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CPN-Maoist bans Hindi films, Indian vehicles in 10 districts

grey boy 2

Jul 23, 2009
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United States
CPN-Maoist bans Hindi films, Indian vehicles in 10 districts - Indian Express Sep 26 2012

CPN-Maoist, the breakaway faction of Nepal's ruling Maoists, has issued a warning against screening of Hindi films and operation of vehicles bearing Indian number plates in 10 districts, saying that anybody defying its ban will face consequences.


The party imposed the ban in the districts under the Tamsaling Ethnic State Committee, including Chitwan, Makwanpur, Dhading and Kavre, claiming that the move was aimed at protecting national sovereignty.

Senior CPN-Maoist leader Dev Gurung said the party has banned the screening of Hindi movies and broadcast of Hindi songs in these districts in an attempt to promote Nepali films and songs.

He said the ban on operation of vehicles with Indian number plates has also been imposed as a large number of such vehicles are found transporting agriculture goods from India, which has resulted in the domestic produce losing out the market in the country.

The party has warned that anybody defying the ban will face consequences.

Following the CPN-Maoist's ban order, different broadcast media based in Chitwan and Makawanpur have stopped playing Hindi songs.

Meanwhile, a delegation comprising representatives from the broadcast media based in the districts have urged the CPN-Maoist Chitwan District committee to withdraw the ban.
How can party dictate rules?isn't it govt's job..?Threatening consequences for things like screening films sounds downright barbaric..
These ret*rds aim to apparently protect national sovereignty, and call themselves Maoists :rofl: Oh the Irony...
These guys are anti democratic and pro chinese forces.
Nepal finally took steps to safeguard its sovereignty from indian economic and cultural aggression. Hope Nepalese action follow other areas as well.
These Maosit thugs don't know about the deep rooted cultural and historical ties between India and Nepal. People in Nepal are fed up of these thugs if my relatives there are to be believed. Not long before the people start chasing them away.
Maoism is the worst calamity to have happened to Nepal. Hope these bunch realise it before it is too late.
Arakan - BD - Nepal - China is a wall to squeeze the Brahmonic oligarchy of Delhi from the East. The Western prong of this nut-cracker is already in place.

These Maoists are really stupid. We Chinese Maoists are thirsty for Hindi films and Indian vehicles.
seems like we have to go in to set things right.
Banning Indian number plate holding vehicles is okay and fair.

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