.

All of those Caliphates were Muslim. After all Caliph is a Islamic title. I just countered that Atatwolf user by stating some widely known historical facts. See my post number 29 and the ones afterwards. The caliphates I mentioned were caliphates ruled by Arab Muslims. Why did I mention an ethnic group? Well, due to the posts of Atatwolf as I already told you.

There is no difference between people in Islam and we all know that.

No, I am telling you that INTERNAL issues among Arabs should and can BEST be dealt with by us Arabs. Those internal issues have in most cases nothing to do with Islam so you cannot use the Islam card here.

I might be your Muslim brother but I have no right to meddle in your family life, in the decisions of your city, civil community or country simply because I am not part of those areas in your life. Do we understand each other now?

I am nowhere putting nationalism above Islam or saying anything like that. Please show me where I did that.

And it is not like Turks are not nationalists themselves. If you accuse Arabs of being that.

I am afraid that this discussion of ours is not about the topic. Take it to the off-topic thread on this forum and I will gladly reply to your reply although I am watching football right now (FC Barcelona vs Granada).

Lastly we as Arabs, whether Muslim or not, will not tolerate negative interference by outsiders. History has shown this for the whole world to see again and again. I am sure most other people would not like that. In fact I can't think of one people who would.
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